Fix your shit DICE
Fix your shit DICE
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holy shit you people are weak as fuck, you sit there complaining about something but when given the chance to do something about it you just sit there, how pathetic
it's a troll post that is actually truthful, the US and blacks did fuck all in WW1, even when they were given to the french they still did fuck all for 9months out of 5 years.
The game will be shit anyway who gives a fuck
>egg picture
i bet this account was made 5 seconds ago by this OP and then he took a picture of it acting like it was an important twitter user
Because blacks have to be included in everything
this is my account yes, but i have had it for a year dumbass
thanks for the cringe OP
Why the fuck does the nigger have a modern hairstyle and modern facial hair?
>This isn't an alternate reality, we're telling things as they actually happened
>Dequan killed all the natzis in The Grape War
this is why
99% of Americans don't know anything about WW1 and now they're complaining. I'm laffin.
>Extremely small segment of troops were black
>cleanly shaven
>"The military created two combat divisions for African Americans. One, the 92nd Division, was composed of draftees and officers. The second, the 93rd Division, was made up of mostly National Guard units from New York, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Cleveland, and Massachusetts. The army, however, assigned the vast majority of soldiers to service units, reflecting a belief that black men were more suited for manual labor than combat duty."
This is forced diversity. If they wanted to show black combat units, they should have made WW2 Battlefield. Well left them over in Europe longer than any other regiment. That doesn't mean they were important or valuable. They were useless niggers and are only being featured for forced diversity.
He's right, if they wanted diversity they should've featured some Turk or Arabian on the cover or whatever.
You know what's the real problem?
UK,France and Germany not being the main focus.
If they wanted to put a nigger on the cover UK and France had many colonial units that actually fought to death.
They had some good songs too
"you know how wide this left ur wives legs open"
is the counter argument
>Sup Forums triggered again
Please don't kill yourselves over this lads, there are other reasons to live. Endure the evil black men appearing in video games.
>Americans being this insecure
look who wants to shovel more shit in ur mouth
>People will buy this game to spite Sup Forums
All according to plan...
i was just kidding
Holy shit you're retarded
people buy it because they want to spite activision. and because it is Battlefield, the 2nd biggest dudebro shooter in america.
>it's okay when I get triggered
Sup Forums is a special place
>/vpol/ getting this mad
You forgot Russian Empire and UK did fuck all on European front during that war as well as US. Literally riding on France during that war.
Fuck off Sup Forums.
I was really hoping the main character would be a Frenchman down in the trenches, but I guess that would mean kissing US sales goodbye.
Arent the fucking Harlem Hellnigs just literal slaves during the war while frenchmen are ordering them around
They literally did nothing other than helping superior arian men resupply their ammo and helping out tanks but reloading it
They are only making it a big deal cause of their UNOFFICIAL name
Literally off yourself Trumpets.
I'm in full support of this game because of all the autistic triggering it causes. this is fucking beautiful. a giant game company is trolling the shit out of insecure little dicks.
I hope they make laura craft a black woman next. my goodness, the butthurt would be glorious. I would sit on Sup Forums all day shitposting how whitey lost another one to the negro race.
DICE is my greatest ally.
>grape war
Stay mad faggot.
yes, if the bomb was developed sooner. it wouldnt be japan we nuked.
Yeah, because the only reason anyone ever gave a shit about SJWs was because of how vocal and obnoxious they are, not the retarded, nonsensical shit they drone on about constantly.
Go back to licking Cheeto dust off your fingers and watching cartoons all day, oh enlightened one, while the rest of us are busy being stupid enough to actually care about anything
shut the fuck up about this already, they put him on the cover because he's one of the protagonists in the campaign, whatever you have to say about what the Harlem Hellfighters did in the actual war is irrelevant, they chose to show their story in the campaign and so a black person is on the cover, get the fuck over it already, goddam
yeah and while we're at it i'm really mad at george lucas for red tails what the fuck was that about there were not many white people in that movie
I'm pretty sure this will get people mad. EU still marks the day when ww1 ended it was scarier for them than ww2. A lot of veteran organizations, patriots etc. etc. Just wait for release for a shit storm.
You're so easy.
