Make a wish Sup Forums

Make a wish Sup Forums....

Other urls found in this thread:

I wish my wish didn't come true.

I wish I had a gf

I wish.

I wish I was no longer 600k in debt.

I wish to go to the festival.

I wish Overwatch would leave

I wish Bannerlord comes out this year and its good.

B&W release

this famis

That guy on the right thinking "I should have gone fucking Orthodox"

CDPR making non-shit game for once

I wish Witcher 3's gameplay wasn't shit

I wish this was a place to rationally discuss vidya

Granted, but it becomes a rushed mess and the girl really is a tranny because CDPR had to fill in a SJW quota.

Granted, but Sup Forums turns into a deserted board because people only came here for memes, shitposting and fanboy wars

If this is what you think then you must be retarded, could not resist giving you the reply you are so desperate for

Is this guy literally evil incarnate?

I wish for all grafix whores to die and for developers to be forced to optimize their games properly lest they burn.

Bet you wish you could afford decent pc parts too user

I wish to be a cute girl

He's satan

I wish they don't screw up this.

>Sack of money arrives as inheritance from an unknown distant family member.
>billion dollars.
>you get rich and live the good life for a few months
>one day the police seize your assets, and arrest you.
>You realize that the money was illegally appropriated and they have evidence of your involvement
>you did nothing wrong
>Get good enough lawyer to keep you out of prison
>free, but not over a billion dollars in debt

You are back to the startin point
You have just wasted a wish you nigger
You will find love of your life in the next week,you will match eachother 100%. Day after you first see her she will die before your eyes
Overwatch leaves your plane of understanding.
There are now multiple threads you can't read because you cannot comprehend what Overwatch is
It comes out this year,it's the best game ever made.
Sadly the developers were taken by ISIS and non-muslims can't play it
They are now making shitty movies
Gameplay is removed from the Witcher 3
It is now,you are the only poster tho
Majority of the game developers die,you are now stuck with minecraft clones and progressive indie games.
But hey,they run on 60fps even on low-end machines
You are cute for....someone. Perhaps the pig hendler
Year of our lord 3166,when the humanity will reach the stars.
7th of April to be precise
It will be the best Total War game, but the setting it takes place will be destroyed and rebooted as shit
Oh wait

I wish anything I said happened.

>gameplay is removed from TW3
Did you know someone made a mod that replaced almost all the combat in the game with Gwent?

You cheeky cunt

I can afford a good pc. I don't want one.
I want to play video games, not jack off to much grafix or naked Skyrim mods.
But till the whoring ends all games on consoles will run like shit. Not that pc is any better with the crashes and having to upgrade every few years.

I wish I wasn't addicted to anything.

All non-vital (water, oxygen, basic nutrients) substances that can foster any sort of physical dependency cause horrible, life-threatening seizures anytime you come into contact with them.

That's exactly what I want. Now I can't do drugs and alcohol anymore without fear of death.

A BLT sandwich with no negative consequences or tomatoes that true?

>drink coffee
>nearly die

I wished modern "GOATYs" would be more than just interactive movies for graphic whores.

Here OP, I'll help you with this one:
Your perception of 'negative' changes. The sandwich gives you AIDS

I wish that you can't grant my wish

I wish you'd come back in the DLC. :3

I wish you were as cool as the character you're based off of.

I wish I live in Gensokyo

I wish I wasn't a lazy and unmotivated sack of shit so I can survive college

He's the typical 'devil at the crossroad' type, specifically of the ones in the polish folklore.

Satan according to Jewish tradition is a completely different entity from Lucifer. He's an angel whose sole role is to server as God's Accuser/prosecutor. Basically serving as the second opinion in any judgement. You know the story of Job? That was him playing his intended role.

Hence why in SMT, Satan is generally on YHVH's side, while Lucifer is on the opposite side.

Offline Overwatch with all the maps and clever bots, please.

Granted, it is now just noninteractive movies done in live action.

You become motivated and are no longer lazy. You not only survive, but thrive in college.
You realize you chose the wrong major while you're walking at graduation

>offline overwatch with good and evil campaign

>You realize you chose the wrong major while you're walking at graduation

but Calypso user, if I can survive and thrive in IT major, nothing can go wrong

Do a little bit of work each day. I had the discipline to do an hour in the morning and an hour at night every day and college became a breeze.

De-Downgrade Witcher 3.

Granted, now it bricks all hardware.

>de downgrade a game that requires a high end card, a 980 at least, to run at 60fps @ 1080p

great, now only 0.2% of the PC games userbase can run it maxed out on their SLI 980ti

why do priest always wear glasses and have that gayass look to them?

oh my god

I have to replay the entire game like this now.

I wish I was Anita.