Who are the downvoters?

Who are the downvoters?

me and my cousins

my wife's son and his boyfriend

People who want an updated Modern Warfare 1 but don't want the newest game.

How desperate are they for pre-orders if they have to release another full game alongside their new game? It's pathetic. They know the new game will sell, why do they have to take pre-order bonuses to such an extreme?

It's not a preorder bonus isn't it? I thought the legacy edition wasn't limited to preorders.

Reddit fedoras and normie white trash kids.

whose boyfriend? are you a cuck or your son is a faggot?

Me. I am the downvoters.

Futureshit is literally trash tier. Nobody asked for it, not even the dudebro normies.

I'm going to Battlefield 1.

People who thought that down voting thing with Ghost Busters was funny and now are desperate to recreate that feeling of being relevant. Internet is stupid like that. It's essentially a new form of "meme's".

Even still, the rating is a bit too extreme desu. There are people out there who would like future cod.

people wanting modern settings back
people wanting to buy MW1 on its own
people jumping on the hate bandwagon

We all know how "campaigns" against CoD features turn out

People that want to play a not ded version of CoD4 without shelling out $100 for a special edition of Shitfinite Warfare

Facebook normies mad about the use of a David Bowie cover when he just died

You have to buy the $80 version of the game.


They are using reverse psychology and it's working.

If the video had a bunch of likes no one would care since it would be just another 9/10 COD lmao, but this way it generates more attention because of the negative response from the "fans".

Well unless his wife was a FtM transsexual I think it's safe to assume the son is the flameo.

The same people who will pre order Battlefield 1's ultra collectible dick suck edition most likely.

Both games will probably make a profit.

both, he is a cuck and his son is a faggot

Got the image of said campaign? I used to have it.

You can buy the legacy edition after the release, no?

Fuck your wife's son's boyfriend.

Nice meme, sure haven't seen this joke ten thousand times already.