He believes games can """age"""

>he believes games can """age"""

Well I certainly did believe that with a strong conviction but now that you've posted a cute anime gril who is openly mocking me I've lost all sense of self-worth and am tempted towards suicide, so that's probably what I'll do.


It's just as triggering as when people refuse to watch old films.

he's cute

Who, Mashiro?

I'm glad you've seen the light.

Whoever that in the pic is

>he still watches anime
>he believes he's """aged"""

That's a girl

Try playing Final Fantasy I (NES) after playing all the other Final Fantasy.

Ports had to adjust certain things about the flow of the game to make it less frustrating to play. It's definitely not a game that aged well.

Our standards can certainly rise as games get bigger and flashier, but if a nigga can't appreciate a game for its time, he fucking stupid

I played FF9 for the first time last year on my Vita, and my god that was stunningly beautiful.

>calling mashiro a "he"


>he uses the word "gameplay"

Delete this


>Implying control schemes can't be improved on a lot of older games

>love tenchu when I was younger, one of my favorite games of all time
>try playing it again now
>plays like garbage and looks like garbage

I'll just keep the memories. I don't need to play games from the past, even if I haven't played them before.

>Yo user, your favorite game that I borrowed was too dated for me, don't you have anything open world made in 2012+ instead?

I would stab a nigga if he said that

check out dragon's dogma, senpai.

Man, this is impressive for a ps2 game.

>he believes his thread can """"age""""


>games can't age

Go play Crash Bandicoot 1 and then play the 2nd and tell me what you think.


>he believes industry standards and tropes remain unchanged for years and every game will always the same experience it would have if you'd played it ten years ago, when it was made and released

>I'll just keep the memories
I tried playing Black for the PS2 last week and the controls were total shit, even though I remember the game being so much fun I couldn't stand the aiming, even for a console it was total garbage.

Watched it for her.

It was the same for me with Dark Cloud 2.

I didn't remember the controls being so fucking janky and clumsy.

>He believes """time""" isn't just a reptilian-esque concept to force humans into slavery
Holy shit ahah you naive retards


You need to be full retarded to enjoy shit like this.

Yeah, man. Fuck anime!

>thinks I hate anime because I dislike idolshit
Now you've gone full circle

'Normal' people say the same thing about games, your point being?

Fuck anime! Totally!

How the fuck is engaged to the unidentified idolshit


Whatever you cuck

"This game hasn't aged well" is a concise and simple way of saying "Standards have evolved and this game is well below these new standards, making it a way less enjoyable experience nowadays, when you have a larger catalog of video games to play with a ton of them being better than this game in what it's trying to do"

Hope this helps

"Aged" is a colloquial term meaning that whatever you are talking about does not translate smoothly into the current context.

Yes, but saying it aged badly is quicker, you dumb nigger.

Can't google. What does this word mean?

>draw a boy
>call it a """"""""""girl""""""""""
lol anime

The pleasure of being cummed inside

That's exactly what I said, m8.

>is a concise and simple way of saying

>Standards have evolved
And here is the problem with the phrase.

Can someone please explain to me this """""""x"""""""" meme.

>OP believes I always had shit taste as a kid and simply don't want to confront it

>1. characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal.
>2.involving or using conversation.

What's is the point of your post then?

What's an x meme?


Reminds me back in 2003 going to anime shit evens in my town and people correcting my pronouncing of that word like there was a rule.

Games are static. They don't get better or worse with time. A game that's good is always good, and a game that's bad is always bad.

Boku no Evangelion

"Time" is static too. You stupid shit. Only our biological clock moves.

Oh boi, here go scince n sheit again

Not in terms of gameplay, no, but definitely in terms of writing. Pop culture references fucking destroy any possible longevity a game could've had.

While you're asking I want to toss in "wew lad" and "(You)".

I mean I get (You) denotes a quote from...well, you, but what does that have to do with shitposting and baiting?

Yes, but newer games will take what makes that game good and improve on it.

Meaning that if you go back to the older game, it'll feel like it's lacking a lot of features. (Which were later added)

Things such as better camera , less clunky controls, improved mouse support, etc.

you are a fucking worthless braindead scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are

whats the "t. blank" thing I see around, about?

A meme started by t. Alberto Barbosa to expand his caliphate across the internet back in 2015

Atari 2600 games certainly have aged in the sense that they are severely limited by their memory allowance. For me personally also games with 320x200 resolutions or similar often suffer because of the fonts aren't very user-friendly.
But that's about it and the most asthetically pleasing game for me is still Planescape: Torment in its native resolution

t. "x" just means source: "x"
So for example

>Communism works!
t. Soviet Union

It's just a Finnish abbreviation of "regards"


I'm not pedo but I wanna fuck that.

enjoy your ban

The only games which can't age are pixelshit.

They are right

Anime is not meant for brainwashed cuckheads like you.

back the fuck off?!?!

There are only two kinds of people: pedos and pedos in denial.

Do you have more pics of anime girls with their mouth open like that?

>this entire thread

>he believes fictional characters have ages

Which one Sup Forums?

what furfagotry is this?

animal crossing


I used to believe this was a meme as well

then I played Crash bandicoot


>furfag has to shit up the thread.


>he believes fictional characters have rights


am not

a pedophile


But you are


anime more like anigey

Is this the dump anything you want thread?

I don't think games age, people just change standards and perspectives. I played Crusader: No Remorse last year and it was a great game, even if it's "aged". It's different for every person.

hehe yea anime more like FAGnime


More from this guy?


I cant even tell what the fuck is going on un this pictute? Why is he fucking an orangebaloon next to a severed bird head
