>Hop into any TF2 server against retards and go 30+ kills and few to no deaths because it's a skill-based game where one man can massacre a whole team if he's good enough and there are very few instances where you can die to a cheap death (really just a random huntsman arrow or random crit which honestly don't happen very often)
>Hop into League of Legends with the same demographic of retarded children. It's near fucking impossible for one man to massacre a whole team because of how easy it is to play for the children on the other team who will just focus and/or stun you when you try to kill them all and you can't really skillfully dodge shit.
>Hop into Overwatch, do most of the big killing spree stuff I do in TF2, but die when the retarded children do their "Press Q, Receive Kill" ultimates.
What are some games where I can pubstomp 8 year olds?
Justin Jackson
Just stuck with Tf2
Cooper Taylor
Dota 2
Jordan Morgan
Is that really true?
I haven't really played DOTA2, but I've heard shit about five-second stuns and shit. They're going to see you as the big six-item guy with 20kills and no deaths and be like "CLICK ON HIM WITH YOUR STUNS"
Michael Davis
any one else having server issues in TF2? Its been months since i could connect to anything it finds them alright but cant connect to any of them im sure its on my end by know but id like to know how to fix it
Nicholas Bennett
What ultimate in Overwatch is a guaranteed kill with no counter?
Isaiah Roberts
all of them
Grayson Bell
gmod, arma3 gta servers
Ryder King
yeah just main invoker and you'll go 30/0 every game since he's the all in one hero >has mini stun >pure damage nuke and GLOBAL RANGE >free disarm (can disarm whole team at ma level) >huge aoe nuke >free escape (invisibility) >can summon remnants for pushing >free buff >free aoe slow >can support if too many carries >can carry if too many support >heavy exort allows invoker to solo kill anyone at the 10th minute mark literally all in one pub stomping hero designed to shit on shitters
Jackson Cruz
That's objectively untrue. I'm trying to have a genuine discussion here, not your fucking memes.
Oliver Richardson
how the fuck do you know that if you had to ask?
Jonathan Wood
>soldier >skill
I would've believed you had you posted scout or demo hell even spy but not soldier anyone with like 300hrs of TF2 can do that you're not good
Jace Collins
Let me guess, you play Soldier aka the Swiss army class.
Parker Sanders
It's a rhetorical question you dipshit. I have preconceived notions about how the game works and the OP obviously has a different one. I ask them to provide conjecture to substantiate their claims and await a response to critique.
This is how a discussion works. Fuck off.
Jeremiah Garcia
>wanting answers to a rhetorical question
Hunter Cooper
You're absolutely hopeless. I'm sorry I ever tried to engage in discourse with you.
Caleb Powell
op here There are a lot of instances where you just listen for their ultimate sound and back the fuck off, but there are plenty of cases where McCree can catch everybody with their pants down looking down at the whole enemy team from atop a building and you can't do shit about it. Then there are Hanzo's who shoot their dragon through a choke where you have nowhere to go, the list goes on. I've been playing Junkrat and Reaper the most as of late. Reaper is just so good when they do ults and you just invuln it.
I play everything in TF2. I actually do like playing Demoman and Scout the most.
Owen Robinson
>not pub stomping as a bat-only scout
Xavier Carter
Get this hothead outta here.
Ryder Russell
You only ever need the tornado > emp combo and watch the enemy team's morale drop as their mana pool goes to empty from being full
Ayden Morgan
I like using the wrap assassin personally. It's just so satisfying shooting it across the map and it going *CLANK! ding ding ding ding ding ding* and then running up and finishing them with my scattergun.
Camden Russell
McCree's can be broken with line of sight or Genji's reflect. Hanzo's is not only the slowest ultimate in the game it is also incredibly obvious and loud. I have not once been killed by it after 50 hours of play.
Carter Morales
Not everybody plays Genji and I'm personally not a fan of his playstyle. Reaper and Tracer are my kind of close-up heroes and they have the mobility to get out of there after killing somebody and the rest of their team is trying to take you out.
