Release already, I hate knowing that all my progress and drops will be lost

Release already, I hate knowing that all my progress and drops will be lost.

Reeeeee etc.

>Lost drops
Than you shouldn't have played the Beta.

Stopped playing because of this very reason desu


Sort of the same for me. Also, I don't want to burn out on it before it's even released

If I hadn't played the beta then I wouldn't have found out that I like the game.

>60 eurobucks
Not worth it.

The problem is that the only other game I have right now is Hearthstone and it tends to piss me off because I've just started and have shit cards.

I'd buy D3 but I already preordered OW.

Being a poorfag sucks.

That's for the Origins Edition. The standard one is €40 which is what I bought.

Fair enough, but then you shouldn't complain about lost drops. This has been known for a while.

why are there so many complaints about the price?
no one ever complains about the price of other triple A titles.

>Origins Edition
What's in it that's worth the additional 20?

>fourty european currency units for this
did someone say dead in a month?

they are mainly story based games with content
this has nothing

I'd happily pay 20-30 dollarydoos on the current state of the game but not 40 or 60 senpai

Poorfags and third worlders are upset they can't ruin this game like they do every f2p.

yeah story based games that you'll probably play through once and be done with, multiplayer games have lasting appeal.

Mostly cause this game doesn't have a single player like most AAA titles and is a purely Multiplayer game, something most people associate with F2P titles nowadays.
Although nobody complained about Garden Warfare 2's price, even though that was a full $60.


Bastion is a WHOOOOOORE

game is pretty fun though.

>stopped playing because of muh pixels

so you don't actually like the game

>blizzdrone defenses

maybe because nobody gives a fuck about that game?

I mean it shouldn't be something you are worried about losing.
If it's that big of a deal to you, don't play until your shit is guaranteed after learning you do actually like the game.

i played like 20 hours during this free week/weekend and i have almost no desire to go back to it. several maps are just shit and a lot of the others are samey, the netcode is fucking atrocious and almost every match comes down to your team comp rather then playing well. there's just no reason to buy the damn game after seeing it.

Not really complaining, just a little upset because that game is addictive and I want to play yet I'm constantly reminded that my progress will be wiped.

Nothing. It's just a bunch of character skins for OW, an ugly WoW pet, HS card back, SC2 avatars and a Tracer hero for HotS (kek) IIRC.

Nice joke, lad.

its not a good sign if a game need progression to be fun.

I need some tips for ninja man.

you can screencap this
it's dead within a month

there is no real progression in this game, you get a random loot box every level and there's no level cap. it just sucks losing cool skins and stuff

>Giving a fuck about progress
I have -75% XP gain because I left at the start of a match which I couldn't stop the joining process, excellent design.

I'm sure players will value this game greatly when they need to answer the door, pick up a phone call, have diarrhea, check on baby, whatever the fuck real life calls for.

theres plenty of f2p out there

I got a really good Reinhardt skin. Gold armor no helmet.. Fucking baller as shit. I'm going to lose it?!


Matches last less than 10 minutes each


Nigger i got the Ra skin for the most fun support and the Mariachi skin of edgelord man and they are fucking rad

I'm a little upset i'll be loosing them

Play like an actual ninja. Use your wall climb to go after easy targets like widow, mercy, etc. You need to assassinate people. You are going to lose if you go head on vs. most people. Get in, get picks, get out. Use your reflect sparingly. Use your ultimate only after your team goes in. You should never be the first in on a team fight.

I keep hearing that Preorders get to keep their stuff, but I'm not holding my breath.


I know there's PoE but I didn't like it.

>I have a kid to take care of, so the rules should be set to appease my specific situation!

>tfw woodbot AND fucking biker dwarf will be gone

>I'm a total waifufag and only want to play Tracer and D.Va
>I'm terrible with both

Just fuck my shit up.

>edgelord man
I like how you automatically know who that is. Top kek.

Thank you, based healslut

>I have bad time management, cater for ME!
you're the guy who joins games that are known to take an hour to finish, yet ask for the team to kick you at the start of the game because you are unorganised and won't accept the responsibility

fuck off

tracer is purely for harassing and getting out of there. is just kinda bad.

>get legendary
>it's shit
>and it's for fucking symmetra

>Currently gobbling a bowl full of blizzards juicy cocks

I really enjoyed playing the beta. I will most likely be buying it day one.

I think it's a lot better than TF2 because there isn't any autists running around with their virtual hats.

People actually have trouble countering Bastion? I don't usually say this, but seriously, git gud.

