Answers to the burning questions. Burning like the clap

Answers to the burning questions. Burning like the clap.





oh wow opinions on images, very informative and video game related

>citing Carmessi for your arguments

Of course boobplate armour wouldn't kill you irl.

In real life if you were a woman who required boob plate you'd be miles away from the closest battlefield as standing armies equipped with forged armour and weapons were only drawn from the male population.

>all elves are whores

These read like how a leftie would imagine Sup Forums shitposting should be without ever actually having been to Sup Forums.

No exception user, none.

>in a few months searches for "female armor" will probably just show you thousands of pictures of free bleeding
top cake

>extra ornamental
o i m laffin

Thread is boring

There weren't women in battle who wore knight armor or plate armor, historically they just weren't allowed

So for female plate armor to exist at all is completely stupid

And if it's a fantasy game or made up, then why have such a problem with something unrealistic in the first place?


>tfw will never rape a female commander in front of her troops

>somebody was assblasted enough to actually put all this together

holy fuck

i'm pretty sure a large portion of men fought in the nude, still do in Africa, general buttnaked was butt naked and in combat only a few decades ago.

is she wearing a skin colored shirt under her armor or what

where the fuck are her nipples

Okay. I still like functional looking armor on women.

Sup Forums again


At least do something original
Combining smug anime image with muh -4 str is hardly revolutionary

This assblasted guy who probably just lost an argument on /tg/ or some shit and is posting crap art with these 'information' images is just precious.

>and actually expect people to fall for it

>If you don't like shitty unrealistic aesthetics destroying fapbait in games you must be a feminist!




I like and appreciate boob armor
Fight me faggots


literally none of that could be called armor

Africa is full of retarded nignogs who believe raping babies cures aids and gives them immunity to bullets. No sane argument should be constructed on their actions.

>African fighters
Remember when an entire country was cleared of rebels by like 150 first world mercenaries? Utter hilarity.


absolute taetris

Good thing it's video games


I won't because I agree with you

Sorely disappointed that those loincloths are not horsecocks like the thumbnail suggested

In the future, please add a disclaimer any time you post this image

↑⇑⇧⬆ Agency

Hm. Women shouldn't be allowed to agency.


Full armoured women is the hottest shit though

Fine, give me a time. a place. and a method of combat. I'll be there.


Greeks also used to fight naked


Don't you mean
>gosh darn derr gooblgombs at it again!!

And their legacy is pederasty and outdated philosophy


I absolutely love everything Kozo Yohei has drawn since reading Spunky Knight. I'm shocked that I've never seen this before. Does he still do anything?

fuck, didn't mean to quote


Greeks were also degenerate homosexuals and practiced pederasty.







women fighting at all is absurdly unrealistic to begin with desu

Sounds like you've been triggered in a very unusual way user.

> And if it's a fantasy game or made up, then why have such a problem with something unrealistic in the first place?

Because in vidya, you have scenarios where a party of 40 characters, each with the strength to kill a world-slaying dragon single-handedly, wailing on a single target with all their physical or magical might, bringing the full force of their magical weapons to bear or even casting horrifyingly strong magics on said target for minutes, but it would be unrealistic if the victim of this relentless assault had their midriff exposed.

No, they didn't, you fucking retard. Even the very first greek polises employed armies that either wore some kind of leather armor or metal helmets and even nog armies of yesteryear probably wore some kind of leather armor, because even those had some kind of structure and knowledge on how to better chances of not dying. Most nog armies of today are absolutely retarded and disorganised, though, especially militias in civil war torn zones.


I like unrealistic armour, but having a nipple piercing with a chain attached in a battle is just asking for problems.

Good point.


Anita pls, we're appreciating women here, no need for falseflag

Someone post the pic with TB and the retard on twitter and something about "fantasy misogyni"

So where could I find porn of this character?

pretty much this
OP, sexy armors tend to break my immersion in games supposed to be serious. A nearly nude heroin can't be a paladin breaking the necks of uncountable orcs. It is just moronic and bad fantasy.

Now if you take Kill la Kill which has an abysmal scenario and isn't even remotely serious (excepting for bits of the second half which is pure garbage), sexy armor won't kill the mood.

But you can easily have decent armor for female knights in high fantasy without ornemental chestplates. Take the works of Akihiko Yoshida or Dark souls to see what's serious high fantasy designs done right.

Maximum unrealism mode engaged


Julius Caesar records in his account of the Gallic War that the Gauls went into battle naked save for their weapons.

>my immersion
Hah, fuck off

nothing false flag about it senpai
if people bring up 'realistic portrayal of women' regarding medieval battlefields - well, medieval battlefields generally had no female combatants on them in the first place. the only females around were the whores that traveled with the armies.

And now for reasonably well armoured women because some of you degenerates like that

And I'm out of sluts

>Dark souls
>High fantasy
Uh, excuse me?

Only for sport, in actual battles they had real armour.

Of course, even they realised how badass it is to fight without any armour, which is why all their gods and heroes run around with no clothes on.


That horrible shading makes it look like she has a really hairy ass


Gods and magic are things that do not exist, but they do in Souls games

this wolf doesn't make any sense

>Muh underaged panty quest weeb RPGs so based design, oh nepnep if only I could actually lose my virginity to you in real life and not through this pillow so ronry ;____;

>a completely covered up woman is 'hottest shit'

If you say it enough times, it may become true, who knows. Best of luck.

Until then, reality dictates that a naked woman is more 'hottest shit' than one that covers up her body.

>Dark souls
>serious designs
And you started off so well.


>mfw i thought she was an amputee

Would play as

Damn, nigga. Did i strike a nerve?


Marketing meme

That doesn't mean it's high fantasy you dongus. The magic is very limited, as is basically every god and enemy you meet or hear about. Despite being framed as mythic it's clearly much closer to low fantasy than high fantasy.


Congratulations, those are shit. Having abds won't stop a blade and bikinis armor were retarded from the start.
I have absolutely no problem with a magic caster wearing silk or fancy clothes as long as they are not on the frontline. But your pics are pure retardation.

This is good.

If people who lose their shit over boobplates really wanted sensible and realistic armor, they should be hating on this one as well.


wtf you talking about

The entire world is made of magic
There is no aspect of the game that isn't magical or divine in origin