Name a popular city that hasn't been done in an open world game yet

Name a popular city that hasn't been done in an open world game yet.

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Fictional cities high yield the best


>inb4 InFamous: Second Son

Abortions don't count. Also it's a Sandbox more than an "Open World".

Austin, Texas
Nashvile, Tennessee
Cleveland, Ohio


fallout 4 does not count

I'd like to see Cologne desu

What the hell does popular city mean?

Sydney, San Francisco, Berlin, Paris






Middlesbrough. Truly a wonderful city.


>Any of those
I can't say much either, Atlanta has never been in an open world game either.


>you play a GTA game where you bomb Paris?

it would be an excellent city for prototype 3

>not famous

there's literally an internationally broadcasted televsion show called Nashville. I'd say it's pretty famous. The other two are at least well known in the states.

>Watch Dogs is $5 preowned on PS4
>The boxes and discs I've seen are all in really good condition

Was it really that bad?

Paris, Berlin, Seoul, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Brussels, Sarajevo, Athen, Delhi, Rome, Amsterdam, Moscow, Jakarta, Bangkok, Tehran, Cairo, Madrid, Brasilia, Bucharest, etc...

Stuff like that.

In case anyone wonders what has been done already

Brooklyn, New York
Chicago, Illinois
Los Angeles, California
Miami, Florida
Las Vegas, Nevada
London, England
Tokyo, Japan

and why is that?
Ass Creed 3 has Boston too.

There was a barcelona level in thug2.

No it just didn't deliver on the hacking aspect, the rest of the game was fine.....until you run into that skill reset glitch and if you didn't have a save backup, you'd have to start the entire game over.

I think what he means is he wants a modern representation of Boston. Not a post apocalyptic one and not a colonial one.


1 district doesn't count.

It's not famous stop trying to prop up that shit city and go shove some hot chicken up your ass.

Ok, Nashville sure but Austin and fucking Cleveland that place Hollywood kept trying to push in the 90s as blue collar America? Yeah no, fuck off its not famous. Unless being cucked for lelbron counts for fame


Hong Kong too


I'm not sure if Baltimore has been done yet.
I would say New Orleans but the city in InFamous 2 was heavily inspired by it.
>Austin, Texas
>wanting a game to take place in hipster central

>Nashville isn't famous

Oh you poor underage child. Just because you don't like Nashville and think "lel rednecks!" doesn't mean it isn't famous.

that's great but that'st not what the OP asked

Dude, I live in fucking China and I'm not an American and I know Nashville. Yes, it's famous.


Any german city that's not Berlin.

cannit beat the boro

Fuck off, Pajeet. Nobody fuckign like Toronto, fuckign curry enclave SHIT


Modern Dubai, not the fictional ruined one in Spec Ops. Imagine a GTA in Dubai where almost every character was Yusuf from GTA4.


>tfw no full Tokyo
>no side missions where you can illegally street race on the wangan

Fort McMurray




It's not famous, it's the capital of Tennessee and is only known for country music nothing more.

Also OP said popular and Nashville is also very far from that, might as well tell me that Kansas City is popular.

>being this mad you didn't get ANOTHER first over draft pick.

Pretty sure it was already featured in Disaster: Day of Crisis.

I'll second this with the DC metropolitan area in general.

What's wrong with it?


Honolulu, Hawaii

When did they do Paris?

who types like this? must be from Montreal. go away frog.


Do you even Saboteur?

Red Dead
Ass Creed Unity
Which game?

Does Asscreed unity with it's shitty online features and unplayable performance mess even count?

I know of any open world games set in Paris but I know of a few games that had Paris based levels such as 007 Nightfire and Onimusha 3

Popular cities that should have open world games based in them of which none of these cities would make sense/apply.

Now, Tokyo, Berlin, Cairo, and Washington D.C. all make sense for an open world game depending on the time period/context.

Fucking seriously though Austin?

It was a shit game but it still got the city down right.

Any big european city besides Paris and London.

Any german city,Berlin,Duesseldorf,Hamburg,Hannover,Kiel


Flat, boring city with nothing in there besides pretty buildings and politicians. The "city" part of it is just a bunch of shitty suburbs.


On launch?

Amsterdam, Istanbul, Lisbon, Barcelona

>shitty online features
who gives shit, were talking about world games
you can always play Saboteur

Yakuza Ishin?

I initially couldn't think of a more popular city in Texas. Switch Austin with Dallas

It was legit bad, especially if you've played other modern Ubisoft games before like Ass Creed and Far Cry.

However I still have high hopes for the sequel because Ubisoft always gets stuff right with their second tries. And because I love the concept.

Mate Nashville is pretty well hears of around the world. I mean I get it, you hate country music and the south, doesn't change the fact that the city is famous.


Ubisoft defiled it already.

Come on. The Saboteur was pretty good.

The Saboteur


Remember Me

I'm still waiting for an Open World crime game that satirizes the political establishment of Munich. No one outside of Germany would get it or even care about it but it'd be hilarious.

was it ever translated?

The one thing that people agree upon when it comes to Unity is that they got Paris right. It's amazingly recreated, downright beautiful.



Toronto would be cool (because I live there) but it doesn't really differentiate itself from New York or other generic big cities.

Kansas City. And yes, they are famous.

Singapore would be cool. Not really counting Deus Ex HR. If I remember right it was just a mission there


Atlanta probably. One of the biggest commerce sites for the United States, but no representation because there are no real landmarks to speak of, and the skyline isn't huge. Great place though.

shhhhh your shitty is not famous give it up and stop pretending you're from places you aren't to samefag your shitty.

What are you gonna do next post, "I'm from Canada eh and we've heard all aboot Nashville eh! Pretty famous lil town there south of the border eh."?


Atlanta would be fun as shit, but it would be hard to make a video game version. There's no design to the layout and there are trees fucking everywhere.

moscow is boring
St. Petersburg would be nice though

I don't think I've seen a game with the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul). But I guess that's not as famous as many other American cities, probably not even as famous as Fargo-Moorhead thanks to the movie.

At least it was a level in a Tony Hawk game
only in a special edition

Homefront Revolution coming out in a few days is set there

shitty game though

we already played sleeping dogs, it's a same thing essentially

NeoTokyo when?


Come, take a dip in the rancid Yarra.

Visit one of our many dark and disgusting alleys.

Pay exorbitant amounts for shitty fast food in Southbank.

Beat up wogs in Lygon Street.

Popular? I think that's defined by the population, which means any city of any real size is popular.

In any case Atlanta could be interesting if done right. Memphis is already a crime filled shithole so it would be a nice change from New Orleans. Any border town in Texas (Call of Juarez doesn't count). Portland could be satired wonderfully. Denver. St. Louis.

Pretty much anything that isn't NY, LA, fucking Boston, Vegas, or New Orleans. I don't want more east coast cities really, they're all old and dirty. Then again SF sucks, San Diego has nothing, and what's left? Phoenix? SLC?

It's really tough to make a city interesting without ripping everything down and making fun of it.