Total War: Warhammer

I'm getting hyped as fuck.

Can you tell me why i shouldnt be?

Other urls found in this thread:

You should

I don't even care if it's shit I'm still gonna play the hell out of it

If you want a total war to play while you wait for Warhammer.

Which one should you get?

Attila since it has a bunch of new mechanics like hordes and razing which will appear in Warhams

There's a warhammer mod for Medieval 2 I think.

Why haven't they went back on the ridiculous idea that you can't conquer everything yet? It's seriously making me consider not getting it.

Well, are you inexperienced with Total War? What time periods do you like?

they said they're gonna have a mod hopefully ready for release that removes that

CA said that or the modders?


Good. I get that the Empire and the Dwarves have a pretty tight alliance but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be unable to fight one-another if a reason pops up in the campaign.


I fucking hope co-op campaign is still in. Its been in since Shogun 2, but sine they've done these regional occupation thing and X and Y races having a shaky at best allegiance makes me think it might not happen. Or you have to do the same race but can be different factions within. Like starting in different mountain regions as Dwarves

Well they've always been able to fight each other but if you win a siege over a dwarven town as the empire you can't occupy it, only raze or loot.

Well damn, guess I'm back in.

do you get to watch the actual rape scenes

What time period do you like? Are you a European wanting to return to the glory days? Medieval 2, Rome 1/2 and Empire. Are you a massive weeb with a hard on for ninjas and samurai? Shogun 2. Are you a manlet? Napoleon.

An Empire and Dwarf co-op campaign seem made for each other, no? But I guess orcs and vamps wouldn't work with each other, or any other for that matter.

I can tell that is sweden.

CA has gone back on the modding thing and will now support modding, they will also release various mods for launch for people that don't want to play the game like they designed it, like regional occupation for everyone and legendary lords with different starting positions for COOP

Why must you hurt me so.

Where else do young children understand the concept of sexuality and gender so well and have well grounded and staunch opinions about homosexuality and the patriarchal oppressive system called gender DImorphism? There must be something in the water.

Älskar varje skratt.

Isn't that just about gays though, I don't follow these things but I'm pretty sure the rainbow thing is for gays


i hope you blow your fucking brains out

is the answer i got

and that mod is probably way better than total warhammer in term of contents, music and ambiance

>muh med 2

The rainbow thing is for everything that isn't hetero and cis at the same time. It's the LGBT flag and T is transsexual. You might even want to throw in the queer Q at the end to make it about anyone that's a special snowflake.

Not even the craziest leftists can argue that we don't have gay rights. Trans and multiple gender rights is the next frontier, and there's no stopping the social deconstruction train.

Also, video games.

Careful not to cut yourself on that edge.

fuck ur video games


did you atleast tried that mod before shitposting ?

>Can you tell me why i shouldnt be?
Because it's not Medieval 3

I literally cant

Mod support removes all issues with the game currently

sorry let me go back to skull fucking ur wife

Not him I tried it for 15 minutes and then i got tired of looking at the game crashing

"Hype" is a state of delusion and you should never be hyped about anything at all.

paid mods ?

>implying I have a wife

Faggot is what you are and you should stop that

i dont know what version you were playing, but there are fixes and patches to correct that

>Can you tell me why i shouldnt be?


shut the fuck up mother fucker you will never taste actual pizza cumtoilet

Thats not pizza.

Invalid complaint because Attila

yes it is


No its not.


thats pizza

look it up

Its not a pizza.

ur right

its call of duty

>Worse than RII

no thats not call of duty silly

Its not call of duty or a pizza


>6x7 chessboard

>those loafs of bread
>american pizza

Fall of the Samurai

The gyrating of her arm flab has a hypnotic quality to it.


why are you posting actual good music in a board that only listens to vidya soundtracks?

No, the deal CA got with Game's Workshop regarding modding explicitly says paid mods are a big no-no. Which is funny considering how jewish GW is.

I love rage of dark gods and the crazy russians who made it but

Sure thing pal

Generic 'epic' music ripped from youtube, brilliant.

Ah yes, the ambience of stupidly long load times and the shitty medieval 2 engine. The ambience of having all my units spaz out on walls and hard coded limits fucking up giant units. The ''''ambience'''' of elite vet doom stacks literally spawning out of nowhere and teleporting around.

Someone is making a significantly improved version of it anyway, look up beginning of the end times.

Chaos is day one DLC.

That killed all interest I had in this game in one swift blow.

>Why I shouldn't be
Rome II launch should be a pretty good reason

Chaos is day 7 DLC

its free for the first week fameillaia

>buying CA game at the release
The only game that was somewhat playable since the start was Shogun 2, and maybe atilla

>paid mods are a big no-no

that's a good surpise

They also very explicitly said they do not want any Age of Sigmar mods at all.

Hey look, it's the atilla is good meme.

>atrocious unit balance
>still fucked up beyond enjoyment battle ai
>still fucked up beyond enjoyment campaign ai
>because ai cheats for money half of the tactics for your agents are worthless
>agent system is still horrible
>still laughably bad building tree system/province system from R2
>even less of an attempt to make dlc factions feel unique (barb faction with roster x and unit y, barb faction with roster x and unit z, etc)
>battles are entirely focused on stacking morale penalties, worse than vanilla shogun 2, and tactics take a back seat
>selling point for the game was "we gave you back those features you were upset we cut"

Even if we are going to look at this game in a positive light, which any sane person with reasonable standards wouldn't, it's still ignoring the obvious precedent set by CA. They shit the bed for new games and the standalone expansion afterwards is what the game should've launched as. I don't even enjoy I told you so posts anymore because it's been a decade of CA pulling the wool over the eyes of fucking morons. They are literally staying in business by swindling you. Yet every new game people get fuckign amnesia and buy into the hype. Christ they have already made an announcement about cut features for WH. How many red flags are needed to snap you faggots out of your stupor?