Juan Davis
QE invoker is for pussy ass fuckbois who cant combo for shit real men play heavy EXORT
Liam Peterson
then you get to a sentry and you can't do anything about it because your team is retarded
Sebastian Stewart
Reaper can use his shift-ability to avoid the ability entirely. Reinhart's shield can block it.
The list goes on. Your argument is fundamentally flawed if you think abilities in this game exist without weaknesses or downsides. McCree has to stand still to use his ability and gives a loud audio cue to anyone in range.
Nicholas Gomez
>he dies to enemy Q's >when every single one that's a threat can be heard from audio cues literally across the entire map >claims Overwatch to be the problem
How about learning how to play the game before you jump to assumptions. First day or so of the beta, you'd see Genji or other heroes getting Play of the Day because no one backed off when he shouts his ching chong bing bong before getting his free 4-5 kills. Now whenever it happens, 9 times out of 10 he gets hit with a Concussive Mine from Junkrat and he's suddenly not a problem.
Jackson Flores
>when every single one that's a threat can be heard from audio cues literally across the entire map
Reaper's audio cue doesn't activate until after he already gets off a couple of shots.
Robert Rogers
>I have preconceived notions >I'm trying to have a genuine discussion here ?
Isaac Walker
I said every single one that's a threat, so that automatically excludes all things Reaper. If you've let him get close enough to use anything, then that's on you.
Isaac Hall
I cannot even begin to describe your idiocy. Do you think discussions occur between people without opinions? What the fuck?
Cameron Myers
>Turn around a corner >There's always 3 to 6 dudes >I have become a stain on the floor >Meanwhile my team is taunting in spawn and building Sentries on last
Now I know why STAR_ stopped playing this game. It's community isn't and never was perfect, but it's completely gone to shit and I'm not really near competitive level
Jayden Taylor
As a guy that played spy at plat level, I'm just sad there is no really good replacement for his play style in other games. closest one I could think of was phantom from dirty bomb, but he got castrated to gimp level.
I just want to cloak and backstab damnit.
Zachary Turner
Learn to play Scout / Tracer, you fucking scrub.
Jace Watson
>TF2 cancer has ALREADY carried over into OW
Yesterday I shit you not I got paired up with a bunch of waifu idiots that all went Tracer except for the last player who fucking went D.VA, All sat in spawn spamming emotes and hello etc. and spraying as soon as the counter ended I ran out looked behind ALL were still doing that shit then I alt+F4'd
Jack Parker
Yeah I've never been killed by a Hanzo myself since its so blatantly obvious. Mcree is similar, even if I cant see him, I know he's likely looking at an open area and ducking behind anything will save me.
The only ultimate I'd call bullshit is Phaerohs. Since its pretty much Mcree's but instant.
Aiden Baker
>I get dominated and raped by soldiers: The posts.
Mm..Can't tell if asspained heavy mains, or maybe engy mains?
Probably a pair of pyro scrubs who can't M2
Zachary Mitchell
>demo >skill
soldier requires aim, demo just requires LMB RMB
Chase Martinez
Hows high school treating you?
Jason Gutierrez
Soldier has the highest skill ceiling out of all the classes in the game.
Chase Hughes
Scout is my alt, chum. it's not even close to the same play style, almost every class based shooter has le sanic flanker of few health pools, I wanna play a stealth character that's effective at his job.
Joshua Bennett
Yeah, I hear ya. Spy is a very unique, and satisfying, playstyle of its own that no other game has done well.
Connor King
I think overwatch will have a stealthy hero eventually. With their insistance on doing a model based around entire new characters rather than weapons, its bound to happen. And likely soon. Maybe the fembot in the group shot will be it.
Sebastian Hill
Can't say that I look forward to having to spycheck everybody in Overwatch the way I do in TF2.