pic related
What are your favorite areas/cities/towns/maps in gaming?
Hekseville in Gravity Rush. All of it.
Facade in Nier
Windfall Island in Wind Waker
Vanilla Stormwind has a place in my heart
Love this area
What game is dat
Oh an actual decent thread.
For me it's probably Mulgore.
is baton kaitos
is phantasy star online 1&2
best town
i loved that area too
i still remember the first time i played the game over 10 years ago and i created my first character which was a cow warrior. i spent weeks farming harpies just outside of Thunderbluff for the copper it dropped so i could buy that white 2h hammer from the weapons vendor in town. i had no idea what an auction house was.
fun times
'Lady Boyle's Last Party' in Dishonored. God tier mission in many ways. Personal favourite, if we don't count DLC stuff.
One of my favorites
from the same game too. man this game so comfy
Irithyll in Dark Souls 3 is fucking beautiful.
Mostly snowy city type areas usually look pretty cool.
Dishonored had some pretty neat locations.
>this was ruined in the remake
Never gets old and always stays comfy.
Greenvale, Deadly Premonition.
Yharnam, Bloodborne.
Sylvalum. Feels so hollow and alien. It's beautiful and has great music to boot.
>eternal sonata
one of the very few games I actually sold because I hated it that much
and because it's pretty rare and I could sell it for more than I bought it for :^)
Yeah I got a couple of hours in, myself, and just had to drop it out of pure saccharine disgust.
I'd say NLA if the game wasn't beating into your head that native wildlife and Xeno scum could attack any second.
Used to chill here all the time with my friends in Maple. We'd just get the chairs out and message eachother for hours talking about bullshit.
I miss those times.
Fuck, I remember finally getting here after figuring out that bullshit with Sudowoodo. Best feeling.
Pokemon Gold is still the best Pokemon game to me.
Temple of time was magnificent and timeless. I dont like thinking about MS anymore because it hurts, it hurts a lot.
>Full color
>Moar kewl pokemanz
>Ghost type is as strong as it should be
>Cool attack animations, dat Hyper Beam
>2 new cool types
>Time system
>Amazing music
>and moar
Damn straight!
All MMOs turn to shit eventually. It's unfortunate but that's usually how it goes.
I know how you feel though. Spent the majority of my early teenage years on it, feels like a small chapter of my life was dedicated to this game.
It'll always have a special place in my hear though. Just remember it for what it was.
>Time system
Which actually worked along with real time outside of the game, considering days of the week and everything with that fauna that changed depending on the time of the day.
>Pidgeys in the morning, hoot hoots in the night.
Comfiest shit every hot damn.
>mfw i found out every friday a lapras shows up in Union Cave.
This game just keeps you amazed no matter what.
Jak2 city for all the time I spent there on both games, but the first game's more comfy
I didn't even know about this until now.
Later Pokemon gaymes have time systems but they don't seem to be as in depth as Gold/Silver.
Still hate how Gen 2 only has 4 Ghost Pokemon though.
I didn't know about this either.
Time events really do get underutilized and underappreciated. So many hidden jem opportunities with a feature like that .
Maybe back then, nowadays people want everything straight away. To experience everything in as little time as possible. It would either go unnoticed or they'd all just change the time on their clocks to get it when they go back in game.
>mfw i think about shit like this all the time
>mfw my mind goes blank when somebody makes a thread about it
Truth be told i only found out about it last year, i had no idea you could find a Lapras in Gen 2 games. It will be there every friday as a legendary, meaning that you have to interact with it to start the battle. If i recall correctly it also respawns if it faints/gets caught but im not sure.
>Still hate how Gen 2 only has 4 Ghost Pokemon though.
Because they appear only at night? I think its pretty cool and it kinda makes sense.
>they'd all just change the time on their clocks to get it when they go back in game.
That's why games should only allow 1 timezone change per week or something. This way you can still change the clock if you travel or something, but you can't abuse it.
>not here
Sonata had some really comfy cities. Look at this shit.
Definitely The Nexus
I also really like Valak Mountain.
Can't wait for a more colourful and living city in GR2. If we can get that with a soundtrack as lovely as the first, I'll be more than satisfied.
