It's our time, Sup Forums

It's our time, Sup Forums.

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I remember jackin it to that model at the bottom left.

I wouldn't even bother giving him the attention, user.

It's visibly a shit game, John Flynt is visibly a shit woman, and "Brianna Wu" is visibly a shit person.

Don't bother.

Just stop giving it attention


Hello, Brianna. I have nothing but respect for women, it's you that is a terrible person.

>her her her her her
>she she she

That's a fucking man.

>""""""""operation: payback""""""""
>It's just buying and refunding a game

not your personal army

Yeah, throw more fuel into the fire. Remember how well it worked last time? These fucks FEED on your attention.

Also, if you buy the game you'll give it more publicity. Even if you refund it'll still show up in top sellers.

How about I don't buy nor pirate it

>giving valve free money
How can you be so retarded?


>we dindu nothing we are the good guys stop calling us our freedom is more important than theirs.

Who gives a fuck?

I wish this dumb ass would kill himself already. I'm sick to death of seeing him on Sup Forums.

> faking a false flag pic
> implying John won't wait another month to maybe release this shit

and most importantly

> she
> her

Right, make her a victim so that she gets free publicity.

Just ignore it, the game will tank anyway *unless* you stupid gamurgayturs manage to give her the attention she seeks.

I'm pretty sure she's hoping really hard you're going to take the bait. Remember Anita's kickstarter? I'm pretty sure there's a whole business model based on baiting you retards.


Just ignore him and the problem will be solved

This is precisely what he is going to blame the moment the game gets shit on by anyone not part of his hugbox. I'd rather just ignore the game exists entirely than do anything with it.

I'll get a 4

No John, I don't want to buy your game, even if it is jsut for refunding it.



Thread theme:

And if you dont feed them attention, they'll play the part of aggressor on your behalf and pretend you gave them attention, and you won't be able to prove shit!

Weaponized trolling with real life, global consequences, how the fuck did our species come to this point?


But... Their game has unrealistic depictions of women too, wat.

It's OK when SJWs do it?

Nice-o baitu, too obvious though

This is a false flag to make you spergs bitch at them for more attention, report and hide.


What's happening in this thread? Are we talking about 'girls?'

Wow, you must be really intelligent to have perceived that.

He actually gave all his game characters the same deformed faces as himself? Top kek

This. Anita wouldn't have gotten half the notoriety she did if it wasn't for retards from here and faggots like Ben Spurr being incapable of not having an autistic shitfit.

Not sure sure that's a good marketing tactics, but you're the professional victim here, dude.
By the way, did you cut your dick off already or not ?

This has to be an attempt at getting attention for her game. It has to be. Fuck's sake the picture has the word gamergate in it.
Ignore it. Don't buy it, don't look at it, don't review it, don't refund it, don't even click on the store page. Ignore it, let it fail, maybe have a laugh when white males are blamed for the game failing, and let it fail. This shit will give it attention and pity-sales. Ignoring it, and letting nature run it's course, is like the only way to guarantee it fails spectacularly.

Jesus christ that fucking face is so horrible, pure nightmare fuel.

I always thought I was unattractive but atleast I don't look like a trainwreck like Wu.

Has anybody ever made an image like this that wasn't a false flag?


keep paying attention to that freak.

Season 2 of Galko-chan when

fuck off retard

Probably would have just had their followers play the role of aggressor to create the illusion of backlash because controversy sells

It was a rigged game from the start

False flagging.

fuck this fag

fuck off epstein