I WANT Sup Forums OUT OF MY Sup Forums!
I WANT Sup Forums OUT OF MY Sup Forums!
Sup Forums IS DEAD!
Why? Sup Forums is what makes Sup Forums fun
Sup Forums is omnipresent, user.
well i want tumbler off my Sup Forums
we can't always get what we want
Well I want niggers out of my life. You can't have it all, buddy.
And I want cucks out of my Sup Forums, but you're still here.
as a refugee I can confirm this
the Sup Forumsderland has been taken over by reddit
Sup Forums is always right tbqh
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Is that from the new Battlefield?
>tumblr is in my Sup Forums
>reddit is in my Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is in my Sup Forums
>Kotaku is in my Sup Forums
>polygon is in my Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is in my Sup Forums
I want them all fucking out. NOW! We need to cleanse Sup Forums of this filth.
ethnic cleansing is always the answer
>implying you're not a cuck after I throat fucked your grandmother, mother, and sister.
I'd say girlfriend too, but we all know you don't have one, faggot.
>doesn't bitch about all the furries
>doesn't bitch about all the console wars
>just bitches about a few threads that will be gone in a few days
fucking faggot
Last time Sup Forums had a cleansing and i mean a good cleansing, Sup Forums bitched so hard moot abandond Sup Forums
>tries to bant
>is a weak beta who accepts political propaganda against his race in his entertainment
I'd say kill yourself, but you're not going to reproduce anyway, so it's a wash.
I want Sup Forums out of my Sup Forums.
I want cucks out of my Sup Forums.
I want furries out of my Sup Forums.
I want SJWs out of my Sup Forums.
I want white knights out of my Sup Forums.
I want racial supremacists out of my Sup Forums.
I want Sup Forums(I know you're there, faggots) out of my Sup Forums.
I want reddit out of my Sup Forums.
I want tumblr out of my Sup Forums.
I want Sup Forums out of my Sup Forums.
I want console wars out of my Sup Forums.
I want neckbeard PC mustard race out of my Sup Forums.
>mfw it will never happen
>is cuck who likes niggers in his games for no reason