>World War I >soldiers are walking around their trenches standing straight-up with their heads poking out >main character is a female Muslim on a horse who uses swords >planes move like modern jets do >men carry machine guns around with them to shoot from the hip >gas masks don't have manually-pumped ventilators, can be put on in less than a second, and completely stop the effects of all gasses >both sides just charge through No Man's Land to engage each other >tanks are efficient and fast
Why do they even pretend this is World War I? Why not just say it has a WWI aesthetic but is a completely fictional war?
Andrew Watson
It's a fucking video game.
Kayden Garcia
First post best post
Luke Brown
Chase Brown
you might have walked into a room just now that was not your intended destination
Brandon Lewis
Anthony Miller
are you even trying anymore
Andrew Green
What a shame
Daniel Allen
They're not pretending it's WW1, but having it be 100% realistic is retarded. Do you know how fucking boring a realistic WW1 Battlefield would actually be? Your guns would be jamming every other shot, jeeps would be lucky to break 30 MPH, tanks would be breaking down left and right, and aerial dog fights would probably end with two or three casualties tops, until they started to run out of fuel and disengaged to book it back to where they could refuel for the next flight.
It would be fucking BORING, and no-one would buy it.
Colton Sanders
It doesn't even have a WW1 asthetic, it just looks like a modern hollywood alt history movie
William Jones
Exactly. Which is why they should have either A) admitted to the pure goddamn fiction of it all, or B) picked a different fucking war.
There's a lot of 'em, ya know.
Noah Martin
>they HAD to choose a different war >its the rules! >THE RULES!
Chase Watson
realism is much to video gamey
John Williams
Hudson Miller
>but having it be 100% realistic is retarded This is honestly the worst strawman I see posted around here. Every single time a military shooter is brought up. Every. Single. Goddamn. Time.
Mason Wright
pretty much >lol what your simulating what it would be like to race a car? disgusting >meanwhile ill simulate how im a 3 foot dwarf in a world of 7 foot tall babes. >ffsomenumber, true art
Ryder Sanders
Not everyone enjoys boring-ass simulators, fuck off.
Nolan Phillips
you can greentext like that for every single battlefield game ever made.
battlefield jets in the current games fly at 90mph despite being supersonic jets
Wyatt Jones
>I'll throw another strawman at him
Evan Carter
Not him, a realistic WWI shooter could be fun, but that's not a strawman, retard.
Austin Fisher
Add infantry sitting a trench for months with front line moving and you'll get a complete picture. Exactly why we don't see many WWI games around.
Jace Campbell
What strawman you mouthbreather? Simulators are a different type of game, one which is painfully boring to a lot of people, deal with it.
make a game about the sappers and tunnelers. i wanna fight in the dark in cramped spaces and lay shit tons of mines under no mans land in belgium and when it detonates the explosion can be heard in london.
Brandon Perry
Verdun is a fun game that balances realism and game fairly well, yet BF can't even be bothered to try something new.
Ryan Martinez
>Admitted to the pure goddamn fiction of it all
Show me where Battlefield has stated its a gritty realistic war simulation. Ever.
Dylan Cook
Speaking of WWI games, is that Ubisoft sidescroller any good?
Charles James
>It has to be a boring simulator or a retarded piece of shit with no semblance to reality >there is no inbetween
Cooper Wright
So, you want to play a boring simulator like ARMA, but set in WWI?
Andrew Gonzalez
>caricaturizing the idea "minimum of real elements" as "100% realistic boring ass simulator" >not a strawman
Go back to school, retard.
Noah Bell
Go play Verdun, RO2 and ARMA, its clearly what you want OP. Stop being mad at Batttlefield doing what its doing for literally years
Austin Collins
Fucking this man. Goddamn. Going by this logic, Advanced Warfare shouldn't have ever existed because exo suits dont exist as of yet, being fiction, so they should have developed a different game because "Muh rules!"
Goddamn you if you fucking care about realism in a Battlefield game, you're a fucking cancerous manchild if you complain about a sped-up, bearable WWI game.
