Your team (level 10-20): 3x Genji/Hanzo/Reaper

>your team (level 10-20): 3x Genji/Hanzo/Reaper
>enemy team (level 30-50): balanced team
>not even talking about how they are vastly superior in teamwork&playerskill

I love the game, but why are Blizzard games so terrible at matchmaking? (see also Heroes of the Storm)

Other urls found in this thread:

>People who are level 30+ in this beta

haven't heard about the reset and are probably going to be mad come Wednesday.

>complaining about people nolifing a game

>tfw your team needs a support/tank but you already done so for the past 5 games

Fuck it, Genji it is. Team wasn't going to win anyway, may as well have fun.

I saw a guy who was on level 50 on the second day of the open beta. Is that carry over from the closed ones or had he just been playing it pretty much non-stop since this beta?

>no one is playing a support so you have to play lucio
>the other team is at all competent so you have to play lucio
>a retard on your team picked mercy so you have to play lucio

I went through all the characters to get a feel for their abilities and when I got to Lucio and saw his overall design I told myself I would never play as him, but it's fucking mandatory in pub matches.

Mercy works if you have a competent tank but with how many retards there are an AOE heal is just too valuable.

Your stats carried over from the 2 day early closed beta. If you do plenty of things and win you get close to 4000XP per match. If you play with a group of friends (group up before search) you get +20% XP which is a pretty big boost. So theoretically if you play with a team you know for two days you can get to 50. I have 21 hours in. I play alone. I lost most of my matches and I'm 30. Also after 22 the XP you for the next level is the same (around 22000).

>Want to play rooty-tooty cowbow-shooty
>Get ult after sniping tracers, supports, shooting pharahs out of the air, and generally head shotting anyone who is in your mid range
>Loud ass whistle, bright orange to identify you, everyone instantly hides, mei throws up an ice wall in your face, reinhardt activates his shield.

I love this guy, but his ult fucking sucks. Most of the time you are head shotting like 1 or 2 people or using it to kill annoying tracers. Even a competent widowmaker will kill you as soon as you stand still.
Shit like riptires and reaper ults can work successfully but no, not McCree. He's just too broken apparently

>first to pick class
>go pharah, tired of being heals bitch
>someone picks genji, ok
>someone picks dwarf, good good
>someone goes reindhart, great
>someone else goes pharah - wait
>someone goes tracer
>ask if someone could pick a support class
>no response
>wait for timer
>fuck sake - change to lucio or mercy
Fuck match making, I mean jesus fuck

>that China king of the hill map
>someone picks Widowmaker

mercy + lucio is a carry duo, but you hardly ever see a team pick two supports, if any at all.

2 ways to use it.
1) flank the enemy team and ult, preferably from a hard to spot place.
2) use it to zone clear. You won't kill anyone unless they are idiots, but it will get people off point/payload for a few seconds. Great during overtime or when you need to cap something.

>went up against a team of Mercy, Lucio, Roadhog,, and a competent Tracer and Genji on Gibraltar (they were offense)

my asshole was not ready for that

> Team is defending
> Everyone picks offense characters

>They stand back trying to snipe people when the capture point is completely enclosed
Its literally the only map she's bad on and people still pick her.

>tfw playing as hanzo on this map

Actually yeah, I've been using it to zone clear since everyone just scurries away like roaches from the light. At least 50 meter is returned anyway.
If I'm outside a riptire or zarya ult or something, no one expects survivors and I get like 3 headshots from people who didn't pay attention to the whistle. Oh well.

>Team is defending
>They pick nothing but tanks and supports so nobody dies
There is no balance
>The assmad that scatter arrow causes.
Christ that ability

The sonic one is grossly underrated in my opinion.

>Join game.


Its his best ability outside of ult honestly, wallhack vision on a 20 second cooldown in a game where 90% of the time people have to funnel around corners? Its pretty fucking broken. Same with widow ult honestly, but she's another matter entirely.

>two scrubs join my team and pick torbjorn
>i change from torbjorn so we dont have 3 duplicate characters
>we play for about 2 mins
>notice both scrubs change to roadhog
The Fuck? why join a game and pick two of the same characters? then swap 2 mins into the game? fuckers trick you into thinking they will be useful character and help the team but really they are just testing out a new character.

fuck this beta needed a rank system so i can avoid all the scrub lords


Just cry now, and play ranked and tryhard when it comes out in 2.5 weeks.

>not getting stomped is try hard
This is how I know your bad at games

I really liked it more than I thought I would and now I'm worried I'll burn out on actual release from playing the beta so much ;_;

>level 1-100 bastion

get eSport good and then come back when you find out you still suck

>enemy team is attacking
>they all pick defenders like mei, hanzo, widowmaker, bastion, and junkrat
>they win


>pick pig on defense
>pick pig on offense

Mei and Junkrat should be in a Balanced category, Mei is just too versatile to be only classed as a Defense character and Junkrat is excellent at annihilating defensive turtles on top of having traps.