I dont know why, but I love secluded areas in games. Especially if it requires a lot of exploring to reach them.
It will always be Rubakava
The amount of cocks I've drained here expands into the thousands...good times :3
Dishonored was practically built around neat locations. Trying to follow the setting and lore of the Thief games is a pretty heavy goal.
I think they did pretty well, all things considered. Here's hoping that D2 will really flesh out Serkonos for us.
>riding down the freeway at night, music blaring and lights flickering off the rain slicked road
I miss this area
I want to live here, i want this game on current gen or PC idc something.
I want to forget and play all over again just like my first time.
It was perfect
>the music
>lenigrasts hammering
>'bearer of the curse...'
she will always be my waifu ;__;
best tales hands down.
There was a ledge in the underwater dungeon in RO. It was deep. It was dangerous. You felt really apart from the rest of the world.
The ledge was a safe haven and people would rest here and farm and chill. Then one day, the Koreans implemented an invisible wall and we couldn't chill no more.
Some of us tried to form a new hang out spot on the same level. It was never the same.
FUCKING THIS. The OST makes my body melt, the NPCs are great, and it feels comfy as fuck, it's a nice relaxing area after the clusterfuck about Lavos, of course it's ruinned 15 minutes after you enter it because of that bitch Dalton, but I still fucking love it.
my favorite place to invade, next to anor londo
So many things in this game made me lose my shit.
This being one of them.
I always loved that peaceful feeling of Bowerstone Lake
I loved driving around greenvale
And this.
There's definitely more but I can't remember any at the moment.
>You must wait 3 seconds before posting an image reply.
Meant to post right after but left for a while and yeah.
My first comfy game
Isn't this the second area? I remember being way over leveled when I come here for the first time because I had to grind like fucking mad to defeat the first boss. By the point I got here I was one shotting everything, even this area's boss.
GW2 is trash but the area maps are fantastic.
One of my favorite towns in a RPG. It was such a pleasure to 1000g this game.
Ni no kuni in general.
My niggas. Academia was like a literal physical triumph of humanity.
Ni No Kuni's first city, with all the cats and the fish architecture was comfy as all fuck.
The locations in FFXII near the waters where this music plays
This game is the true Dragon Quest IX imho.
Too bad we'll never get a true sequel ever.
just about every area on Bionis
Windfall Island, Wind Waker
Inkopolis, Splatoon (fuck off, I love urban settings that are populated with youths and youth culture; I liked TWEWY for that reason too)
Blossom City, Wonderful 101 (that pristine as fuck city that's perfect for a superhero setting...hhnnnnggg)
Zebes, Super Metroid
Talon-IV, Metroid Prime
DK Island, DKC series
Not really the typical responses, but whatever.
What game is this from?
My nig
The plains of Mulgore are beautiful.
the questing is, was, and always will be shit, but it doesn't even matter because the zone is so pleasant to walk through and for the most part makes sense. Big open grassy plain full of random beasts lines up perfect. Un'Goro is the same way.
My all time favorites are still Uldum and Winterspring/Dun Morogh
If anyone's played it, Digimon World 3 had a really diverse, comfy world map. Pic related is an Oasis in the desert sector that you use as an Inn and save spot since the main city has been taken over by terrorists.
Is this a joke?
The snow town was my favourite.
>Characters dress up in comfy parkas
The music here makes me feel like everything will be okay. And you get the best character in the game.
Good choice, Gravity Rush was pretty nice, hoping they find ways to make the combat less of a chore in the next one and I'll be a happy man.
I like the idea behind Facade, but honestly I thought it could have been pulled off better.
Windfall Island is nice too.
To add my own I'll say Zeal
Pretty much every town from Skies of Arcadia and Dragon Quest VIII
Wow I never knew you could do that.
>you will never have your own secret pirate base on a floating island
Feels bad, man.
this. I liked the open zones. Many zones have way too many landmarks and diving rivers/cliffs. Mulgore is just a bigass open field that gets more dangerous the further away from bloodhoof village you get
I didn't even realize I posted a gif.
Yeah, SM has so much shit to try out underneath its surface. I've yet to do any of it really, though I love the game. I've been meaning to go back to it and learn some advanced techniques and optimal routes through the game.
Underrated post.