So why is this one getting so many dislikes?
>Inb4 it's another rehashed CoD game
They've been doing the same shit for years, why have people decided they don't like it now?
So why is this one getting so many dislikes?
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EA marketing campaign
I'm not going to give BF a complete free pass but at least they don't pump out a new game every fucking year. Oh and have two different developers do it too.
Cod has 3 different developers working in 3 year cycles nowadays. That's why sometimes the most recent game can look worse than the previous one. They've stated multiple times that they don't really share a lot of assets and just work on their own thing
>They've been doing the same shit for years,
The dislikes have been going for years, you never noticed?
Problem is that this never seems to pan out in the actual sales figures. The bar ratio and the tone of the comment section tends to be flipped in Battlefield announcements, funny that.
Exactly so what you get is a convuluted mess. I fucking hate EA but even they have common sense to not do the chucklefuckery that activision does.
>Exactly so what you get is a convuluted mess.
Not really, since they don't really change a lot of stuff. They need to keep up the 1 year cycle, but don't want to be called "copy pasted" either, so they play it safe and do more subtle things: weapon balance, perk balance, overall map structure, new movement mechanics etc. People don't seem to like it though, which is understandable: MW2 was the high of the series for many. Even subtle differences in MW3 made the game less enjoyable for people.
>you never noticed?
I never payed that much attention to CoD, honestly I wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for Sup Forums. So you're saying this isn't actually as big a deal as some were making out then.
Nobody wants to play Call of Duty: Halo now that Halo: Call of Duty exists.
David bowie's music is art, infinity war is fucking casual pandering to the masses, fuck activision for banking on a dead musician to then make an awful cover that lost all the greatness the original had
COD is fucking dead
DICE just blew them the fuck out, feels good man
Who cares, it's the same shit
>DICE just blew them the fuck out
In what way? Their trailer was no better.
First response best response.
I wonder why this isn't said more often.
EA is riding the fact it's cool to hate cod now,
to promote its personal flavour of the same shit.
Definitely preording this, it looks magnificent
its disliked because the remaster they were hyping up is only available as a preorder bonus
IW is literally nothing like Halo
how fucking young are you? people have been hating on CoD since MW2 came out.
how young are you? People been hating Cod since Cod3
then loved 4. After that it's a roller coaster
Yeah but none of the trailers had such a high proportion of dislikes.
The "CoD is shit" meme has finally trickled down all the way to the normies, just as they start making decent games again.
Normalfags are retarded
>new COD trailers out
>Sup Forums bitches
>New COD releases
>Sup Forums bitches
>New COD out for a few weeks
>Sup Forums gradually warms up
It happens every time.
actually a lot of people liked CoD3, up until the glitch videos hit youtube and everyone started hiding inside the walls.
>any game comes out
Sup Forums bitches
>any game comes out
Sup Forums bitches
>any game is out for months
Sup Forums still bitches
Everyone will still buy it.
Yes but every time Sup Forums also starts talking about it.
Yeah, but Battlefield has way more scale. It's always been a more technically impressive franchise, and its unlikely that's gonna change now
normies can't handle stuff that isn't 100% based on reality, fantasy and sci-fi are just too much for them to handle
it's difficult to explain, they usually have no imagination or creativity, for them something like this is like the weirdest drug trip or a fucked up dream
because it's cool to hate CoD, so people dislike the videos on Youtube to show how cool they are
also this
Because people still think hating CoD is cool, people still think only 4 year olds with microphones play multiplayer and people still think that every new CoD is a rehash of the previous one
I bet you is still going to sell like pancackes and it's going to be a pretty crowded multiplayer
It's no different than when Sup Forums loses its shit on alternative timelines and alternate technology progression.
Autism is amazing.
Because normies are getting sick of CoD's bullshit. It's just like with WW2, just like with Modern Warfare. People are getting sick of future warfare. That's why BF1 is getting so much attention, that's why CoD: IW is almost universally panned. I don't think I've met even one person who wants to play IW.
Activision need to stop releasing yearly games. People fucking hate it.
The vocal segment of CoD's fanbase always just wanted to eat up the same thing every game since MW1. Boots on the ground, some big oh so emotional scene, a twist, a last stand, and our heroes walk off tired and ready for a rest. Not to mention the obvious effect it had on gameplay.
Now jump to Black Ops 2. Start to do things a little bit differently. We're not Modern anymore, we're a bit in the Future. Story also changes depending on how you play, so the day doesn't always end with a pat on the back. Now Advanced Warfare added the Exo-Suits and Cyborg. Full future mode and a PMC in the spotlight instead of the good ol' military. Game's still not 10/10 gameplay with a heartgripping story, but we're still changing and now the formerly unexplored Z-Axis is utterly integral to movement. Blops3 tones that back a bit, but we're still all cyborgs boosting about and now running on walls. You can still see the roots of the game you used to play, but the setting is all different and the gameplay is beginning to change.