>People pick Hanzo in King of the Hill game modes
>I just pick D.Va and just rek everyone shit and go 35-40 elimations with 0-3 deaths

She maybe underpowered and shit, but god damn she is made to win in that specific game mode.

>level 12
>get matched up with a level 42 on my team so expect them to be good
>they pick bastion and set up nowhere near the objective
>still gets flanked and killed by enemies

I assume it was some mentally challenged guy that pumped a ton of time into the game without knowing how to play

D.Va is great for the cunty bastion strategy because you can just pop your shield up and bully the guy off of his vantage point.

So this game gets weekly update for contents or it's a DLC based game then die down?

>my team is the wooooooorssssstttt! I always get matched against a superior team and there's NOTHING I COULD DO because my team SUCKED! What the fuck blizzard? How come I never get a team AT MY SKILL LEVEL? I deserve a better team

I found out and was kind of sad but felt okay with it since I got this but they were characters I don't play

If I got a legendary skin on my mains I'd feel bad

even though every guide in the internet will say this, I'll have to say it too: you need to have either tank support when ulting, or ult from where they cant see you (above is usually a good idea)

my best "combo" so far for his ulti is zarya's shield. No one is really sure if they can kill me through that (they can't) since no one ever plays zarya, it's the easiest shit ever to coordinate high noon with her buff and get 3-4 kills.

So someone told me things were getting wiped after the beta is over and the game releases?

Does anyone know exactly what is getting wiped?
I just got a legendary skin and it's pretty nice, I don't really wana lose it.

>escort map
>everyone ignores the payload
>have to be on it as tracer for the next 1 minutes

no seriously what the fuck is wrong with you shitters going ahead of the payload? this happens repeatedly i know one of you try to race for their spawn instead of sticking to the payload

Overwatch is a game where people can see how it could have a second game, it's blatant how you can see that they want to make another in game.

Or not. Blizzard games are known for having a long following by blizzard itself like WoW, Starcraft,Hearthstones. So overwatch could last a long long time and be as old as tf2 today

>Team you're on loses every game
>"Surely EVERYONE ELSE must be the problem"

I rarely play the cowboy so I didn't know you can actually walk under HIGH NOON. It seems most players don't know. So they check their surroundings when they hear the warning and if nothing is glowing they go back what they were doing. I saw a guy who sit in a good spot then launched the ult then stepped out and killed everybody.

you're losing it

you're losing absolutely everything, achievements, stats, unlockables and level progression

>it's a premade lucio, S76, reindhart, mercy and bastion sitting on the payload while your team tries to play sniper only teamcomp episode

A good team will push the other team back and stay ahead of the objective to contain the enemy team. Assuming they're good enough to actually get kills and work together.

>Level progression

I suppose it aint that bad, we'll still get boxes every level and it's easy as fuck to level.

I just didn't want to be left at level 20 and have nothing as it'll take forever to get that many boxes.

I've seen McCree headshot 3 people at once... just hit ult and everyone on his screen died. I tried the same thing and barely scratched anyone. I don't understand how his ult works.

You have to wait for the red dot to appear on them, otherwise it doesn't do lethal damage.

Honestly, his ult is a fucking waste of time because you hear him say his high noon shit no matter where you are, so you just step behind a wall.

It either needs to be far quicker or just cut out that announcement shit, no other hero does that.

There's a meter that goes up and turns to skull when high noon is activated. You need to wait and then press anything to shoot

>not getting a Junkrat to toss a mine in the middle of them blow them all off it so they're scattered

once the circles becomes a red skull, it will insta kill them

the closer it is to becoming a skull, the more damage it will deal

>Equipped with grenades
>Doesnt use them
Why is this design choice allowed? Even valve pulls this shit

Why aren't you healing as Lucio?

>decent damage
>group healing
>dat speed boost

Actual protip: the time it takes the circle to become a red (thus an instakill) depends on how many HP the character has right then. If you pull the trigger early it deals much less damage based on the size of the circe.
So basically on weak characters it could be an instakill, but healed tanks take forever to line up.

No it shouldn't. Instant team wipe abilities like that can and should be heavily telegraphed and limited. The problem isn't that his is too bad, the problem is that somebody like Hanzo's is way way way too good.

>not 8 v 8


I'm almost sure every single hero in the game announces their ult to the opposing team, but I could be wrong, and even then about 90% do announce their ultis.

Just get better at ulting. I used to think it was the worst too until I started to combo with tank shields.

There better be a way to change the zoom sensitivity when the game launches. Shit's retarded how low it goes, I already play at around 35cm/360 without zooming.

Ever wonder if they'll pull a Destiny and give character like an alternate play style?

Destiny was shit but that seemed like a cool idea, for example A grenadier reaper or something like that, a different mech for Dva?

Every character tells loudly you when he/she goes ultra.

Those aren't grenades, user.

He uses shotguns.

What grenades?

