>game has a story
Game has a story
>game is in freefall mode because it consists of no story or fluency making it a bundled mess and might as well be a boss gauntlet
>game has walls of text
>has a final boss
>it's an online multiplayer only game
>characters have names
who the fuck cares
>game has unskippable gameplay
>game has lots of optional NPC dialogue that fleshes out characters and tells tiny stories about the NPC's lives
A game's got a story even if it doesn't have cutscenes or dialogue.
>game with some sort of puzzles to solve
>game has gameplay
>f2p with obligatory micropayments
What about Tetris?
>game has any semblance of difficulty whatsoever.
Hi shiggy
How's that 'new' zelda coming along? :^)
>game has loading screens
Midori is cute
>game has something
>game has a forced unskippable glue huffing minigame sequence that determines your INT stat for the rest of the game.
die you degenerate pokefag
name 38 games that do this
>game is playable
>Sup Forums
>It's about video games
It's symbolic. Memento Maori.
>2500 Flushing
Tetris can be said to be about the futility of trying to maintain control.
>Greentext about vidya
>glue huffing minigame
>forced unskippable
Someone didn't find the skip.
it's about building a space ship
>game is a game
I never asked for this.
>The map is shaped like a hand
is this an actual thing
>it's fucking yellow
What game?
There's a map in original Doom which is shaped like a hand. E3M2, Slough of Despair.
Doom, son.
>Not seeing it's green
>Spooky russian town in the middle of fucking nowhere where butchers treat bulls like gods
>After some time if you zoom out too much in the map you see is the cross section picture of a cow
>The map is just a bunch of fucking swastikas
Okami did this amazingly when you get the reveal of the final boss true form
>game as a story
>the next game has another story
>the next game has a huge gameplay change but still a nice story
>the next game has no story at all
you know which game i am talking about
Xeno on the whole
>The new game in the series tries to change or "innovate" the classic gameplay that's been present in all the other games
>Pokefag complaning about stale overdone things in games