This is how stupid souls fans are

This is how stupid souls fans are

Why does the design of the games make the fans stupid?

not what I am implying

*sucks miyazaki's cock* yeah dude 3 isn't linear at all

>circular level design is good because it satisfies my OCD
Fuck off Matthew

great poast nobody understands u but at least your mommy does ;^)

well understood, perhaps you are just slow

coming from the retard who has no point who makes epic lore posts on Sup Forums trying to make anons Guess which retarded opinion he's hinting at in OP
Go suck on your mommys tit kiddo winkieface

Just like your thread.

Oh yeah because Izalith wasnt linear
Or archives
Or Anor Londo
Or tomb of giants
Or all of the DLC
Or most of blighttown

I love Dark Souls 1 world design as much as the next guy, but come on, it's not NEARLY as advanced as that image makes it out to be

That is my point, Souls fans go around eating up memes such as this picture.

thread of tehh years

still mad I called you slow


How old were you when you grew our of your "Souls" phase?

still like the games, fans though...



those are all the penultimate bosses and blightown wasn't linear at all

The areas where you go to get the Lord Souls are linear, yes. They could have done more with connecting them back to the areas in the rest of the game, but it makes a certain amount of sense that they wouldn't connect either (they all have lore reasons for being remote)

The DLC is only three areas, how the fuck else were they supposed to connect them but in a straight line?

Anor Londo connects to the Painted World, Sen's Fortress, and the Archives. Blighttown connects to the Great Hollow, the Depths, the Valley of Drakes, and the Demon Ruins.

A real comparision

best level design in the series, Dark Souls 3 sure is great :^)

buy that season pass, the dlc will just make it better :>)

I think diversity in world design isn't a bad thing in a series.

It's just that it would be better received had it gone from more linear to more complex instead of the other way around. On top of perhaps making the connections more coherent. What with the lift in Earthern Peak leading to a lava castle in the sky, but then again I buy the theory that the game just omits longer, uneventful treks between the locations.

And DaS 1, as beautifully coherent as it was, did strike me as really convenient that all the goals you need to "save" the world were more or less in walking distance of the capital instead of scattered over the whole country.

this is so true

If you've seen the map of Drangleic that comes with the CE of Dark Souls 2 you'll see that Earthen Peak and the Iron King castle keep place are actually a long ways away from each other, the game takes you all over the continent of it but just doesn't show the transitions.




Would it kill them to try to connect more areas like they did in Dark Souls 1?

Where does Bloodborne fit in?

Can someone post OS's image on Japanese boards and post back their responses?

Dark Souls 1 has a confusing as fuck layout especially early on. And then areas that are totally hidden for no reason.
Just because you're ok either using a guide like a faggot or running around in circles because autism doesn't mean the rest of us should have to deal with it.

i dont get it

*OP's image

Why does this matter? What's wrong with being able to play the game without using a wiki?

>hurrrrr i confused, just give me tunnels!!

Yeah because than people would complain about not-Skeltans destroying them again.

the point was more about how Souls fan suck Miyazaki's cock and hustle memes instead of thinking critically

I don't understand how the map layout relates to that.

The only things hidden and hard to find in Das1 were optional and designed to be hidden and hard to find. Anyone with a half-decent sense of 3D space and direction could make a mental map of the entire game with ease because it all fit together logically (EG the thing you see in the distance is actually that far away, no weird overlapping areas or impossible transitions) and the game makes a point of having visible landmarks all over the place.

It shits the bed a bit later on, with Izalith, Tomb of Giants and Abyss all ending in dead ends that you need to warp out of, but Firelink, Burg, Parish, Darkroot, Depths, Blighttown, New Londo, Valley of Drakes is one of the best examples of level design ever (looking at them as a whole, individually most areas are pretty meh from a design standpoint).

It thinks that DaS 2's levels weren't shitty tunnels

Updated this map

What areas could be good for DLC?

I think below lothric, the forest further from cathedral of the deep, or the icy mountains surrounding the entire area could be cool.

1 and 3 are not that complex and 2 is not that simple is more accurate

Hybrid of 2/3

Every single Souls game is linear.

You know how a non-linear game looks like? Try Romancing Saga III.

>linearity is always bad and in all implementations

So you don't know what linear means?


Map is more accessible if you flip it, personally, considering that's how you first see everything.

you dumb shit, refer to

more like 1 and 3

The same people who complain that Souls games aren't "linear" enough probably would have preferred the series to take an open world approach.

You are all shitters.

Bloodborne is pretty linear. 1 isn't at all

seems pretty accurate to me, though that pic is far too generous to DaS1 / DaS3

Which game has this one?

>OOOO I can take THIS hallway, instead of THAT hallway!
>So much FREEDOM!

Gran Turismo?


Yep, you have no idea what linear means

>Linear is bad
Probably the worst popular opinion Sup Forums has.
But I agree DS2 was dumb.

>The only things hidden and hard to find in Das1 were optional and designed to be hidden and hard to find.

the hardest thing to find in DaS1 was ash lake because it was hidden behind 2 secret doors. if you were playing online, this was still pretty easy to find since messages would be everywhere explicitly telling you about the secret doors.

archdragon peak in DaS3 is WAY more hidden than that, since using a gesture at a fairly random spot in a previous linear area is a hilariously obscure way to get there.


>I can kill THIS boss before THAT boss!
>So much open ended gameplay!
lol, ok.

>DS2's map looks like a tree


Is this bait?

