How much money has blizzard spent on astro turfing firms?
I have never seen such a ridiculous amount of shilling.
Post anything negative about any of their shit IPs and you will be met almost instantly with a very disproportionate response relative to the player base.
In summary: Every negative post is a real human. Every positive post is paid for.
Don't support this bullshit, the important thing is that blizzard get no money.
Brandon Sanchez
>it's okay when we shill Dark Souls
Liam Stewart
Austin Fisher
See what I mean? Within 1 minute you already have the paid defense force.
Ethan Morgan
Every type of shilling isn't allowed unless it's Dork Sols
Tyler Scott
You sound like the kind of person who always believes he's the smartest person in the room wherever he goes.
Easton Nguyen
Here's two more.
Zachary Martinez
>Every negative post is a real human. >Every positive post is paid for.
Adam Stewart
Worst moba release in history and you'll still have people defend shit like this because blizzard literally pays them.
James Jones
If I could be paid to say positive things about a game I like, I'd be all over that senpai.
Charles Rodriguez
Look up getting paid for social media.
You don't actually want that job though, because it's for people who live in countries that pay $1 for a days work.
Tyler Martin
I actually like this game. it's not as complex as dota nor does it have the replay value, but its fun
jesus you people just get off on hating shit don't you?
Cooper Jenkins
Watching the industry get steadily worse because people keep supporting cancerous business practices is not fun.
Ryder Hall
>Every negative post is a real human. >Every positive post is paid for. just because you don't like a game doesn't mean other people don't
Brayden Butler
Caleb Cooper
Jose Wood
When the salt is just right
Jose Lee
by industry do you mean gaming in general. or just mobas?
because if you're talking about gaming in general, sorry but theres really not much we can do about that as a core group of neckbeards on Sup Forums. we only have so much buying power.
if you're talking about mobas then the industry only improves by adding additional games. I've played all of them and they each have something unique about them, but hots is to my mind the MOST unique moba so far. This is only because of it's leveling/talent system in conjunction with objective based maps and near lack of farming and the idea of "carries"
and if you're talking about freemium games, then again, it's too late for that. f2p with micro transactions is and will be the reality for at least the next 20 years
Juan Gonzalez
Overwatch is boring
Oliver Kelly
Dumbest fucking thread on Sup Forums all day. Worse than the crybaby Sup Forumsnigger spam.
Kayden Carter
so close
Kevin Reed
>no items >no last hitting
what the fuck do you even do
Elijah James
I like it
Got kinda boring though
Benjamin Flores
you pretend that you like video games
Jaxon Gonzalez
I think it's just how blizzdrones are. They think that Blizzard is a messiah of gaming so they go apeshit everytime they release something. They can serve shit with sprinkles over it and people will hail it as best game of the century. Even WoD got shit tons of threads and Legion will get too.
Tyler Jackson
HOTS is not defendable at all.
Nothing has an impact in those games. You never feel like what you did made a difference.
Justin Gray
I don't even care about the game. I'm just here for the porn.
Luke Collins
I don't doubt that Blizzard does have a large marketing department which does focus a lot of time and effort to promoting their garbage via social media and "other online communities" (see their fucking job page - it's right there); but I don't doubt for a second that there's millennials here on Sup Forums who actually think Overwatch is a good game.
Oliver White
Jesus just stop
Josiah Williams
>Mfw havent subscribed to wow wince 2010 >Mfw pissed at valve over nostralius shut down >Mfw overwatch manages to be fun
Seriously please send help because I'm 80% sure I'm about to give blizzactivision money
Gavin Morris
>In summary: >Every negative post is a real human. >Every positive post is paid for.
I don't like the game therefore every positive post about it is a shill no doubt about it I won't listen to anyone about this.
fuck off nigger. I'am an assfaggots player, never liked FPS but I like OW and I'am looking forward to playing it after release, the only problem is that it's boring as fuck to play solo.
Parker Ross
It gets boring after 2 days. By then you've experienced 99% of what the game has to offer.
Watch the backlash 2 weeks after release, it will be glorious.
Ethan Campbell
4 star post.
HOTS is super entertaining as a fresh MOBA experience, and the industry can only be fixed if some semblance of the market and journalists and designers can into game design.
Chase Bailey
Well I've played rocket meme league for 700 fucking hours so not sure I'll get bored of it
Probably because I'm a fucking autistic about learning every little part of a game and repeating ad infenium
Cameron Brooks
Camden Roberts
Waiting for the casuals to throw a bitchfit because their isn't a carrot on a stick prestige system.
Christopher Baker
i don't remeber tracer being that black
Lincoln Lopez
you fight other players 80% of the time
i wish it had more depth and more talent diversity though
Joseph Wright
Rocket league takes hundreds of hours to learn the mechanics. It's fun for a hell of a long time and you can always get better.
Overwatch isn't like that at all. You'll feel skillcapped within the first week.
Jonathan Bailey
so glad they had open beta so i could really experience how shit the game truly is
saved me $40
Kevin Collins
Can't get dubs on Sup Forums. That's the get.
Memo to stay on topic.
>at valve Wot.
Aaron Miller
>more depth and talent diversity Welcome to MOBAs.
William Thompson
Lol I'm fucking tired apparantly
Cleary meant blizzard
Brayden Martinez
>Project Titan, a Superhero MMOFPS, died for this.
Carson Reed
yfw blizzards infamous "balancing" changes do nerf her kamikaze ult
Alexander Cook
Team fighting and actually taking objectives is the point of the game
William Adams
mfw* fucking phone
Nicholas Lewis
It gave me a hilarious reminder at how shit Blizzard is at balancing.
Austin Sanders
Thank God, mmos are trash.
