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nito was already dead


He could still take Nito's coat and a couple of ribcages that he left lying around

No one cared who I was befpre I wore the Trap...

how is it not clear to people that nothing in this universe simply dies

prove it


You can regen over and over easily. Why is it so far fetched that a boss could do it in some way too?

dont you see his face right there hes like ITS FUCKING MEEE NITOOO

I guess the real question is who the fuck cares? He ate nito, so what?

Why the fuck would Aldritch eat Nito, he was a fucking skeleton.

people say its not nito and they are WROOONG

What if he is Ornstein?

of COURSE hes ornstein!

Who knows why, but if he did, nitos a part of him now, and what? What changes?

I killed Nito in the first game and the body vanished. How is that loser gonna eat a vanished skel Lord.

Nothing. He just likes to eat niggas.

Deepest lore

You also apparently killed Ornstein but the later games made it clear you didn't.

how did you kill him, he was already dead in my playthrough?

it means nito was around the whole time and i get to imagine all kinds of shenanigans he would have gotten into over the years

but nito is a skeleton, and frankly would be a bitch to get to, hell nito would slaughter the fucker, now that i think about it, nito is bigger than him too.

gtfo you know nothing of souls universe GET OUT

All bosses vanish. How did happy merchant get their armor?

no it's LITERALLY all the humans he has eaten slowly

How can you kill someone that was the embodiment of death?

nito is an idiot he couldnt handle pinwheel

His sword is literally Nito's sword too if you look at it.

I would imagine the only counter to death is someone who is undead.

its his coat

he uses his sword too, and gwyndoline's clothes and bow and shit

he's supposed to have eaten the old lords/gods. either physically in the literal sense or he devoured their essence or something and gained their memories/abilities. he even learned lifehunt scythe from gywndoline's knowledge of priscilla

Obviously he's Smough, he ate steinbergs illusion and became one with the faith and gain lightning powers. Over time he became known as a cleric but still loved eating niggas until he became an even fatter and gelatinous blob.

this is only mildly b8

Huh, a person who turned to sludge and eats people all the time has bones sticking out of him, HE MUST HAVE ATE THE SKELETON GOD


but nito's soul died and was reborn as the Rotten in DaS 2

also OP, he also uses lifehunt scythe. Does that mean he also literally ate Priscilla even though it just says he dreamt of her?

Well I killed Gywndolin and yet he still managed to eat that twink.

naw that nigga hollowed out or something

anor londo was under water

I wonder how Aldrich ate people. Kinda curious.

lorefags kys

with his ass.

dark souls 2 didnt happen it was an alternate timeline and also a dream

Keep telling yourself that, it happened. Get over it.

Is there anything more pathetic than Dark Souls lorefags?

Everyone just makes up his own stuff and thinks he is right based upon shit randomly put together by multiple game devs which probably didn't even coordinate.
This circlejerk is just ridiculous.

i wish dark souls 3 had good replay value so i didnt have to waste time shitposting instead...

Fucking hell. I thought he wouldn't show up if you summoned his phantom so I ended up killing him solo after an unholy amount of tries.

and? nito is still a huge, poison spewing skeleton, not an ideal target for even a god eater,

we also see comparisons to the bead of chaos, but i think an explanation might be that as he ate the holy trap , he got visions of other gods, like persilica. its why he has moves that remind us of them, but aren't anything like the originals.

especially considering he has a perfect and enhanced replica of the twinks bow+moves, yet his others seem simply inspired by nito , and izalith.

miyazaki literally told me

Where's Vaait when you need him.

Aldrich ate Gwyndolin and Nito in his playthrough.

nah nito is good at nothing except getting rekt

Its pretty fascinating too when you consider how vague it all is, and how much from is known to just recycle and milk franchises.

That skirt design is at the bottom of all the aldrich worshiper robes.

Did they all partake? Or did aldrich shove himself up nitos butt and then up gwyndolins?

It's not fucking nito

>Unleashes a miasma of death and disease
>Doesn't do poison damage

What games do you play?

