Will there ever be a better fps game?

Will there ever be a better fps game?

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black ops 3



Just as fast, with unique abilities per hero instead of one simple stock character


As a pure arena shooter? highly unlikely

so good that it has a average population of 400 to 600 per day.

>just as fast

>Nice argument, the post

It came out 17 years ago dude, just the fact that people are still playing makes it a classic.

stop right now

It's nearly two decades old at this point and younger generations probably have no idea it even exists.

fine you blizzard cuck

But that's not Battlefield ___2

>Just as fast
what the fuck am I reading
if you're going to bait or pretend to be a retarded Blizzdrone then at least put some thought into it

Quake 4 had pretty fun multiplayer

hmm you've convinced me, where can I pre order, anonymous poster?

you mean a 1999 game isn't getting thousands of people playing it daily in 2016?
this is huge, stop the presses!

Unreal Tournament

but if its the perfect game why people dont play it then more , if nothing can be made better its perfect how it is, or is it maybe that no 1 cares about autistic arena shooters anymore?

Depends on criteria, You want to follow.
Are You mentioning FPS genre as the whole OR arena shooter?

Without doubts one of the most known arena shooters. Though it is matter of preference of players.
Q3A had its own merits, which You won't find in any other games.
However, some will prefer UT over Quake.
Then it was also CS1.6 scene as well.

People were trying to shill this game on QLive, wtf everyone is trying to pretend team based shooters were ever good?

>perfect games are played daily by millions until the end of time


I doont fuckign know steam or some shit I guess

>so good that it has a average population of 400 to 600 per day.
really? I thought it was dead
brb installing

also going by the steam store page, the devs are still updating QL and trying to unfuck the decisions they made a couple of years ago trying to pander to casuals

what is this? a retarded version of team fortress 2?

Even CS 1.6 which a lot of players consider to be flat out superior to CSGO barely has the numbers to back it up

casual audiences follow the pro scene which in turn follow the money. Companies aren't going to promote and sponsor tournaments for games that are decades old, not when they can just repackage the game and shit it up with micro-transactions and whatnot


Even CS 1.6 has a more active population. And while Valve swims on the money it makes with its rehash with a bunch of skins plastered on, all those featurelss arena FPS with more developers than players pretend to be alive when it's pretty clear they are unfun wastelands.

CS 1.6 is x100 times more accessible than Quake kiddo.

also this

Observe how the times changes with players as well:

First vid:
- after 3 seconds of logo, the game drops us in middle of session with bots
- no commentary

Second vid:
- commenting all the time
- 1:08 tutorial starts, with some sightseeing
- 2:35 actual gameplay starts
- 11:28 other gameplay starts

What the fuck?

Looks like Korean TF2 ripoff, not even trying to be sarcastic.

gotta stretch that video for that viewer money

I don't mind people doing that stuff. It is just business and I kind of admire how some of them are making huge profit of it.

What is worrying me. What kind of people watch it. Why do they watch it?

Don't mind me, just posting the best Q3 frag movie ever.