Eli Wilson
You are pathetic
Parker Martinez
>Every FPS needs a progression system
Sup Forums really is full of underaged people who never played arena FPS or even fucking vanilla TF2 where you just played the game just to play
Brandon Harris
I wish MMOs were good again. I feel like it's been a decade since I've played one that I actually cared about.
Blake Jones
a lot
Zachary Rodriguez
This has nothing to do with progression systems.
It has everything to do with the core gameplay getting boring after two days.
That's what having no mobility and moba skills in an FPS does.
Levi Watson
>If I could be paid to say positive things about a game I like, I'd be all over that senpai. >he does it for free
Almost as bad:
>he pays to do it
James Sullivan
What hero is best for someone with shit aim?
Owen Cox
mercy, reinhold, roadhog
Brayden Smith
James Hughes
>no mobility lel
Easton James
Any of them. Most characters have abilities which negate the need for good aim and reflexes. It's casual as fuck.
Noah Davis
That's a lot of paranoia there pal.
Eli Evans
Every negative post is a real human. Every positive post is paid for.
Wow. I just realized that this is exactly how I view life in general. Not video games, really, I personally know some people who would likely promote Overwatch because they genuinely like it. I think they're silly, but there it is.
Leo Clark
This is what Sup Forums is now
Even when the logical explanation doesn't fit it's still a conspiracy
Like gee I wonder why people are talking about this game in open beta for the first time after a year's worth of hype
Brandon Morgan
>negative -it ain't fun when you're playing alone -50 fucking eurobucks for a few maps + characters and jewing this hard over cosmetics is not ok -it gets boring pretty fast
>positive -really polished -Mcree is cool
Juan Lopez
>all the beads aren't emojis You fucked up
Isaiah Morris
yeah the cosmetic shit is really lame
like I've actually got one of the 1000 gold skins from a box but the odds of that happening for the character you like is actually hella low
Aiden Robinson
MGSV, Dark Souls 3, and a multitude of other popular new releases have had free shilling done here.
It's almost as if this were a video game board or something. I wonder how much Gainax paid people to talk about KLK on Sup Forums.
Dominic Wood
>I have never seen such a ridiculous amount of shilling. Then you're new as fuck. Like "literally started lurking here last week" level of new.
Hunter Hernandez
The hots shilling was unreal awhile ago when the nostalrius shitstorm happened
Colton Torres
>Every positive post is paid for.
>I don't like this game and everybody who doesn't agree with me is a paid shill
god you fucks are retarded
Kayden Sanchez
Everyone knows wod was horrible, blizzard hasn't been listening to the fan base of wow for years and years, WoD had the fewest patches over any expansion and we didn't see any new content prior to launch in over a year's time. They'll do the same for overwatch. When blizzard gets bored/lazy that's when they start cutting corners.
Jacob Gomez
What exactly is wrong with disagreeing with people who don't share your opinion?
I myself dislike the Souls games, and having played and experienced them myself, I'll readily dismiss anyone praising their stories or combat as either an idiot or a shill. It's the logical fucking conclusion, seeing as I know for a fact both of those things suck.
David Walker
i didnt even know the game existed until a week ago and i think its hella fun. so suck my member
Aaron Wilson
>why does this company that has millions of fans have people saying good things about it? it must be a conspiracy.
I do believe that shilling IS real and that there ARE paid shills both here and in other places, but at the end of the day most of the positive posts are still not going to be shills. The shill boogeyman is Sup Forums's version of Sup Forums's le happy merchant.
Wyatt Reyes
>Everyone knows wod was horrible
What's fucking terrifying about Blizzdrones is that that doesn't matter at all. They'll still happily buy up Legion like the army of battered wives they are.
They'll defend anything Blizzard til their last breath, except once the overwhelming opinion shifts to the negative either because something was changed (Diablo 3's RMAH and general balance clusterfuckery at launch) or its no longer going to be relevant (literally everything about WoD), then they'll doubleback and go "Ha ha yeah that was pretty shitty".
Lucas Perez
I didn't want to believe this shit was true, but I said something negative about Overwatch on the subreddit, and got sent this message. What I said wasn't even wholly negative, I just said I was worried that this game didn't have the longevity of other, similar games and that after a few months matchmaking might be really shit because of a low playerbase.
I even countered my argument saying that Blizzard games are always popular so it's probably a non-issue.
I was also told that I have no right to take hype away from people, and that I shouldn't say things that might make people not buy the game. What the fuck? I never realised how bad reddit was, holy shit.
Levi Robinson
>What the fuck? I never realised how bad reddit was, holy shit.
Is this a joke? Reddit has always been hugbox circlejerk central. They have a fucking upvote system to make it so only the popular and accepted opinions are visible unless you dig for the rest. What else were you expecting?
Cameron Torres
>I never realised how bad reddit was, holy shit. Then you'd better not look up what a Reddit shadow ban is.
Lincoln Taylor
t. Someone who visited for a whole two minutes
Christian Green
Reddit still has some redeeming content and I still visit the site, but I never realised just how everyone ends up gravitating towards the same opinions because of the upvote system. Absolutely terrible.
Thomas Reyes
>Went to the hugbox that is reddit, where people rejoice over terrible puns
And what did you expect? Our shit doesn't fly there.
Ryder Carter
>Reddit shadow what is it?
Isaac Gray
Sup Forums and reddit are the same
Bentley Hill
Says a faggot reddit user
Brayden Torres
Not him, but I saw one last night that had that face for the beads and his hands were replaced with the "OK" hand sign.
Jaxson Martinez
Shadow ban. It's when someone is banned, but gets no notification, and he can still see his own posts, but other people can't.
It's a popular type of opinion suppression on the political subs.