>windows 10 will one day be mandatory to play the latest vidya
Windows 10 will one day be mandatory to play the latest vidya
Good thing I'm on windows 10
It's better than 8 at least
Not anytime soon
You seriously think anyone would be dumb enough to just exclude half the PC fanbase for nothing?
you mean like it is right now?
dont worry im sure your shitty eroge text reading simulators will keep being released for windows 7
>tfw cracked win10
step it up
See PS4.5
So, uh, how is 10 right now for games and Steam and shit? Good? Bad? Unusable?
>playing the lastest vidya
>not playing the latest video games
That's a pretty dumb comparison. All the PS4.5 reports have said there will be no exclusive games on either the old or new model.
It's the future you chose.
ReactOS is something intended to run what Windows can but not be Windows.
But I'm not sure if it's fully working yet, the site looks like it was made by someone amazing at web coding but terrible at web design so the site is useless for info.
>linux will one day be a commercially viable platform for vidya
ive been using it for 6 months
doesn't feel any different from 7 except for when you click start, theres a bunch of icons on the side.
They will obviously make the PS4 versions inferior like crossgen games were, to make you buy the latest hardware.
Its still the same game.
Is a PC game a different game when its being played on a better gpu?
No it wont.
That will be the day when I move over to linux full time.
Linux sucks even more than Windows 10.
Well, if there's any justice in the world, Vulkan will become the most widely adopted "next-gen" API and that'll make releasing games for non-Windows platforms that much easier.
oh right doesnt windows become pay to use next month? should i switch while its still free?
the year of the linux desktop is always one year away
t. guy who tried Ubuntu 8.04 for an hour
hue hue
preach it
What the fuck does "t." mean?
I find that incredibly hard to believe.
Windows 8 is fucking awful and Microsoft doesn't seem capable of learning from their mistakes.
it's an int "meme"
How's that DX11 support coming along?
Oh, right.
It's short for "terveisin", Finnish for "regards"
Is OP pic related Misato? best girl
>implying DX12 isn't dead
>implying devs want to lock themselves down to Microsoft's proprietary bullshit instead of releasing multiplatform with a measurably faster API
Vulkan is going to destroy DX12 and it's not even platform independent. Every major game engine is moving towards supporting it and there's literally no reason to make a dx12 game unless it's PC/xbone exclusive
>was interested in fable legends
>applied with like 5 different emails
>finally get into the beta
>it requires windows 10
>decide not to upgrade and play
>fable legends gets canceled
wow was it just bait? is there even a game?
these two are basically the same thing
user, Fable Legends got cancelled and Lionhead Studios closed down.
>tfw playing on console
>tfw I've been unironically playing on Ubuntu as my primary platform for 2 years
Helps that I'm a casual I guess, can't really play new AAA releases.
its originally a ylilauta meme taken over by krautchan
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the reddit boards in this case
And it sends all your personal info it collects to MS. But you won't notice that.
>tfw paying for online
Consoles have all the shit Microsoft is trying to push on PC with Windows 10 though.
Maybe you should try it and quit bitching.
I think his point is, why would you announce a game and then 6 months later or so close down the studio and say "game's canceled bra." It didn't even have a chance to come out.
I don't think there's much of any personal info on my console I give a shit if Sony or MS steal
>>windows 10 will one day be mandatory to play the latest vidya
Good thing I don't play on PC anymore.
Oh I didn't mean the privacy concerns. I meant the UWP crap.
> will
>spoof your OS
>the game works fine
And you believe them, kek
8.1 is better than both.
I think that might actually make me switch to console
Fuck that spybox cyberpunk dystopia shit
Can't do that. It isn't just a check that it looks for a line saying you have W10, but rather it uses components of the UWP system which do not exist in W7 or 8
i dont care
Maybe writing a compatibility layer is possible.
and you think they'll split the userbase and piss off over 30 million people, along with destroying their image, kek
So you're switching to gutted Windows 10 or gutted FreeBSD? Doesn't seem like much of an upgrade compared to Windows 10.
Yeah, like applications that checked whether you were using pre XP systems did.
