This is hands down one of the worst game I have ever played

This is hands down one of the worst game I have ever played

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yep. it's bad and it's pretty widely accepted.

single player heavily modded is the only way to go

Are there any good mods out?All is see is generic graphics mods to change the composition than people go on the call it realistic.Anyways I doubt any mods would help the single player at it's current state

>another shitpost on gta v/o thread

Keepin it contrarian Sup Forums, as always


At least it comes free with a really good game

This is a whole new level of shitposting, congratulations, you just beat me, the guy who created the "meme x" meme.

Yeah it fucking sucks. I've put days into it but probably wouldn't have if I had come across all my money honestly. Can't believe how many faggots are on rockstars dick praising them every time a new car comes out

They took out cobs and robbers

yep. gtaiv online was better.

Having to wait through the loading screens kills the game.

I'm not shitting on GTA V,I'm shitting on GTA online.Which is one of the biggest pile of shit I ever played.
>5 minute loading screen
>Game punishes you for completing missions fast,so you have to wait 15 minutes to get the highest pay out
I'm not making this shit up
> the heist are boring and set ups are shit,it's gets tiring diving on side of the map to another
>The armor cars are bullshit alone with heavy snipers because only high level players can access them,and some random jack ass oneshot kill you if they feel like it
>The game punishes you for playing it like GTA game,getting bounties for robbing civilians cars,getting charge for destroying other players cars because they're the ones trying to kill you
Not to mention how the game is based on microtransactions,missions and heist gives shitty payout,while the more everything is so fucking expensive.So while you grind trying to get the best of the best,some dumb ass will actually spend money on the jewcards to get the most overpowering shit.This is not GTA it's Anti GTA

I've played it way more than the single player. The loading screens are awful and missions pay too little, but the latter can be solved by moneydroppers

I'm curious how do you find them

Not even PS3 has five minute loading

You just get lucky I suppose. I've ran into them three times. I suppose if you spot a hacker you could ask them if they can drop money, never tried that though

First time some guy just spawned into my car and started dropping bags on me
Second time I was in a clothes store and a cougar walks in, I follow him outside and he starts dropping money
Third time someone just sends everyone a text message that he's dropping money at the airport

Nice change of pace from the guys who just set you on fire or something

it's an exaggeration,but the loads are still to long

>Can't believe how many faggots are on rockstars dick praising them every time a new car comes out

It's painfully obvious that rockstar is doing this just to get people's attention back to the game if they dare try to drop it. Worse when you try to point this out, someone mentions that the ingame content is ""free""

gta4's multiplayer was more barebones and had some flaws yet it funner than the overly complicated mmo shitheap that is gtao

there's literally less to do in it than The Division, and that's saying something.

>i hate GTAO, am i cool guys xD

you're lying.

Doesn't modding singleplayer get you banned, though?

>next RDR game will have all the GTAO features in it

kill me now

I bet your gamer tag is ShawtySmokes or something.

Kill yourself degenerate nigger.

Constant loading screens and an emphasis on microtransactions killed whatever potential this game could've had.

At least I still enjoyed the single player.

>next RDR game

I don't think you understood what rdr was about.

Not as bad as overwatch. That shit is a horrible shooter.

god I miss this game

Cops and Robbers was fucking kino

It's like a minute and a half. Which is still way too long for how frequent it is

>Like bro srly who cares about microstransactions,and the game is pay to win just have fun everybody else like it

What else can you even really spend money on besides cars?

I picked it up recently and did all the heists with the /vg/ crew on PC, it was nice.

outside of that there isnt much to do unless you're 12 and enjoy shooting people randomly

dont bother trying to do missions and heists with randoms tho its impossible

having car upgrades tied to rank was a mistake.
You cant win a race or keep up with the people in your party when doing a heist for example, if you're low level and they're all rank 90+ and have turbos and all the best uprades.

The fun comes from playing together but if you get split from other players because you cant go fast it ruins everything.

its not that bad overall.

Heavy snipers
Armor vehicles
Mini gun

>enter lobby
>immediately get "someone has placed a bounty on you"
>can't go passive with a bounty
>can't start activities with a bounty
>every starts chasing you
>kill other players in self defence
>bounty increases
Why even bother? All you can do to get away is join activities started by other players, except nobody does that any more.


no it wasnt. it literally wasn't. people only think gtaiv online was better out of some kind of nostalgia. If you went back and played it today youd realise how shit and boring it was and you'd stop playing after an hour

>Three years of online only content
>Not single word of new single player content

>enter heist lobby
>bong rip

lel retard

Everyone always seems to use that spammy sniper rifle that is open from level 1. Minigun is locked until you're level 120 so you couldn't buy it anyway, which is actually really annoying

I never really cared about blowing people up in free roam though, especially when everyone uses autoaim. There's better games if you want to play deathmatch. Though there's also better racing games and basically GTA isn't very good at anything it does so I don't really know why I even play it

It's interesting how nobody can fly a plane in this game. Sometimes I end up in a plane race and everyone just keeps crashing between every checkpoint, I don't understand. The flying is not complicated, how do they even manage to hit the ground

Yeah it's pretty shitty. Played over a thousand hours of it. It's nice that the little updates are free but they're far too infrequent to be any good. Would have been better with TLaD/TBoGT style expansions.

