Broken Dark Souls 3 invasion build

This build is a stealth build for dark souls 3, works optimally as a invasion build, but can be used as a pvp build if you are feeling brave enough:

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Stats and spells



>level 145

Who links their Sup Forums threads on reddit?

i hope this is someone flalseflagging, because everything about this is embarrassing
the build is one of the worst i've seen in any souls games

Terminate yourself lad



Nice bait OP

>links to Sup Forums on reddit

SL, 145, using exploits, using UGS, no shield, no parry, fucking CAT ring, ASHEN estus. Dragon torso stones, AND FUCKING FARAAM ARMOR

1/10 on all points, you got 1 point for making me reply.

no this site is filled with redditors including yourself

Just gonna say, this "build" if you can a call it that was designed to be cancer from the start, it is a dick move to use, it has no honour, it has no skill
btw, those dragon stones are actually the wood carvings to say sorry for using a build as cancerous as this

>invading at SL145

>muh honor

I bet you hate the scraping spear too you fucking faggot. You tryhards ruined the pvp

>scraping spear
Why couldn't it come back

Because now people care more about balance and honoraburu duels than invasions and struggling to not get sodomized by red cunts

If you want to know I much prefer to use my sl 121 character with a black knight sword and fashion souls armor combo and llewellyn shield
Pyromancies are for the pve aspect

please stop

>literally seven stats above 20

You call that a build ?

God fucking dammit I just ragequitted this shit game. 200 hours in DaS1, 150 in DaS2 and 50 in 3, in still I suck dicks at pvp harder than OP. I fucking hate PvP. I think I've won a match in DaS3 maybe 5 times and lost other 100000000. Next time I'm gonna pull off the internet cable, call me a pussy if you want

I have a loss rate inferior than 1/15. What's your problem ?

then please teach me, what do you call a good build, i made that character to be relatively balanced, not lacking in any department, but not excelling

Who are you talking to ?

anyone and everyone, tell me your favourite build/character design

>not lacking in any department
look at your fucking hp and endurance, those are the stats of someone at sl20ish, not 121/145.
also if you don't even know how to reply to a post, lurk more.

Quality pure physical damage all day every day. I also like this look a lot, I think of my character a some eastern banished knight

>linking leddit



You don't even know how to reply to people fuck off

>ds2 babbies

If FROM gave a shit about honrable duels they wouldn't give hosts +40% health. FROM are just anti-fun for anything invaders. "Dead again" for example cannot be used as an invader.

In contrast hosts can literally summon phantom armies with no repercussion or risk and trivialize the entire fucking game. Good job FROM.

Consider suicide

>Be Aldrich Faithful and invade within minutes
>Be Blade of Darkmoon in same zone and don't get summoned for hours

Already have, multiple times

This time actually do it then

The invader having less health has been like this since DeS user. Invasion is about using every means to your advantages, and that includes mobs and setting traps. I agree it's frustrating to fall against a ganksquad which cleared the level already just to fuck you but come on.

The problem is that ganksquad are more likely to get invaded, it's quite interesting in principle but as I said it can be abused easily.

No what we lack are hilarious broken and annoying gimmick build with which you can ruin the host's game

>No what we lack are hilarious broken and annoying gimmick build with which you can ruin the host's game
But thats exactly what I posted user

Pretty much powerless if they know whats up but there is something very satisfying about instantly killing the host of a gank squad.

There are specific builds against gank squads. It's really fun when you pull it off.

Sorry then.

>that video

Too bad other spells are ridiculously slow. I'm a hexe hater so I don't really mind but shitty miracles made my balls aching

Why Dark Souls is the favorite game for Redditards? Is it because the Church is evil or something?

But user, the church is always evil

This is so stupid, I genuinely want to believe the OP is just trolling or baiting because no one in the world is that dumb. But then I remember there are people that dumb and I'm in one of their threads right now.

t. cuckhurst cumchugger

I'm going to dump some webms to show you how to actually use a stealh build



If I wanted to be fucked by a nigger with a 10-inch dick and contract ebola I'd fly to africa.