>just cut out that announcement shit, no other hero does that.
literally every hero does that

Okay cheers m8z, I was confused. I thought it was just like soldier 76's autoaimbot ult just with headshots

But he doesn't ever reload them,

why isn't it extra shotguns strapped to his body instead?

I've heard highnoon when I'm respawning and the enemy Mcree is at the furthest point on the map.

Most announcements of ults you hear it and its too late, his everyone hears it and is like yeah fuck that.
The maps are also a pain as most have shit blocking everywhere so there's never a real clean shot.

>wears spare shotgun shells all over his body
>when he goes to reload he throws his guns away and pulls out new fully loaded ones

if those are shotgun shells they are way too big considering the size of his gun's barrel

I hate his design so much, I rather play robot dhalsim or pick mercy as well and do a better job then he does then pick lucio.
not even his alt skins are tolerable

who has the most unique weapon?


He made a deal with the devil for his soul. He could have picked power or riches but those things didn't mean anything to him. He asked for pockets with infinite shotguns.

>Sup Forums initially complains game is too casual
>Sup Forums now complains it's too difficult

>Sup Forums initially complains it's "press Q to win"
>Sup Forums now complains their Qs never do anything

Seeing the flip-flop was hilarious. Anti Overwatch-cucks are truly a pathetic bunch.

why did they have to do the beta in the middle of fucking finals week

god damn I've only had time to play for like 2 hours

U jus racis

I like Lucio, mostly because we can rush on capture point maps,and because you can get surprise kills with him from time to time with wells and pits and cliffs.

>not liking OH! THAT'S MY JAM!

only thing I'm not really liking about lucio is his ult. a temporary shield.

Should have an aoe knockback added to it or something, and it should be a dubstep drop.

you should've seen the closed beta code beg threads before it opened, it was only for like 3 days and they still were willing to suck a dick just to get in early after hating on it so much, shit was hilarious.

>Sup Forums now complains their Qs never do anything
Pretty sure it's unanimous that Qs are POTG generators and the reason this game is babby's first shooter.

Almost every thread is people complaining about getting killed the second they start their ult.

>Be Pharah
>Get PoG without Ult
Felt pretty neat.

A multiplayer competitive game can't be too easy or too hard by design because it's all in who you play against.

I think only widowmaker and tracer don't announce their ults to enemies. I hear widowmaker teammates announce theirs before I see red behind walls but when an enemy widowmaker uses it I'm clueless that I'm visible behind walls until someone fucks me up when I clear a corner, then see that I was visible the whole time on the kill cam.

>attacking and everyone is scattered all over the place while defenders are turtled on the point
>lose, obviously
>that one kid who got a couple kills bitching like the team let them down

Surprisingly not usually a Reaper player though.

You can literally shoot Hanzo's ult from behind walls or even start area. A lot of teams use it and the character offensively more than defensively.
If you mention Bastion people won't take you seriously but his q regularly fucks up 3 people at any given game.

>play random hero mode
>no one can switch
>mite b cool
>get stuck as bastion 3 times in a row
for fucks sake

that's because people are catching onto the audio cues.

The brawl where no one can stack heroes, the one where you can't swap heroes, and the one where everyone gets a shitload of HP+lower cooldowns was the most fun I had in the multiple betas I was invited to

well, Reaper separating from the rest of the team and getting kills is kind of what reaper's supposed to do, same with Tracer. If either of those 2 is pushing down towards the points with the rest of the team they're wasted potential.


>Playing game with random heroes every spawn
>Enemy team is steamrolling
>Near the final payload point
>Hold them off for 5+ minutes and win

It's a great feel when you manage to win when everything seems to be going to shit minutes beforehand.

yeah really, why cant retards understand that if somebody picks a hero before you, you probably shouldnt fucking pick that hero unless all the other roles are filled

i mean jesus fucking christ why do i have to play what i dont want to play every game just because my team are idiots, and then we lose every match because they dont just suck at team composition

i mean jesus christ last game i had to play nothing but zenyatta because we had nothing but hanzo's and mcgrees, and i still ended up getting the most kills

Just play who you want, if you lose you might aswell have fun. You might have lost anyways on a support if the team was shitters anyways.

>Enemy team has a Reinhardt sheilding two bastion turrets being buffed by Mercy all defending the objective

This is my only problem with the game. Retards not even looking at the team composition. It makes me so fucking mad

b-b-but a team of 6 Winstons is a legit strategy!

literally how do you defeat this setup besides hanzo getting a lucky shot or ult

Then a single junkrat alt will take them out no problem... or a

cmon, it's incredibly counterable.

Just lob grenades over Reinhardts shield as Junkrat

>Reinghardt + Pharah ult
> bomb
> Winston leap flank
>Genji flank
>Tracer flank
>Hanzo ult
>Ice wall with Mei to push and flank

Seriously there's fucking tons of strategies, it's not even that hard.

>2 Bastions on top of the payload
>a mercy and a Reinhardt supporting them.

Really they shouldn't be able to be turret mode on top of the payload or have turrets on it. the whole point of a turret is that it's stationary.

>Tfw I can't get gud with