Infinite Warfare is the apex of all this. Now we're in a fully unexplored territory for the series that's almost completely detached from the settings we're used to. With cyborgs established and now space on top of it, who knows what it's going to be like. For a lot of people, it's the best thing for the series so far. The franchise has been getting ever better since it went full future, and now this is a game that people are actually excited for, but now the standard CoD fan is upset. Now he knows that they're no longer server plain white toast with a glass of water. Things have been changing, and they don't like that. Now everything's definitely on a different level, and they hate that.
tl;dr CoD has stop being a rehash since Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare represents that change, and that's upsetting for the rabid fanboys that liked the rehashing
>Hey Activision, your game is starting to get very stale with the same formula rehashed and tweaked every year, could you change it up?
>Shit no this sucks Activision, I hate flying and having to look upwards sometimes, why can't we go back to BOOTS ONNA GROUND?
I think Star Wars would prove you wrong.
If something is popular enough it doesn't matter.
>People are getting sick of future warfare
You know 'the future' is a pretty broad spectrum, recent games have been near future stuff, not full blown space warfare.
because nobody cares about futuristic halo bullshit warfare. we want either current times or past thematic
It's not because of the game itself its because the fans feel they are basically holding the mw1 remake hostage unless you purchase the $80 edition of the game
Nobody owns an Xbone, weirdo.
Isn't that more fantasy than sci-fi?
It's kinda both, I've heard people call it science fantasy.
No, I'd say it's more SF.
There's also LOTR/Zelda on the other side.
popularity defines normies.
Obviously it depends on the planet.
Its always been a bandwagon/meme to hate on COD. Since the boost jumping in advanced warfare people have been whining wanting to go back in time and be ''boots on the ground.'' They think it takes 5 months to make a AAA game and don't realize this game has been in development since the end of 2013, over a year before they started whining. Even though infinite warfare will outsell BF1 by a mile, because COD always beats BF, I sincerely hope all of these COD kiddies claiming to be moving to BF do. They will absolutely hate battlefield because you have to sometimes walk 10-20 seconds before even seeing an enemy. They will also hate the WW1 setting, they just don't realize it now because they are all on the new bandwagon of disliking the COD game and tweeting RIPCOD. They will be back on COD in a heartbeat. I like both franchises so seeing the constant arguing makes me laugh. The battlefield community is just full of itself though.
Shut up faggot
They'd probably planned to use that cover before he died dude. But you're right, it sucks.
Because no one wants to buy it just to get the modern warfare remake
How is it awfull
This is actually very well stated. The old COD fanboys DO want the same thing every year while complaining about getting the same thing every year. I'm personally really excited to see a futuristic warfare FPS game in space, but with only humans. The funny thing is I'm a huge Battlefield fanboy and I'm more excited for this than Battlefield 1. I was hoping for a setting WW2 or after. Not so keen on WW1 but I'll still play it because I've played every other BF game.
Normalfags don't care about COD4
Just like all the other commercials this year that 'coincidentally' had his music? This is bandwagoning on a death and in 2 months times princes music will be featured everywhere
The spaceships in IW look conspicuously very Titan-like. If they somehow manage to create a Titan mode in IW, I can see them attracting the 2143 crowd that was let down by the BF1 announcement. If Acti knew what DICE was going to release years ago, it could be a smart move to make.
>don't like now
everyone that isn't a 12 years old has always despised this piece of shit
you've only found out about it now because
> you've only started playing COD, or vidya in general
> you've only started to grow up, really grow up
> you're new here, hello newfriend
That's not true
seeObviously there have always been people that don't like CoD, but what's the reason the dislike:like ratio is so high with this entry?
I never really get it.
Why do people even try to compare Battlefield to COD?
COD is shit, it's super arcady yet it's nothing competitive like CS.
It tries so hard to appear 'grand' and seemingly 'big' with lots of content yet it plays nothing like Battlefield, and has shit ton of nothingness in it.
CS > COD < Battlefield
And you've got a tactical sim with some realism that plays like CS, such as Insurgency or Squad.
And with Battlefield we've got something like ARMA.
So tell me kiddies, what exactly is special with COD? It's shittiest of all FPS, it's the most edgy, with all that flashy 420blazeit360 over-the-top style no-brainer action.
Frankly, it's the EASIEST to play or get into, it requires fucking ZERO skill to master and the most 'skillful' thing you could 'achieve' in it is the
>hurr durr 360 no scope
>durr durr tomahawk kill across the map
>le kill streak le kill cam
It's shit.
You're 20 - 25 - 30 years old and you're getting off on such trivial and superficial shit?
I haven't played the series since the fourth one, and Battlefield since Bad Company 2. Can someone OBJETIVELY explain to me why this particular edition of Call of Duty is getting so many dislikes?
It's fun
It's not muh generic military shooter
>, I can see them attracting the 2143 crowd that was let down by the BF1 announcement
This is me right now. Which sucks, I don't feel comfortable being interested in a yearly franchise, but here I am. I should be happy the pendulum has swung into BF's favor, but god damn it 2016 is weird.
This comments section is some shit.
its futuristic
What's wrong with that, people don't like space for some reason?