Pic related for every CA game.

>Sure thing pal

i'd say 10 differents factions Vs 5
dozens of differents units and tonns and tonns of mercenaries to recruit

>Generic 'epic' music ripped from youtube, brilliant.

subjective but you can find a lot of other warhammer games soundtrack which i really enjoy

They won't go back on it because game companies never go back on their decisions most of the time. Makes them look weak. However they did say they're working hand in hand with Dresden to have a sack/subjugate/liberate mod like Rome2 and Atilla has day 1.

After they announced Chaos as being free if you buy the game the first week it comes out, and announced modding is back in I finally buckled and pre ordered. It seems they took the criticism to heart. I'm waiting on the videos, the youtube shittiers have had it since the 1st I think.

>subjective but you can find a lot of other warhammer games soundtrack which i really enjoy

Point, I actually forgot about this. The newer total war games also have some really good music though.

>re content

Not my point, I meant that raw numbers of units doesn't make it better, any mod/game can cram shitloads of units into their roster if they want.

Also will be stupid amounts of unit mods very soon after release for the new game.

>all dragon ogres all the time

I suppose to expand on my point, many units in RoDG are pointless, many county empire troops suck ass compared to generic upgraded state troops and each of the chaos gods have identical generic warrior types with a different paint-job.


I agree with your general opinion, but Iv got to say the content level for RoTDG is pretty high what with the autistic level of detail and the inclusion of all elite and merc units.

Also, those random doom stacks were the shit. I know I'm the minority when it comes to this. But I fucking love the randomly generated doom stacks. It kept the game from being stale, kept the pressure on me to not only keep my shit together but it forced me to do more with less and make hard decisions. I mean I actually had to abandon cities and pull armies back for the coming storm of chaos ectect. It made sense as well for beast men and orks at least. They reached sufficient mass to become a threat and appeared on the map. Chaos not so much but still.

You know whats better then teleporting/spawning doom stacks though? scripting the ai factions to actually make doom stacks and attack you properly. Chaos actually has to move through Kislev instead of just appearing in front of you.

The new warhams mod someone is making is doing this and apparently it works, although there is still some scripting for the odd beastman spawn.

I still love the mod, don't get me wrong. Its pretty poorly made though, even shit like the units stats are terribly balanced.

basic infantry - elite infantry
pikeman - hallebards
basic cavalry elite cav

how is that better than 10 different units for each roles ?

Yeah it's great, in a diamond in the rough type of way.

Yeah, competent Ai is great, I'd prefer a mixture of both. Especially in warhammer because to me it's the only universe where random doom stacks popping up makes sense. What with the undead can just rise up by a necromancer. Beast men get together and form a great herd of rapey goat faced fucks. Orks chill out until critical mass is reached then it's time for waaaagh. Skaven can be hand waved as the armies are emerging underground.

I have no fucking idea why people are saying RoDG is gonna be better than Total Warhams. The mod is fucking trash, balance sucks, the Medieval 2 engine cant handle essential mechanics to properly simulate tabletop rules (like undead factions special rules, magic, monstrous creatures) and I dont think any factions has proper city models either. The Tomb Kings models looks nothing like the actual Tomb Kings either and are hilariously broken too. I think I honestly had more fun playing pirated Rome 2 on release day than RoDG.

One chance to sell me on the game. Is there any all skele faction? None of this shitty Vamp faction with some skeltons. I wanna know if I can command a pure skeleton army, pure and free of other lesser undead beings.

Eventually yes. Right now? No. Tomb Kings are going to either be paid doc faction or much more likely, one of the main expansion races.

nothing stop you to make a full skeleton army with the vampire faction

arent these fuckers charging for people for a fucking faction
a faction already finished but they decided to cut it from the game to sell it seperately
lol gl i aint buying shit from these goys

Nope. You can suck a dick Tomb Cuck

tomb king arent in the mod ...

>20 good spies


Because managing infrastructure has always been terrible

>nothing stopping you from making an army of tier 1 and 2 swords and spears with no cav or archers

Yeah. Nothing but common sense. Biggest offense will be that a fleshie will still be leading my bleached legions.

Chaos were going to be AI-only till a future expansion/paid DLC months down the line, like Bretonnia are, but guaranteeing a certain sale amount via pre-order let them spend additional money to flesh the faction out with units.

Like Bretonnia is in the base game, AI-only, but not with a full slew of unique units on par with the other factions that you can actually play.

im not getting it, i only like total wars that r based on time periods

>no elves
Get rekt knife ears

Don't forget there are elite versions of skellingtons which are Grave Guard and Black Knights.
Also wraiths and Hexraiths are basically ethereal skeletons.
I got nothing on the fleshie as your general though, unless you can also have Wight King as a general.

tfw like the total war mapgames but hate the rts battles

>not liking based high elves

>exiled their rightful ruler

malekith pls

Its canon :^)
Thanks End Times

Malekith had a hard life...

>end times has him cucked by Mary Sue Tyrion