Jaxon Morgan
It's part of Ubisoft's "we also make generic artsy feel-good indieshit, so we can't possibly be a heartless corporation" collection.
Justin Long
Dice will be hanged on the day of the rope
Chase Campbell
This is your answer samefag
Joshua Flores
m8 there are racing games and there are racing simulators, go play a ww1 Arma mod
Jacob Walker
It does have a minimum of real elements sperg. Your minimum is not the same as their minimum.
Jaxon Barnes
Literally every Battlefield game is an extremely exaggerated version of war anyway. There is no war that's ever looked even remotely like what you see in video games. 99.99999% of the time you're sitting at a base doing nothing. WWII was mostly just marching, and actual battles were just hiding in cover.
It's a fucking action multiplayer shooter, none of them have ever purported to be realistic in any way.
Tyler Taylor
So, in no case we are dealing with a "100% boring ass simulator". Thanks for proving my point, idiot.
I wonder what kind of minimum elements a retard like you would consider fine. Something like "It has humans with weapons" and the cover says WWI probably.
Parker Robinson
Don't you have PT to do soldier? Who gave you permission to shit post on a Mongolian gardening forum?
Jace Morris
the return to bolt action rifles alone will probably be enough realism to go around.
Dylan Johnson
>WW1 >mfw they will make USA the "good guys" in every map again >probably russkies too >no serbia to remove kebab with
>giving money to EA
Tyler Lewis
Serbia had major battles with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, not kebab.
Oliver Stewart
Do you really want politics bullshit "who killed who" and months of trenchwars? World War I was stupid to being with
Jeremiah King
Who NOT BUYING here?
Jaxon Gray
It's true though. Vidya is meant to entertain.
William Jenkins
Josiah Torres
says the loser lurking Sup Forums at 330am.
wut a faggot
Hunter Wilson
>Advanced Warfare shouldn't have ever existed because exo suits dont exist as of yet It's set in the future though.
Camden Rivera
>planes move like modern jets do >he thinks these planes weren't maneuverable as fuck
Their problem was speed and altitude limit, they were good at everything else.
Jaxon Martin
If it was truly accurate it would probably be quite a boring game
Also it takes more than one bullet to kill someone and you're complaining about that you dense fuck?
Dominic Hughes
They had a guy with a knights helmet firing a minigun.
Nicholas Bennett
And one of the core elements of game design is the marriage of mechanics with theme. Same with books and internal consistency.
Not that you'd know that because you seem to be a literal shit-eater
Camden Collins
> vidya gaem fiction with a twist vs real life fact
> arcade shooter =/= simulated realism shooter
Blake Thomas
it would still be fun, but it would play like ARMA TIMES INFINITY
it will take you WEEKS just to advance a couple hundred yards and to capture a point
it would be the biggest / most tedious sandbox MMO FPS yet, and it's an entirely different niche
David Martin
>market your game on how realistic/true to life it is >get called out on anachronisms >"i-it's just a video game"
love this meme
Jaxon Bailey
So was battlefield 1942.
Asher Morales
Since when are battlefield games realistic?
Liam Garcia
If its a white man on the cover of a fictional game universe >Gaming needs to grow up,
If its a non white guy on a game where historically the vast majority were white men who tragically lost their lives defending against tyrants.
>Its a video game who cares.
Dylan Murphy
Exactly. So why not just say it's a fictional war?
Brody Bell
You're ranting and raving about realism in a game that's best known here for a .gif of a fighter pilot destroying his pursuer with a fucking C4 satchel then gliding his parachute back to his freefalling plane.
Thomas Harris
>Why do they even pretend this is World War I? think of the target demographic, OP
>they're retards
Michael Barnes
why do the sides of his lips look so weird in the right pic
Josiah Myers
>main character You haven't read anything about the game have you? There isn't one main character. In the campaign, and how gives a shit about a campaign for battlefield? You play battlefield games for the multi-player. In the single player you play as a number of soldiers. Get fucked.