>trying to force shitty reddit-tier memes
>using hashtags on Sup Forums
kill yourself newfriend
Ineffectual ass blasted cucks who are triggered by just seeing a black person in WW1 fiction
Black people definitely fought in World War 1 and not just for the US you whiney retards.
1914 was q hundred +2 years ago. I think they're pretty safe from backlash.
Its more about it being an american nigger, why not a french nigger?
HAHA gamergate wins again, go home you drumpf cucks XD
I'm glad someone saw what I did there. I thought that was pretty damn whitey.
>Sup Forums is not Sup Forums.
>we spread the same memes over and over again boardwise but we're different okay
The better question is what did AMERICA even do in the First World War?
This is why.
>black Laura Croft
If she looked like this I'd actually start buying those shitty tomb raider games.
fucking tag'em and bag'em
I wouldn't say whatever he says about the Harlem Hellfighters is irrelevant, since they chose to put their story in the game. Why did they choose them, of all people?
>haha what a loser he drives a truck xDDD
Not him but ?
Also why are they using an invented Muslim woman when Milunka Savic was an actual Serbian girl who fought on the frontlines?
>game made by SWEDISH devs features a black male killing white soldiers
haha. is there any more cucked ethnicity besides white people?
No matter how much you kick and scream Sup Forums you ain't changing shit. Go and cry in the corner about a black man being in a video game.
The thing is huge in europe, as 9th may in russia right now or 4th july in US
Got some of their subs fucked up, entered the war, and did bugger all for a year.
nobody gives a shit about Sup Forums, they're insignificant
What kind of fucking melvin do you have to be to say something like "forced diversity" with a straight face
>'t-those mean developers are making me see a nigger and I don't wanna!!!'
>tfw non-white
>mfw i see stormfags and niggerlover leftists cucks fighting each other as they slowly vanish from the surface of earth
i'm not so riled up about this, but can't we as consumers change shit by not buying things?
If everybody decided that they didn't want to buy a game because it featured a nigger on the cover then the game wouldn't sell well.
Obviously that isn't going to happen but Sup Forums could change sales slightly by being upset
Couldn't give a shit about Lara Croft being black or anything like that, but I must admit that the amount of revisionist history that's being pushed in Europe lately for the sake of diversity gets me a bit. I'm probably more pissed off by that cavalry bitch - at least black regiments are historically accurate, even if they did tend to fill support roles. I'd have preferred to see some French colonial regiments instead tbhfamalam
Arent all the women during that period didn't do jackshit other than
>Soup kitchen
>Making ammunition
>Making gas mask
They still dont have the retarded mentally of
"i can do war shit if i wanted to.. i wont wont cause im scared" mentality of SJW today
>egg account
how brave lel
Sup Forums can't do jack shit because they are nothing but a bunch of insignificant idiots.
No one is petty enough to not buy a game just because there is a black man in it. Well apart from Sup Forums faggots who are less than 1% of sales.
Was this a total count of black people in ww1?
god, i just fucking hate weebs. Look how edgy you are trying to sound
Then explain how every game pandering exclusively to you SJW faggots has failed miserably.
This is embarrassing even by Gater standards, famiglia
Shut the fuck up Quinn, nobody cares.
>has failed miserably.
You keep telling yourself that, you are insignificant m8, literally nothing.
you fucking stormfags. We only hate niggers when it's called for, this is pointless. Battlefield is cancer anyway and if you were actually stupid enough to consider buying this game I feel sorry for you.
How in the fuck do you know my middle name? Are you a wizard?
For real though, they're diversifying history. Harlem Hellfighters used French weaponry, not Lugers. They aren't aiming for accuracy like they claim, they're aiming for "diversity."
If they want to show minorities in Europe, okay. That makes sense. But shoehorning in a US-based, extremely segregated unit under the guise of "accuracy" is absurd. It's SJW bullshit. Same with the Bedouin woman character. The Bedouin "army" was made of men. Just men. It's forced diversity when they claim that everything they're showing is accurate.
Modern fuckin bullshit, each step an attempt to rewrite history and forget segregation and racism, which is more harmful than it happening in the first place. You don't forget history for a reason.
>'f-fuck off! The ADULTS are talking about keeping The Coloreds out of gaming'