>admin asks you something
>kicked/banned 2 seconds later
Admin asks you something
>admin says something he thinks is witty
>bans you before you can respond
>"You are banned from this server"
>"Reason: only fegts use automatic shotguns"
>Admin say-
ReBoot thread?
ReBoot thread.
Is that a character from Brianna Wu's game?
>"Your question was deleted because it has been asked before. Thank you for understanding"
>Look it up
>It got asked 5 years ago
>2 replies which say basically nothing
Fuck you. ReBoot is actually good.
Are admins ever NOT complete cunts?
Probably the only good thing about the lack of dedicated servers in games these days. No single faggot kicking you from a game.
>kicked from public server
>Reason for ban: "Private server, clan members only"
>Make a joke about R. Williams, Winehouse etc
>get banned from a server
Kicked from the server by admin.
Reason: Stop killing my girlfriend...
>playing some tf2 today
>join this server
>some kid was playing music over the mic
>didn't see how to mute him so I came back after I asked someone and found out how
>after muting the first kid, another starts playing music and I muted him and said, "ANOTHER ONE ADDED TO THE MUTE LIST MMMMHMMMM"
>frickin banned within seconds
What is the matter with these stupid admins?! Kids play their stupid rap music, disrupting the gameplay and the admins don't do ANYTHING! But if you mute them you get banned! That has to be the worst ran server I have ever seen!
>nah nigga
>talk about sc2
>mod starts talking to me about sc1
>continue talking about sc2
>mod continues talking about sc1 making statements that simply aren't true for sc2
>continue talking about sc2 and emphasize that point
>mod continues talking about sc1
>call out mod's terrible reading comphension
>you have been banned
> banned: Cheating/Hacking
> not even cheating or hacking
>just too good to play against scrubs
it would be ok if i wasnt running out of servers to play on
>post yfw reboot is getting a reboot
Fuck off dumbshit fuckwitted newfag
>Hi I'm looking for help in X
>[mod] use the search function. Thread locked.
>find something from 2 years ago
>Hi so I was wondering if anyone had any info on this problem here?
>[mod] NO NECROING. Enjoy your ban.
>When Austin, Parker, Grey and Tamra are not trying to stop viruses from overloading a nuclear power station, or remotely opening a dam to flood a city, or playing Criss Cross Crash Hour with a city’s transportation grid, our heroes are being typical teens: arguing with their parents over curfews; dealing with crushes; or trying to avoid getting suspended for skipping class when they’re really on a cyber mission to save the world!
>playing on big server
>find some scrub building a house on the surface
>next to spawn
>with enchanted shit
>blow his entire base sky high with him inside
>he SURVIVES and runs away
>check chests
>godmode shit
>report it to the admin
>You Are Banned!
>Reason: breaking my friend's base >:(
I fucking hate Minecraft.
That's what you get for being an autismo.
I think you mean 'lacking in autismo'
>playing minecraft in the first place
u hav 2 b 18 or older 2 pst her lul
What can I say? I like games that are easy to destroy at in multiplayer. Like BF2, for example.
>Play CSGO
>Buy Auto
>Buy Aug/SG
>Buy Negev/M249
>Buy shotgun
>Buy AWP
Fucking hate this fucking game.
So you like killing shitters
>get banned
>reason: this is a christian server, no swearing
>in an M rated game
Right? This happened on CS:S. They were letting their fucking kids play on there too.
>it's a game that that doesn't support Christian values to begin with
>let's take a beloved franchise name and slap it on a really bad code lyoko rip-off
Fuck, I was in the thread where that image was made, I couldn't stop laughing
>join TTT in Garry's Mod
>autistic kid who bought VIP with his Mom's credit card RDMs me
>report him
>4 rounds later and nothing
>fuck it
>RDM him
>Admin slays for 2 rounds
My fault for playing a game that attracts such hopeless degenerate autists.
>twitchtv/beufordgaylord12 has joined the server
>Playing UT99 Instagib
>CTF, 115% game speed, no bullshit
>I see target, I shoot (or get shot) by target
>Turboautist admin bitches, says "No backshooting"
>See him running into my base to take my flag
>I turn around, shoot him, then turn back around to continue supporting the push into their base
Meh, Combogib is better.
