

Is this person aware that guitar hero doesn't use that button layout anymore? Or is playing video games not required to make a video game comic.


>playing the new guitar hero

Feels nice knowing christianity supports incest.

>There are people that think this is funny

What the fuck is wrong with you


This person is aware that the only Guitar Hero games worth playing are the old ones.




lmao no it doesnt



Where is the fun?



No, the Church believes Original Sin is forgiven when you're baptized

>huur let me make anoutdated and inaccurate remark about the church that's no longer in practice



I'm confused by the timeline and angered by everything else.




This one actually made me laugh.

Btw, I'm pooping right now. Just letting you all know.



The chuckle meter is flat lining.


>White people actually believe this
This guy is great

Good night smug snug.

Have you got "I have been recently raped"?



>thinks niggers made anything





Every time someone posts this I can't get over the thesaurus in the Final Fantasy panel. What the fuck does he think a thesaurus is?


>Equal Popuko
I don't know why but it makes me crack up every time




?? where's the fucking jo-


"the Pipimi" does it for me too.

I've seen this pic a thousand times, but I feel that now it has finally sunken into my mind just how fucking sad excuse of a man this guy is.


>being sexist

Ok this guy is literally Sup Forums
Why havent I seen it posted all over the place?




>hates the church
>literally pol



I have unashamedly masturbated to completion over this

>it's a "i'm silly" comic

>smug mmm hmm

triggers me more than anything.


At least he like Other M

Oh shit, I made this years ago. Been a while since I've seen it.

I want to fuck that cat


you're a little late

This faggot seems really butthurt about what bathrooms other people use


No genitals is my fetish too.

I certainly wouldn't want some demented she-ogre to think it can waggle its penis in front of my daughter because tumblr A-OK'd it.

Not all churches baptize.


>that free drugs sign

Oh man

There are numerous examples of incest in the Bible. The most commonly thought-of examples are the sons/daughters of Adam and Eve (Genesis 4), Abraham marrying his half-sister Sarah (Genesis 20:12), Lot and his daughters (Genesis 19), Moses’ father Amram who married his aunt Jochebed (Exodus 6:20), and David’s son Amnon with his half-sister Tamar (2 Samuel 13).

It works out since so are faggots.

they fugged didnt they?


is there even a joke here

who the fuck whips it out in front of another person in the bathroom to begin with

said the real faggot

are you close to committing suicide yet?

okay to glasses guy is a huge faggot then.


theres is *no* difference between these comics and the Unassigned Male comics people like to keep posting.

That Evan guy has the worst opinions on the planet

Well, because apparently peanut butter was made dutch guy instead of blck person.


>Evan Lahti

What the fuck is wrong with that faggot?
Is that real?

>pedos put on a skirt and blouse, you know, their normal wear
> walk into girls bathroom
>rub themselves to your daughter peeing

yah nah

fuck the trannies literally a vocal .5% of the population


Red Ranger had Native American (red indian) heritage.

OK, you can have this biological woman in the restroom with your daughter instead.

What's the name of the author again ?
It's just too damn entertaining to read this shit.

That's not true.

This alt-right fedora tipper actually knows how to draw.

You don't? How else do you get your dick sucked?

>He likes Harry Kim

God, what shit taste.


evan has one punchable face

He was obviously selected by the team to act like devil's avocado. Probably because of his punchable face.

He could be playing devil's advocate for the sake of the debate.

Bkub is the best comedian ever