Same goes for drivers.
>tfw using windows 10 while having nothing to hide
They literally copied Microsofts jewing with paid online and barely anyone batted an eye. They can do whatever they wants and PLAYERS will eat it up
No one will do it because it will be too much trouble. They'll just install Windows 10. Anyone who would do it is already using Linux and doesn't care about vidya.
You browse Sup Forums. You already have something to hide.
you're implying consoles don't do the same thing
That pic tells the truth.
Hey i have been using win10 for a small while now, and i would like to Shut down all that supposed invasive bullshit people always talk about.
How do i do it?
Are you retarded? It's one of the most popular sites out there.
lol who cares? you actually want to play the AAA garbage coming out? it's all shit
install gentoo
>forza 6 apex beta
>windows 10 exclusive
>hard drive
Never heard absolutely anyone shitting on Xbox HDD.
DS3 was actually long overdue
>motion control
It's still just a gimmick with no good games.
Always good
Always shit
>paid online
Absolute bullshit and anyone who agrees is a fucking faggot that should kill itself desu senpai
>PS3 gets online
Pretty sure PS2 had online already
>wahaaa I'm forced to use modern technology ablooblooblooo
It was an addon barely anyone used
>there are people who don't like windows 10
Absolutely disgusting. You people clearly don't know a whole lot about computers.
Paid online could work. Real talk, if me paying 50 bucks a year means they are able to enhance my online experience beyond what it could have been for free then a lot of people would pay up.
The problem is that you don't get a better experience for paying you get to play on shit servers on both microsoft's side and Sony's side.
W10 is fine
Nigger, I played SOCOM on that shit all day. Fuck off.
If those 50 bucks were used to better the quality, then yeah, you're right. But turns out those servers aren't any better than most PC games with free online either, so no point in that shit.
>implying devs won't use Vulkan
>Tfw it came with my new pc
Goddamn I hate Microsoft.
You got sad it wasnt a copy of Windows 7?
Yeah, the issue is that they are trying to make you believe "you are paying for a service". Which you are not. You are paying to use the internet which you have already paid for. With how xbox live and psn perform it's disgusting they are asking money for it.
I like both 8 and 10
Did people on this board actually try the new Windows or are they just talking out of their ass?
You deserve it for buying a prebuilt
Windows 10 litterly spies on you. More than any other Windows it just has like 20 programs on to gather data. Even your camera. There are ways to turn it of. Chack youtube.
I have it on my laptop and it manages to somehow be even more buggy than Windows 8
Google also spies on you. YouTube spies on you yet you're telling me to use it, lmao
Everything spies on you. Even here on Sup Forums. Leave the internet or become a Sup Forumsentoomen.
I didn't tell you to use Google faggot and why does it matter if they gather information like that? I mean what is wrong with you moron. Are you fine with spies? Or are you one of those kiddies brainwashed beyond help?
Haha joke's on you I have 10
Just fucking kill me, I hate it. The computers restarts randomly, it freezes the toolbar for hours at a time, whenever I right click the thing freezes for 10 seconds, and the stupid thing heats up to ridiculous temperatures that the old OS never made it do, among a slew of other shit.
Win 7 with all telemetry removed Master RaceĀ©.
You people are literally retarded babies who can't bother to spend 5 minutes removing Microshit spyware.
Seriously. XBL is down unscheduled on a weekly basis now.
I know this because I was dumb enough to buy an xbone.
>DOOM has day one Vulkan support
>Source2 will use Vulkan
>Unreal Engine IV to incorporate Vulkan as well
>PS3/X360 emulators moving to Vulkan
There is literraly zero reason to move to Win10
Do a clean install
>actually installing 10
>How's that DX11 support coming along?
It's actually coming along, they've started working on it a while ago, there's some very early DX11 support right now.
Hopefully we won't even have to worry about DX12 support because Microsoft went full retard and made it Win10 only, which will force developers to continue to support DX11.
The same thing happened with DX9, do you know why it was supported for so long? Because Microsoft made DX10+ not available for Windows XP. It almost killed DirectX too.
Hello Rita.