>twitch streamer joins server
>talks mad shit to look cool for his viewers
>gets fucked because he's focusing more on streaming than actually playing the game
>martin.rodriguez.2007 has joined the game
The only thing in this world that could rival Gmod players' autism is Sonic's fanbase
>christian server
>you have been kicked: don't say omg
>killed a guy on h1z1 with twitch a name
>tries to be funny and talk shit to me
>tell him I bet his 4 viewers are proud
>check his twitch
>only viewer is himself
>start to feel bad for him and follow him even though I'll never watch him
Every Brazilian server. I have a better connection on Washington's servers due to the fact brazilians have a fuckin' router in the middle of the jungle.
I bet you use chainguns in T:A, you fucking Tau loving shit.
are these servers really a thing?
Yes, I'm still not sure if it's people trolling or not.
>saying omg
>>Play CSGO
here is your first problem
Don't answer that
>Playing Tf2 on a trade server (gotta make profit from the scrubs)
>Take a portal to some weird world
>Spawn literally behind a flying sniper crit bodyshotting everyone he has in sight.
>Instakill him with the axetinguiser combo from the back
>Spams chat insulting me and telling I was a dick for "killing him unfairly (as retard as it sounds)"
>Banned: (no reason)
>make a rape joke
>banned for 90 days
kids these days
>Play with 2 other 'friends'
>They ignore you and circlejerk without telling you they don't actually want you there and you should gtfo
fuck you guys, i know what you're doing.
Why is shotgun the most satisfying gun to rape scrubs with?
>go onto server
>give yourself fully-fledged admin powers
>someone else who has moderator powers kicks you, but they only end up deleting your character and making it seem like you're no longer on the server
>mess with them because you still have the power to do pretty much anything, even delete the ground
You're a good guy, user.
I love it when they do this.
They think they're being clever but it really just shows how salty they truly are.
Hell nigga I ain't even mad, but why you too much of a puss to let me respond? OH right you don't wanna ban someone on a totally rekt note u gotta be da cool guy. I understand son.
>join server
>banned for no reason
>join another server
>banned for no reason
>try one last server
>Brazilians; Brazilians everywhere
>tfw too autistic to engage with online games anymore because i've used imageboards so long i'm used to having no long term responsibility for my posts and any argument ending when the thread hits bump limit. if i say anything embarrassing it goes away.
>tfw friendless
>tfw paranoid
i wish i had experiences on forums beyond giving up at "you need to be a member to download this file :^) " (or making a throwaway and finding out it's dead/fake)
even if i wanted to, finding a good forum in THE CURRENT YEAR is next to impossible and my internet connection is too shit for most online games.
What the fuck is this "no honor" bullshit? I don't play CSGO so I've never seen it
Well, Sup Forums does it's own server sometimes fpr certain games. You could try to begin stopping your autistic behavior there, user.
>Used to play UT religiously
>Have never heard the term "Backshooting"
Google has literally failed me here too, all I find are ancient threads of people complaining about backshooting without anyone explaining what the christ it is!
thanks for the info, I really enjoyed your blog post about how you are too fucking stupid to use google
Its apparently when you shoot a player with the IG rifle when they arent looking/shooting at you.
I was like "Nigga if I see you I'm gonna pop you no matter where the fuck you are looking. If you cant keep track of your environment thats your own fucking fault."
>you've been kicked from the server
>"premium member wanted to join :)"
>tf2 valve server
>kid talking on mic
Fuck I love aussie servers sometimes. Quality bantz.
how is banning a kid banter?
>gmod TTT server
>admin being accused of being a total prick
>banning people left and right
>i'm totally silent
>follow some people down a ladder
>split second later
>reason: faggot
Ah, that explains the term. Odd people would even play gib matches if they were annoyed at being gibbed when they couldn't see the shooter. I mean christ you can only look one way.
It's more like the accompanying jeers and shittalking the other players do before kicking the kid.
