ITT - It's 1997
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I was 4
drink bleach and die
Better game was released four years ago.
Aerith looks really hot, Bullet looks cool.
What the fuck kinda name is Bullet?
>He doesn't have enough money to buy the best console with the best game of all time
ayy lmao
>just started 6th grade
>stayed up all night playing it
>year later lost my virginity to older girl I met while riding the metro
Better question: what kind of fucking gay-ass name is Cloud...?
>17 FPS
So... This is the power.... of the n64
Best game of my life.
Shame about nig in it though, i'm sure there is a mod to change that though.
Played it since the age of 5...
Zelda 64 will blow this game out of the water. Final fantasy 6 is probably better anyway.
Final Fantasy VII?
What happened to IV,V, and VI? How could I have possibly missed them?
It's 2016 tho
17 FPS of gameplay, loser! Have fun watching your Ef Em Vees...!
But user, no one cared about fps in games back then...
>implying you did
don't lie on the internet, faggot. the only people that owned a neo geo were faggots in their 20s and 30s who thought it would be just like their favorite arcade.
>tfw video games will never be good again
fuck this new gen 3d gimmicky shit.
Or rich kids, don't forget about them?
Having rich kids as friends was pretty awesome...
Chrono trigger is better, just because FF7 has all those fancy graphics doesnt mean it can compare
>it's 1997
[sperm noises intensify]
Oh yea? My dad who works at Nintendo said he's gonna be in smash brothers!
>Cloud's Soldier outfit is black
Looks... weird.
>girl I met on the metro
>losing your virginity to a nasty British slag
I feel bad for you m8
Who the fuck is Ness
I think he's an original character meant to represent Nintendo as a young boy who's named Ness, like NES
What the fuck is an undertale? You mean Earthbound?
I saw my friend playing it, it looked kinda dumb
3D Graphics are amazing have you guys seen the new unreal demo?
>Realtime Lighting
>Dem graphics
Holy shit almost photo realistic 3D!!
>It's 1997
I get to see my grand parents and extended family again and now that video gaming will eventually become a hollow skinner box criminal farce on mobile phones in a decade so i'll reinvest my attention in something actually worthwhile.
Thank you for the time travel, OP!
>I get to see my grand parents and extended family again
No, they did. YOU were probably just too young or naive to care.
I'm 34. I spent my childhood playing the Quake series, HLDM, TFC, CS, etc. People like me did care about FPS, a lot. I regularly upgraded my GPU during those years, and discussed framerate quite frequently with my friends.
And yes, I was massively disappointed by OoT. I remember buying it on release, and specifically thinking that the framerate was so low that the game was unenjoyable.
Contrary to popular opinion, OoT did perform like shit, even back in the day.
Who is frog
I come from the year 2016, at what's known as E3 2015, it turns out Square is going to remake Final Fantasy VII, this is what it looks like now
this. I'm 32 and remember fps being a thing when I played QWTF.
I also remember faggots on high-speed choosing sniper, while the rest of us dial-up peasants suffered.
>playing shitty console RPGs
Fallout 1 is the far superior RPG this year. You literally have to be in grad school to not see why.
Kek, the game industry was shit back then too. It's just that teenfags on Sup Forums don't remember the god awful flood of shitty FPS and RTS games in the late 90s when hardly anyone was putting out anything else. The claim that 1998 was the golden year of gaming is absolute dogshit.
My financial adviser Solomon Goldbergstein keeps advising me to take out an insurance loan on my office space, but I can't imagine why I'd need that.
>Chrono Trigger 2
pls no more bully, selling 3x more is enough
I have bad news for you 1997 user, this is what the 4th main Fallout game looks like
Where my vertigo 1 bros at?
>playing on pc
*shits diaper*
That was the worst, bro.
Before better netcode existed, there was always one guy on a T1/T3 line at college just murdering everyone with the railgun in Q2. Meanwhile, if you were on dialup, you'd need to aim at a half-second lead.
-black & white
-serious sam
etc, etc
Yes! Descent, man!
I was fucking ECSTATIC when FreeSpace 1/2 came out, and it turned out that they were really, really good. Got them both on release.
Shit, I gotta buy a joystick and replay FreeSpace.
what show is this?
Jeez thanks for reminding me how awul the 90s were
solid list
I truly feel for anyone that only had a console during the 90s
That's lot Final Fantasy 6.
>Most Final Fantasy games take about a year and a half to make
At that time it was true because every FF up to that point were 2D sprite based and only required around 30 people, FF1 for example only had like 10 people working on it.
As graphics and tech improved so did dev time and devs involved
Fite me in tekken 3 fags
Your time is OGRE
And we get extra value, 3 discs! Amazing!
>Lets pretend it's 1997.
>By using post-2010 slang.
Epic Fail.
>Epic Fail
At least no-one's using slang from 2007. Oh wait.
dat boi
Learn proper posting etiquette and try again in a few months.
So this...is the power....of underage
No one complained about FPS back then. The original gameboy ran games at 60fps and that was never a selling point
Felix the cat.
1998 was goat