Because DeS is a tutorial followed by 5 linear paths. Out of all the games it probably has the choice in what order you do stuff in.

The game of loss

You're actually just listing ways in which the games are non-linear, amazing

>level has start point and end point

wow fuck this linear trash

Demons souls is actually the most open of all the games though.

Not that it makes it better for that reason.

> Or most of blighttown
How is Blightown linear?

>still pushing the "dark souls 2 is better meme"
Stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

None of the games are as open as the first game. Bloodborne and DaS3 both have some pretty apparent similarities in their level design, which is largely linear with some alternate paths that mostly end in dead ends. Pretty much the sole exception is the forest looping back around to the clinic.

That's stupid, user. It's not open at all.
If anything it's the most linear.

Still my favorite though.


This, besides the opening in 1-1 you are open to go to any other archstone

It's only hard to find because you get the gesture a decent bit later

I immediately noticed that the dragon man was facing the buildings in the cliffs (which I noticed in AL) but I still missed it

Wait. I don't understand DS2, then. What's the X?

>get to that part of Irithyll dungeon
>see broken apart dragonman sitting there looking off in the distance
>"time for gesture" written next to him
>try all my gestures, get nothing
>find gesture later on
>"remember!" or something like that written right in front of it

thank you message system

>demons using that pic
>each world connects to another
nah its more like


It's more that you have the freedom to jump to different worlds anytime you want. Whether they connect or not is irrelevant.

The point is to map out how you can progress. Those connecting paths aren't meant to imply that the areas literally connect, but that you can go back and forth between them on a whim. If you want to get really pedantic, all of the areas in Demon's Souls are directly connected through the Nexus. It's not much different from the teleporting you have to do to get from Undead Asylum to Firelink, or Sen's to Anor Londo, or to the painted world, or the kiln.

you are free to do any world you want after 1-1

you could do something like 4-1, 4-2, 3-1, 2-1, 3-2, 3-3, 5-1, 4-3, 5-2, 1-2, 1-3, 5-3, 2-2, 2-3, 1-4

while in darksouls you will always have to do the 2 bells, sens and anor londo before you can go after any of the lord souls except 4kings

Firelink Shrine/Untended Graves are on the other side of the map. They are to the upper left of Lothric Castle.
Consumed Kings Garden is between Lothric Castle and Grand Archives. It's directly unter the two bridges between them.
Smouldering Lake is directly beneath the water portion in Irithyll. You can see the bridge connecting Irithyll and the Dungeon from the pathway leading up to the ballista.

Why should a game linear or not matter.

I dont see the world or more connected being open world going to do anything but make the game give you sever ass beatings.

If the worlds open and you can fight any bosses then youll get lost and get wrecked simply by enemies you shouldnt be fighting.

Linearity isnt a bad thing. Its only bad if its kill a bunch of mooks then go kill the mook boss and rinse and repeat

Bloodborne, in more ways than one

>Dark Souls 1
>each area is a straight corridor that's impossible to get lost in with very few alternate routes
>people call it non-linear because each area for the first 1/3 of the game can be backtracked from

>Dark Souls 3
>each area in itself is completely non-linear and easy to get lost in with many alternate routes and hidden areas
>people hate it because there's no shortcut allowing them to walk directly from High Wall of Lothric to Irithyll

Compare areas like Undead Burg or Undead Parish with Undead Settlement or High Wall of Lothric if you don't believe it.

When will you faggots realize area interconnectivity doesn't matter for shit except autism and that 3 actually has the best level design of the series to date?

In a narrowbass hallway or something similiar no exploration.

Dark Souls 3 reminded me of MG

I got lost plenty in DS1

>More exploration
>Better enemy placement
>More interesting places to see
>Curbs any autism about retarded world design
>Having to figure out the world as a slight puzzle is more fun than going down straight hallways all the time

It's not rocket science you sperg.

you're just retarded

In a game that's about exploration and discovery, linearity would obviously be a bad thing


>Demon's soul is full of blinking gray dots

I don't understand.

Undead Settlement is a pretty complex area, but High Wall of Lothric only seems like a big area because of how much untraversable space you can see. The area itself is pretty small.

Fuck, I meant upper right.
You can even see its location in this early map.

DeS is so powerful it fucked up your eyesight.

optical illusion

this would make actual more sense if the trip wasn't seamless or there were load screens, like in Borderlands 2 where you are in the tundra three horns valley, then go through a gate to end up in a different biome like the Dust because there was a load screen separating it and dialogue explaining that the trip took a few hours.

the fact that you can seamlessly walk the entire game kind of shoots this down in DS2. the fact that apologist fans say it takes you all over the continent makes less sense considering you literally take an elevator from the top of a tower into a volcano castle. the fact that they are in different spots makes the map even less credible because one is on top of the other.

it's the same thing where Heides tower of flame is a lot further in the distance than you actually walk through that tiny cave to get to it and when you complete it you take an elevator down to well below sea level and somehow come out in a cove. Dark Souls IIs map simply doesn't work like 1 and 3's do where you can extract the collision data to create a 3d map of it. Drangleic is clearly just a bunch of unrelated areas copy pasted together with no real sense of cohesion.

it bugs me that you can fight dancer and dragonslayer armor early but you can't actually get inside the archives without killing 3 lords of cinder
and that no matter what path you try to take the first lord of cinder you kill will always be abyss watchers because you can't get to the other two without going through the catacombs
at least dark souls 1 (and 2) let you pick which of the 4 major bosses you wanted to kill first, dark souls 3 just feels like a bunch of dead ends