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What is the Best Weapon in Dark Souls 3?
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Dark Sword
Dark Sword :^)
Dragonslayer Spear
Black Knight Greataxe
2kat with Carthous rouge.
PvE? Straight swords (dark sword and longsword). Not even a competition and it should be balanced fucking ASAP.
PvP? Not sure, i don't pvp much. From what i know the Estoc is a fucking nightmare.
Sharp Rapier
Can you alter your appearance settings mid-game in DaS3?
You mean how your character looks? Giving a Pale Tongue to Rosaria allows you to either respec points or change apperance.
Keep in mind you can only do it 5 times per NG-cycle.
Nice! Thankyou
Just use spiked club. It will let you destroy all the reddit-tier dark swords. It actually requires skill and timing to play, so it might not be for you in the beginning, but if you practice you will be able to make it work.
Does changing appearance allow for a name change?
Dark Sword/Estoc
Dragonslayer Greataxe is good.
Name is the one thing you can't change unfortunately.
i fail to see how this is any less brainless than mashing r1 with a straight sword
Broken straight sword.
Everything else is scrub-tier.
The estoc, hands down.
You can't compete if someone with an estoc is smart enough to not get lured into a setup parry.
because it's not memed yet
>It actually requires skill and timing to play
>does same combo over and over again on complete noobs that don't know anything other than point blank r1 spam
Literally the most unintentionally hilarious video ever since it's creator thinks they're really good.
Only Halberds require skill in Dark Souls 3.
It probably is, though you probably should have a second weapon that can deal with spear+shield users. I find them extremely hard to approach if they know what they are doing.
Can't change your gender either
I swear people just don't realize the phantom range on the roll L1
You're not getting away from me
wouldn't warden twinblades be better?
They are.
Every time I see these, I know I'm in for an easy win. Too many people just spam roll L1. Parry, riposte, bye bye.
just use CE for name changing, but make sure you unplug your internet and go into offline mode when you do it for safety measures. don't go online until both DaS3 and the CE are closed
what's the best setup for a bleed build? does hollowing have anything to do with it?
A lot of people realized that, they also realized how utterly predictable it is.
>too many
I hardly see anyone using them
Did straight swords rape your mom or something? I've seen exactly one person using them in the past few weeks.
99 hollowing gives you an extra 5 luck for every maxed out hollow weapon you have
For the twinblades you want 40 Dex and 30 Luck (+10 with hollowing) ideally, but it depends on your SL
Being hollow gives you an extra luck bonus with hollow weapons, I've heard.
thank you. also, should I infuse it with bleed/hollow or just use carthus rouge?
To a degree, using the ring found in Gwyndolins room. It makes all your actions appear as if the opposite gender.
Infuse the twinblades and an offhand weapon/shield/caestus with hollow and buff them with a carthus rouge
wait, you can infuse AND buff with rouge?
You can only buff base weapons, heavy, sharp, refined, raw, and hollow.
Yes, that's the whole point. Hollow weapons can be buffed, bleed weapons cannot.
thanks, now I feel way more motivated to do a bleed build
gr8 b8s m8s
heavy broadsword
This is bait.
drsgonslayer greataxe pumps out ridiculous damage
Is muh Guts Dragonslayer viable? I just want to have a run with my fuck you greatsword, I dropped it in my first run because the Dark Sword (and every straight sword for that matter) was plain better.
the only problem is that you actually have to hit people with it
I wish claws weren't so shit. Are they even worth the bleed or are warden's and katanas better in every way?
>implying hitting someone with a greataxe is hard
greataxes are retarded man, all that hyper armor and all that damage, and most attacks are unparryable
I saw 5 people using them in about 4 hours of fight club pvp.
can someone please explain to me how the fuck enemy's counter me when I move out the the way during the attack then hit them.
the enemy is still in the attack animation while im safe and to the side and somehow that counters me.
Is the attack a counter?
I was talking about pve. but yeah, as the other guy said, hyper armor. just can 2-3 shot people with greataxes
fuck this community and fuck you you cunt
So I'm making a faith build currently (yes I know) and will use either exile gs or astoras gs, but for ganking situations, I wanna have another weapon equipped with which I can running r1 catch dudes who run away to sip. Thinking of a spear. Ideas? No katanas.
Chosen Undead > Ashen One > BotC
dragonslayer spear
Dragonslayer Swordspear
>weighs 9.5
Gotta see if I can make it work, thanks.
Ashen One is obviously the strongest since he defeated the combination of the souls of Chosen Undead, Bearer of the Curse and Gwyn.
Honestly, the Gotthard Twinsswords are really broken.
I have noticed that sometimes one hit will do most of the enemies health in pvp. the left bumper does crazy damage. I have been able to solo every boss in under 1 minute too in pve.
Although, just to mention I am in NG+, and have 32/31 in str and dex.
Is infusing a weapon with lightning and running a faith build viable for both PvE and PvP or am I just better off sticking with a dark sword with a 40/40 str dex build
>he thinks that the BotC linked the fire
Aldia end is canon, we've all agreed on this long ago
because its unjustified hate for everything for the sake of being cool basically.
overwatch is actually heaps of fun and I expected nothing from it
I love how this miserable pile of shit just dies when you activate the last boss. He doesn't even complain.
hollow-slayer greatsword has the best moveset
>Not using your bare hands like a man.
What a scrub. Git gud.