
has this system be hacked already and is is the hack as friendly as the PSP one...

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What do you mean nowhere to be found

My Vita died recently.

No fuck off nigger. Pirate trash need to be shot.

Multiple regions have reported that they have a shortage issue for vita and that stores haven't been able to get new shipments.

I have two vitas I could send you one

PSP sold an insane amount after the custom firmware came out, emulators came out like crazy... everyone won... (except game developers, but those were worried about other shit already)


food for thought


Yeah and then everyone pirated shit and no one bought games forcing devs to go mobile. Pirates are literal human trash.

>forcing devs to go mobile
that would've happened anyway, blame that on the phone industry and retards who fell into the uberphone fetish.


Yes yes we know pirates are all innocent and have no negative consequences for their actions

>ur mum

Vita had big flood of games every year. People just ignore it and pretend it has no games because they only see what they want to see.

no, that's not the point. The point is they have little responsability and blame for how the phone industry grew massively and people raging from kids to adults developed a degenerate fetish for kewl cellphones.

2016 games we got so far and what's coming out later:

MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
Neptunia vs Sega Hard Girls
Atelier Escha and Logy Plus
God Eater: Resurrection
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Mighty No 9
Grand Kingdom
World of Final Fantasy
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Gal Gun Double Peace
Attack on Titan
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Toukiden 2
Danganronpa V3
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force
Moero Crystal (asain version has english)
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (asain version has english)
One Piece: Burning Blood
Salt and Sanctuary
Trillion: God of Destruction
Stranger of Sword City
Samurai Warriors 4: Empires
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Root Letter
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Shiren The Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
Criminal Girls 2
Yomawari: Night Alone
Croixieur Sigma
Gundam Breaker 3 (asain version has english)
Zero Time Dilemma
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Atelier Sophie
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (asain version has english)
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Attack on Titan
Ray Gigant

Guaranteed Replies

Was Ray Gigant any good?

Wow, absolutely none of that seems interesting.

>forgetting trails of cold steel 2

why didn't you buy 2 backups?

>Was Ray Gigant any good?
Don't know. Never tried it.

Will add to list.

Get the superior Exp game Stranger of Sword City instead

I got a VitaTV, if isn't compatible I'm not bothering anyways.

Already did.
I wonder if we'll get that new version that was announced for Japan a few days ago

>weeb shit
>anime shit
>more weeb shit

Why are handhelds so shitty nowadays? The 3ds is in the same situation. I guess psp will forever be the king then...

That's a discontinued product, devs aren't forced to make any game vita tv compatible anymore.

It depends on the sales I loved Demon gaze so I'm trying to get as much people as possible to get into SOSC

I'm currently waiting for my LE to arrive via mail

Garbage western games moved to mobile. Thank god.

>muh westshit
Well might as well hope that Xbox get into handheld for your fill of pew pew on the go

>pirates are the reason many devs are going for the mobile market

Dumbest shit i've read in weeks, and i read alot of dumb shit.

Stores in my area don't even give the Vita or its games shelf space. What's up with that?

ask them

I haven't played on my vita in a while. Not because there are no games I want to play, but because I'm halfway through quite a few of them and other ones I want to play keep coming out, along with games for other platforms. I still want to play more Oreshika, Natural Doctrine, SRW, Sen no Kiseki, and I never quite finished SS despite enjoying it a lot, so I'm thinking of getting Delta and playing it through again from the start. There's still a lot of post-game stuff in Disgaea 4 that I want to do, and I haven't gotten the true end of Steins;Gate yet. I haven't progressed in Ar no Surge in months, I got quite far in Atelier Totori years ago and now I feel like playing other Ateliers as well.
Send help.

>mercenary kings


But on the bright side at least xcom was a decent port as well as being a decent game.

I haven't played Xcom EU yet, but isn't long war a really beloved mod for it? And obviously you can't get that on vita. What does the mod add that makes it so popular? I kind of want to get the vita version.

>dragon quest builders

yes pls

Can you hack a Vita yet, or should I just go searching for a PSP?

read the thread

>Stein's Gate 0
This better come out on PC. I don't want to buy a Vita.

