Things that only exist in video games

Pic related: That magazine wouldn't work in real life. The gun would have to literally suck bullets through the trigger towards the barrel. Still a good COD game though.

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Brushing your teeth. Never met someone that's done it. Only seen it in movies.

PP Bizon exists in real life

epic b8 m8

How does it work?

Literally like every other gas operated rifle.

The ONLY difference is a cylindrical magazine.

I honestly cant tell if you're pretending to be retarded or not.

explain this

It's stupid to mount it like that though. Why not just go clipgrip like most machineguns?


I was suspicious that you were trying to bait /k/ autists like me

But now I know for sure

To be fair, that term is made up. I like the sound of it, but pic related is how I mean. Use the clip as a grip.

Shall not be bamboozled


> clip

Kinda like a revolver then? As in, the bullets revolve and fly into the chamber? It's neat, but I don't see the point.

How do you reload these?

The point is having 64 rounds in a compact magazine. And no, it's not like a revolver at all...

Rocket jumping.

In real life, not only would you be dead, but you would barely even have a corpse.

there's a spring you have to twist

when it's fully wound up, you lock the spring back and put the rounds in

then you put the magazine in the gun and release the tension of the spring, which forces the bullets into the gun

Silencers in games are silent.
Silencers and suppressors in real life are still very very loud and noticeable. Even with subsonic ammo.

Hitman definitely wouldn't be able to go unnoticed with his silenced silver ballers



Double jump is the first thing that comes to mind; some games try to justify it by having energy platforms being created in-between jumps or by having it as a wall jump, but the vast majority just rolls with it as if it's natural.

Hold more bullets abs take up less space

people rolling effectively

throwing yourself at the ground looks painful and tiring

>silenced barret in MW3 gave me cancer

There is also calico.

hey OP can you come over to my house so i can fucking shoot you and claim self defense please

What's your address, mate?