>20 tick rate


the problem is he is usually in one corner of the map with a reinhardt and a mercy up his asshole

>Reeeeee etc.
You deserve this for caring in the first place and especially

>babby's first beta

the game shouldn't release until they fix a few things like, Bastion being able to heal in turret form, and not having a cooldown on his switch mode (the real reasons he's so powerful. Otherwise people would chip away at him with damage and he'd have to move off point to heal.), and Hanzo dragon arrow through the wall.

I haven't personally experienced that yet. I'm playing on Xbox though, so idk about PC. Is it really that big of a problem?

Sup Forums says this about almost every game

have you considered sucking less Blizzard dick?

when will this meme die

Sup Forums says this about absolutely everything.

Well fuck me I just got this as a drop. So much for that.


because it's only got 3 game modes and like, 8 maps, and it's still going to have an in game cash shop, and it's competing with TF2 which is free, and in a sense, MOBAs which are all pretty much free.

Stopped playing because the game is fun and thats all it will ever be.

Fun is subjective in most terms but is mostly described as being something you play, and play and will find constant enjoyment with.

Overwatch is just that. Fun, dumb fun at that. It's a type of fun you can pick up, need no skill, and still stomp in. It's not the fun you get by successfully hitting your first awp shot, capturing your first intel as spy, or perfecting someone in a fighting game. It's a fun you get for running up, hitting someone and killing them and doing that so mindlessly that you find enjoyment out of it.

There are HUGE problems that force the game to just not work. Most of these problems arise in the balance, I can talk about how bastion is broken, or how torbjorns turret is too accurate at any range. But most of the balance issues arise in the maps themselves.

In team fortress 2 you have your standard game modes, payload, capture point, and capture the flag (intel) and these maps all have multiple spawn points for both attackers and defenders. Attackers never feel like they spawn too close to the objective and defenders never have to walk 10 miles to get to the objective. Everyone can get to the objective at the exact same time. No one side is favored because attackers spawn next to the payload and defenders have time to set up defenses. Every class on defense can get to the objective at the same time relatively speaking. There are multiple entry routes but they always lead towards the objective meaning, if your getting stomped you can go around and help your team mates in the back all classes can use these paths to their own unique advantages. All in all these maps work because they are balanced for both sides and if you lose, it's not because you got countered it's because you got outplayed by the better team.

In overwatch you have the same game modes, Payload, Capture point, and Capture the flag. 1/2 because too long

That's the best character in the game faggot.

from closed beta

>1/2 because too long

Don't bother. Didn't read.

My normie friends are getting tired of it. I doubt they will buy it so there is a fair chance the game will fail in the long run

>set up viewing chokepoint in turret mode on defense
>hold LMB
>if you take damage use E without even having to move
>shred through even Reinhardt shields in a matter of 2 seconds

I just like fun games, bro. No need to get your panties in a knot.



You also have 5 teammates that pick off anyone trying to snipe you and make sure noone is running past you

oh yeah, what does the game actually function like apart from the whole champions bullshit? Objectives?

The funniest thing is seeing the same complaint EVERY SINGLE TIME by new players: the game is one big choke and BASTION TORBJORN OP. It's hilarious because almost every new player parrots it but you don't see any people with more than 30 or so hours complaining because they realise that Torb is utterly useless and Bastion is highly situational, if not useless as well, and they learned that there's always a way through a defence. GET GOOD.

Having two swords doesn't mean you're supposed to melee people.
You're moderately effective at all ranges, so try to fight at whatever range the enemy is less effective at.
His shuriken is great but has a travel time so it's harder to aim at non stationary targets.
Your role is to use your mobility to flank targets like widow, bastion and torbjorn, not bust through the front door, but sometimes it's better to just harass than go all in, you're not as good 1on1 like McCree, except when you ult (and your ult wont enable you to kill multiple people who aren't stupid or distracted either)
The deflect you need to practice to get right. Usually you need to use it when people are already shooting at you instead of using it before they start.

Please. You're not even having fun. The game is tricking you into thinking you're having "fun" with its skinner box reward system. This is artificial enjoyment.

>some shitty spray no one uses ever except on the Attackers' starting door
>some shitty voice-line no one ever uses except waiting for the Attackers' starting door
>some shitty unnoticeable recolor skin for some hero you never play
>legendary Play of the Game animation for a Healer
>giving a shit about Loot and Progress being erased when it already meant nothing


You either capture and defends points or have to push or stop a moving cargo

There aren't many maps and since they're extremely narrow it takes forever to respawn and get to the action.

