Blood & Wine release date

Rev up that Witcher time

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People still care about this game?


Get hype.

I'm only 46 hours in to the main game. I feel like i'm just treading water sometimes

Nice shoop OP but alas you're full of shit.

You already tried it yesterday too.

People still care about this game?

I'll play it when it's out

Clearly not, there are no people playing it on Steam.

It's a shoop you imbecile, check Steam yourself.
Note how OP never provides a link.

June 7

Spotted the biodrone

OP confirmed for faggot.

I was actually looking forward to fire the game up again. Played Hearts of Stone, but completely forgot that Blood and Wine was supposed to come out.


Ebin source user

Where my bookbros at? Still working through Baptism of Fire and loving every page. Trying to finish the books before I start the third game, 4th one should be coming out in English soon. Anyone else in the same boat?

See Everyone are reporting the same literally who random Twatter user as "source" even though it's clearly a troll.

You're all fucking inbred retards.

now kys

I'm not really into western trash much, but Witcher 3 was GOAT. If they manage to maintain the quality of Hearts of Stone this game is going to be an absolute must play.

nice backpedal

I'm still waiting for CDPR to finish making the game so I can finally play it.

See? Now that's a good source. Not an "ALLEGED LEAK" BY "TWITTER SOURCES CLAIMING".

Yeah man, let me Tweet this ebin shoop of Demon's Soul coming to PC tomorrow, I bet you will believe me too.

>hyped for the Shitter III: Wild Cucks DLC

>~20-25 hours expansion

Lel m8


Cute boy

That's a girl, her name is Shani.


Honestly, if you're feeling bored or overwhelmed by all the open-world stuff just focus on the main questline. The story goes by super fast once you find Ciri, and imo most of the side content isn't really that good. Once you've done a few of each you've pretty much seen everything the game has to offer.

I put a good 90-ish hours into it and I'm really glad I didn't grind out all the contracts and shit because I would've burnt out long before finishing the game.

In my head canon, Shani is transgender. Definitely like to think of her with a small pink feminine cock that Geralt sucks on from time to time.

Geralt lacks the confidence to sleep with a man. He is too much of an insecure betamax.

trans women aren't men


Geralt's fucked dryads and literal dragons, he doesn't really care.

Why is Witchers infertile?
Did they ever explain that?

Works for me, drop them pants.

Side effect of the trials of the grasses, it just is what it is, same thing with sorceresses most of the time being infertile.

Though they changed that in 3 implying the potion you took by those two guys back in Witcher 2 has somehow made Geralt fertile again, Sapkowski would be rolling in his grave if he ever saw this shit.

Are the books worth it?

The short stories definitely, they are genuinely good literature.

The series starts good but ends up pretty mediocre/bad, but if you want to experience all the hidden meanings and references in the games (especially 3) you should read them.

I haven't played the first DLC yet.
Was it good?

better then the main story

Is there a lot of content?

About 10 hours, took me 13 hours.


Heart of stone is fantastic, I finally finished it last night and was so much fun to play.