Fucking around with Criken:

nobody will except the game is just symbolism about humans and the struggle of being human and our curse of following the flow of time and obeying the laws of life and death

its deep, but not as deep as people want it to be

nito at his prime managed to poison a bunch of dragons, who were meant to be pretty much immortal

how do merchants make the armor of a giant fit on a little dude?


well it was a group effort to murder the dragons, but yeah,

i just cant quite see aldrich eating nito, like the whole process/ idea seems a little to far fetched to me

That's the point, he wasn't at his prime in DaS1. All the gods were 'washed up' at that point.

What if ornstein is the pump a rum crow?

please discuss

Isn't this just as dumb as invading/summoning? Or is every "chosen undead" actually a different chosen one person lore-wise?

I mean it. Like when he was just an ordinary priest, how did he go about eating men, women and children?

I put 100s of hours into all Souls games + Bloodborne but I never got why you should spend hours off arguing about stuff which is clearly just there for the gameplay.

People like to search for meaning in things. We all do it, not surprising at all tbhfam

If i take your ash off you will die?

If you knocm down a fatty aldrich priest you can see thet have the same "nito" cloak.
Does that mean they ate Nito aswell?

its open to interpretation. its like art or poetry :^)

This. There's no escape from suffering in in the souls universe.

Its not hard to lure someone to a private area and subdue them somehow.. i dont think its rocket science

If you hammer an armor it dents.
Dent it enough and it will fit the smaller guy

Your asshole is open to my tongue. Its like art or poetry :^)

Ornstein is the Dragonslayer Armor, his spear broke and they stuck an axe to the side.

His plume is even there just ruined, and the armor was corrupted by the Abyss.


By hitting them until they die.

No? It clearly says it's just a set of armor.

Don't you find his bead body with his actual armor

what were those flying things that seemingly gave life to the dragonslayer armor

they seem like fucked up dragons

It would be extremely unfaithful

Having played through these games, why the hell does everyone get so hung up on the lore?

It's not even particularly good lore, presented in a good way. Almost all of it just vague shit, especially from DS2 and DS3.

The plots are basically "There's a bunch of giants that did a few things, go kill them because [reason]", and there's little other than that.

No it doesn't. We killed Nito in the first game, and burned his Lord Soul in the Lordvessel. Aldritch either ate his corpse, or found the remains of his lord soul and ate it.

You are a big sluge

Nope, the armor is just sitting there in archdragon peak
Dragonslayer Armour is different though

Dragonslayer Armor is the Nameless Kings armor before he got banished for allying with the dragons. Remember, he was the one who trained Ornstein, so he was a Dragonslayer too.

they're called Pilgrim Butterflies

from the soul description:

>The Dragonslayer Armour, controlled by the Pilgrim Butterfly, lost its master long ago, but still remembers their sporting hunts.

Lorefags, I swear to to god...

>Why is this titanite shard found here? That pretty much confirms Frampt and Kaathe banged and Frampt gave birth to the East-West Shield that Manus himself used to play Beyblade on.

This is what you sound like.

>The Dragonslayer Armour, controlled by the Pilgrim Butterfly, lost its master long ago, but still remembers their sporting hunts.

nah man


They get hung up on it because it's vague shit. You piece together every shred of anything from item flavour texts, rare character dialogue and locations to compare your bullshit rubbish with other people's bullshit rubbish. It's water cooler conversation tier which is great.

>watching Pat play 3
>enemy drops the Pharis hat
>"this guy is Pharis!"
>find Dusk's crown next to a tree
>"Dusk became a tree"

is Pat the worst kind of soulsfag

because the world was mysterious in 1 and lorefags got everyone going and it was fun, but people expected from devs to care about lore in the same way and they just did stupid rehash shit that didnt live up to the hype at all

now lorefags are lost and do these discussions to cope

Who the fuck is Pat

this fami if the lore would be fleshed out it would be pretty boring.

>watching dunkey play 3
>he isn't even playing it

nigga dont you know postman pat?

Can confirm.
It was so fun arguing whether that occult club was actually Havel's, or Seath put it there to frame him.

Even Matt and Woolie who couldn't care less are just like "no, it's just his hat" in a patronising tone.

>Squeals like a fat piglet at any minor reference

i think its just a name. like that "this is bill dont be like bill" meme that normies went crazy for a few months ago

For fun. You might be autistic.

An LP'er.

>Dark Souls 2


This guy is probably some of the worst lorefags.