>they will never experience clipping somebody with a jet wing

Splitting the players through aim preference is cancer. They should have settled on one stylefree aimand then balanced the game around that.

>playing GTA O with friends

nice one 14 year old now fuck off

>Doing final prison heist
>Manage to get into the airfield
>Dumb ass pilot crash into the mountain

There really shouldn't be autoaim at all. I don't understand why they're so hesitant to drop it, people shoot with freeaim with aim assist in all other games so why do they think people can't aim in GTA

>implying the /vg/ crew are my friends and I didnt use them as tools for evil purposes

>jump out of the plane
>someone dies

Jesus, either they slam into the rocks or don't even know how to open the parachute

>doing prison heist with randoms
>any chance in hell of beating it

>Only 14 year Olds play games with friends
user... I think you might be retarded

This shit drives me up the fucking wall

Does the PC version have a limited photo gallery like in the console versions?

There's this thing called "taking screenshots"


>get 9000$ bounty
>notice a red blip following me
>floor it fast as i can to apartment and make it by the skin of my teeth
>wait 15 minutes inside
>the fucknut is still outside waiting for me to come out
>fuck it
>go outside
>shotgun in the face

Do people still play on the 360/PS3 or is it just full of hackers these days?

There's still people but they seem to mostly be South Americans and other poor people. Or maybe that's just because of the time of day I've usually played at

I havent met a single english speaker for almost a year now.

i report anyone on steam who admits to using single player mods to rockstar and they get banned in online and on the steam forums. hahahaahahaha

It literally ruined the entire series

Plenty of people waiting for an exploiter to dump money on them, that's about it. It is the safest way to get loads of free money on Next Gen/PC

Rockstar released a statement shortly after the PC version came out that said they look forward to the creativity of the singleplayer modding scene, but the second you take mods online, your ass is grass.

Plus, most popular modding programs exit the game upon entering online.

Play with friends, dumbass.

>if I had come across all my money honestly.
This without hackerbux I wouldnt have played half as much as I did. Who the fuck wants to grind GTA? especially for a car that some asshole is gonna blow up about 2 blocks down from the garage and then they bill be to get my fucking car back and then require me to go back to the garage or the fucking insurance place... All thats missing is a trip to the fucking tag office. I get realism... But somethings I dont want all that real.

What if none of my friends are gamers?

why would you go inside. being chased is half the fun

its painfully obvious that the only reason this game wasn't delayed 6 months and was launched when it launched was so rockstar could double down on console sales of the game. Get all the final bucks they could out of last gen then do it again for current gen. The game just runs soo bad on last gen. Why rockstar? I mean I know why, because the money, but WHY?

Sit in garage/apartment until bounty goes away

Gta v online is for cocksuckers , if you suck cock go ahead its a cocksuckers heaven

that hasn't worked since like the first patch on last gen.

Exit to single player. Create invite only online lobby. Wait until bounty expires. I do it all the time

Just let them kill you?

Why is everything so expensive? I don't want to slog through a couple heists just so I can make the wheels on my car bounce.

Silly goy, shark cards are the real moneymaker!

It really is, I see a ton of people just buying more cards like they do gems for their shitty phone games.

You know you can call your mechanic to bring your cars to you right? You know the game charges whoever blows up your vehicle right? Have you even played the game? If you aren't completely retarded, the process is;
>call insurance
>call mechanic
>wait 5 seconds

Id like to see someone calculate the cost of every weapon/car/yacht/apparment in USD, I'm betting it's >$5,000

Sums up Cockstar for you.

>stick c4 on car
>enter apartment/mission
>c4 goes off
>owner still pays for car

>B-but I still have to pay if the other person drives all the way back to their apartment

How often do you allow this to happen to you? In that time, you could just switch cars with your mechanic.

the person who threw the c4 is the one that leaves/enters building numbnuts, it takes about 5 seconds to throw c4 on an unattended car then hit join new lobby.

>You have to do worse to get a better reward
holy fucking shit are you serious R*