>you were killed by a big guy
>admin on space station 13 server
>single out one annoying player that everyone hates
>bully the shit out of him
>ban him for stupid shit
>eventually permaban him for throwing away someone's PDA
>make him do a huge apology on our forums and make a video of himself saying he was sorry to be unbanned
>the madman actually did it
>didn't unban him
>TFC back in the day
>Playing sniper on well
>I'm at the flag
>Soldier on our team runs in
>He's moving way too fast to be a soldier
>Headshot, it was a spy
>Guy I killed blows up chat, accuses me of cheating
>Tell him that soldiers can't move that fast, and when paying a spy you never change into a class that moves slower than a sly does, make you stand out
>Kicked from server
>Reason: hacking
I'm glad I only ever played TF2, I suck at arena shooters
>look up an issue you're having
>someone asking the same exact question
>thread does not exist
It's been a long time since I've used this image, but it's the only one that would fit
>Girl talking on mic being bitchy
>Say something insulting to her, can't remember what
>She says "I probably have bigger balls than you do kid"
>Respond with "probably more facial hair too."
I assume she was the admin's girlfriend or something.
Or just your typical beta orbiter with power
>you were kicked from the server
>reason: admin disrespect
I don't get what's so wrong with necroposting. If the information would still be relevant to you and possibly other people then why not bump it?
Gmod is fucking awful, I haven't played a single good online whatever in that game because all servers are filled with power-hungry admins, asshole shitters, trigger happy tryhards, you name it.
Waiting for the game to download 13,000 add-ons before actually making it to the server only to find that it didn't download everything, hence the giant ERRORS and missing textures all over the fucking place
>Left4Ded2 Vs Mode
>Team are getting fucked up but close to safe house
>I slow down to protect injured teammate while the other two run off
>Heroically give him my health pack
>He uses it as the infected players arrive, jump me and proceed to gang rape me
>He runs off and catches up to the other human players while I'm slowly dying on the floor
>Someone initates a vote ban against me (for dying so far from the group I assume)
>Whole team votes to kick me, including the guy I saved
>You have been banned from the server.
>Reason: fuck oyu
Personally I think its because they're fucking scrubs and need to Git Gud. I mean, come the fuck on man, I play ComboGib and RocketX on a regular basis and they arent pussies about it. If anything, they return the favor, and it really makes you check your shit constantly less someone shove a super-shock bolt up your ass.
>Your ticket has been deleted for reason: Read the FAQ
>there's no answer in the FAQ
>some french battlefield server
>say something about something in the game being pretty stupid
>Bad language warning 1 of 3.
>"is the word stupid bad language?"
>Bad Language warning 2 of 3
>"Fuck you and your omelette du fromages"
How can someone live knowing they are french?
I wonder what would happen if you just outright called out on that shitty behaviour as you post about your issue, mark your territory, claim authority over your new masters, that kind of shit.
>join french CS:S server
>say "baguette"
I love frogs
>Welcome to our server, please go to our website to read the server rules before playing
when you see this in a server it basically means the admins are abusive as fuck.
Kicked from the server by admin.
Reason: Stop killing my wife's son...
>"Fuck you and your omelette du fromages"
>not just constantly making new throwaway accounts
Or what about:
>nevermind, figured it out lol
Even worse imo.
>things that totally happened you guys XD
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew how to disable X
>why would you want to do that
>That's stupid don't
It is an unnecessesary process I would like to end
>uh yur dumb
>Personally I think that the process is magnificient and you (3 paragraph response)
>why would you want to
It is my machine, and I want to disable it. Does anyone know how?
>why would you want to
>Playing TF2 on an Arena server.
>Cap the point because some faggot is sitting with a level 3 sentry and we only have 2 Scouts left.
>Playing TF2
>Use the FoN
Fucking autists.
>faggots join shitty server
>surprised when shitty admin bans them
what did you honestly expect?
you should realize being a team player in an apocalypse only leads to bad things. rape, pillage, and move on. only ever work with others if it benefits you.
It did
Frenchies start shouting putain as soon as someone even seems like he's insulting France