Actually the real problem here is more that 8/10 the bastion sitting in the corner is also the play of the game and they are 'forced' to watch a terrible boring replay before they can leave the match or even see their stats. the games already breeding salt to start by it's designs, making everyone sit through the terrible terrible plays blizzard's shit algorithm picks as the 'best' play just throws more salt on the pile.

In these game modes you have several maps, these maps have multiple entry routes, multiple counter points, and a ton of roof tops. In the similar tf2 fashion attackers are stuck in spawn for about a minute, defenders have time to set up. How ever there are not multiple spawns close by for both parties. Only the attackers will get this luxury. Defenders have to, no matter where the objective is walk to it which could take upwards of 2 minutes of game time which is 2 minutes you can't help your team. In this time frame the enemy can take the objective and kill your team. This isn't the fault of you, or your team being bad its the fault of the map. Like I mentioned in tf2's map design there are multiple entry routes. But most of these routes favor not everyone. They favor people who work close up, genji, reaper, bastion, torbjorn, ect. Unlike tf2 where a scout can go into the 2 fort sewers where most people would go you are stuck to the ground while the select few characters get to have and use their advantages. Not everyone gets the same map advantage, which simply does not work in a game where a reaper or a mei can press Q and instantly kill all of you and take the objective. This really sucks because you can be the best player in the game and still take 2 minutes to get back. Most of the maps are very linear as well, only leading to 1 area and needing to go out in the open exposing yourself to the enemy to go to another area behind them. This really sucks and is just not good design in general. Payload is also really unbalanced, the points are spread out almost at random either behind too close (like overwatch HQ) or being too far (route 69) and not giving everyone a fair advantage. It also feels in most of these maps symmetra and her teleporters are almost a necessity unlike the engineer you NEED her to get back to the action or have fun walking for 2 minutes.

I am going to wrap this up, so here is a tf2 overwatch comparison

then don't open the crates you dumb autist

Ninja man has the highest skill ceiling and can bust almost anybodies ass with the right plays.

Shirukens are your kill method, and mid range is your best best. Always aim for the head. Lead your shots as there's a short travel time. Only use the right mouse at very very close range. 3 shiruken hits is about 80 damage, almost 100 if you hit the head.

Use your dash for that bonus finishing damage and for escapes. You never want to get too close unless you can guarantee a kill. Keep hopping around on the walls and generally be a nuisance.

Do not engage Mei or Symmetra if you can. These guys can trash you. Be careful around Roadhog. Remember that you can always get killed in a couple of hits and you can never overcommit. Always have an escape plan.

Your ult is the team wipe machine. You want to kill people with the strikes, because every kill resets your dash. So you want to kill, dash, kill, dash and stay mobile.

Mobility is the key, along with accuracy.

I really like

>2fort vs map that doesn't exist in overwatch

i miss the games where individual skill of a player mattered and was highly valued. Now its all just "power of friendship" "we are da team" "lets hold hands" bullshit. webm slightly related and its shit and doesnt really reflect what im trying to say here but still you get the idea

I just hope theyll increase the rate that youll earn currency.

Or that crates will be earned for more than just leveling up.

How does his reload animation work considering the original has the Shuriken coming from his forearm?

it's actually doing the reverse in my case. their Skinner boxes are so terrible I don't even 'want' them

>oh look a hearthstone booster, i mean an overwatch brand loot box.
>usually getting 4 commons and a blue tier, this seems oddly familar.
>hmm 90% of these seem to be filler sprays padded out by being class specific.
>Hmm i can get duplicates and they sell back for 5 currency.
>how is this incentivizing me to want it again?

I'd literally just sell the unopened boxes if I could.


>playing as Reinhardt
>get an ice wall raised behind me
>trapped with four guys in a hallway
>do my ult
>knock everyone down
>smash into a wall

Map comparison user. My point is that all maps in overwatch lead to only 1 point no matter the route. In tf2 you can take multiple routes leading you behind them, infront of them, or through their side.

widow's fun

>Kills low tier retards who all 1v1 a solo guy from bad angles and melee attempts

this is probably your own gameplay footage. you probably feel proud of this?

Stop projecting with your faggotry, please. I like the gameplay. The loot boxes are just an added bonus.

Isn't Genji an actual japanese name?

And to think, it's all in the name of "E-sports"

Don't you want to join in on the fun and be competitive!? :^)


Map design in over watch does suck, but you're exaggerating. A number of the 'side' routes do require some sort of movement ability though.

I'm actually not sorry