Is there anything on the vita for me if I am not a fan of Japanese weeb games?

indieshit and a killzone game

I want yomawari so bad

>implying Squenix will localize the vita version

Retailers have complained that Sony is no longer shipping units. Basically the Vita is just waiting to be discontinued officially.

It's also out on PS3 and PS4. PC release according to wiki is June 24, 2016

Nothing but VN shit.

>hackers gave up on the vita
Remember Dark_Alex?
That was the shit back then with the PSP


Both vita and ps3 had a rough start... but sony toughed it out with the ps3 just fine. Too bad they didn't give the same treatment to the vita.

Sony is actively trying to kill it off in the west. But it's been surviving like a roach due to weebshit sales.

Because a lot of them are weeb games. Which apparently means they don't count or something.

>new Shiren the Wanderer game


Americans don't want games.
They just want the next generic shooter.

It's a remake of Shiren 5 for DS that was never brought over to the west or translated. Can't wait for it myself.

Did they really?

Dammit. This means I won't be getting any more free PSN credits for reporting their updates.

It's alive because of third party support. Sony basically fucked up from the get-go because they wanted to make it home to AAA exclusives.

>implying weeb shit isnt all just generic copy paste loli RPG's

Going to be honest, it's kinda weird not seeing 20+ 3ds shill posters reply with "anime shit", "literally who?", "And non worth playing". I wonder what happened to all those 3ds shill posters.


Not to mention since it hasn't been hacked yet developers are now moving ports to the system due to it being safer.

I think most of those shitposters finally had enough of nintendo's bulshit and gave up the nintendo fanboy hat.

I think you are right, just because of the sheer lack of 3ds threads on Sup Forums compared to before. All their good games came out over 2 years ago.

waiting to see how it is
" "
have it
getting it
getting it
getting it
skipping it
want it
getting it
have it
getting it
want it
want it so badly
want it
want it
getting it
skipping it
skipping it
backed it
have it
have it
want it
skipping it
want it
want it
want it
getting it
want it
really want it
waiting for a sale
getting it
skipping it
getting it
skipping it
getting it
skipping it
skipping it
want it

>handheld console wars

you guys are cute
as an adult, i typically don't post in threads about handhelds whatsoever

then please continue being an adult and fuck off.

they never were. if they want the VitaTV market then they will.

>as an adult
>shitposting with reaction images

Sure kid. I bet you shitpost in these threads for years now.

Is there anything big coming for 3DS? Or is it also on its way out like the Wii U? It's kinda weird when Vita has these lists and 3DS basically nothing.

i guess they couldn't hack it

The reason it failed was due to a large part of the library being incompatible.

iirc the only things are the two monster hunter games and eoV
everything else is just chinese trash

There seems to be a shortage of PS3's too.

>There seems to be a shortage of PS3's too.

I'm sure you can order one from any online store easily.


>all ages vns
Oh boy all the witty writing of porn without any of the porn.

The last 3ds game that I'm still waiting for is 7th Dragon. And pogyman because I'm gay

It's a different issue, the demand for the PS3 was always there, just not at the launch price point. People give Sony shit for not trying with the Vita but what are they supposed to do? Keep throwing good money after bad? The dedicated handheld market is in shambles.

Should I gets vita or a Nintendo 3ds
Be honest with me Sup Forums I don't want to get a meme handheld with 10 good games
so far fire emblem seduced me the Nintendo side

I can find it easy where I am and Amazon carries everything.

3ds was on life support since last year. It only has a small handful of games.

Every nintendo fanboy is guaranteed to buy every nintendo game that comes out because not a lot of new games come out on their consoles, so when a new one comes out, they make sure to buy it. They would get 1 new game ever few months. Even if it's butchered with horrible translations and censorship.... they will eat it up because that's how desperate they are for anything to play on it.

Believe me, I know a few friends who were so against censorship... but decided to buy Fire Emblem Fates... both version and DLC... just to prove to me they have shit to play. I look at them with disgust every time they are still playing the same shit and log 1000+ hours. Meanwhile I'm going through 30-40 hour games and move onto new shit every week.

Guys this is a link to a free game for windows and mac (through wine) ennjoy!


>so far fire emblem seduced me the Nintendo side


I rather not take a chance. It's more than likely a virus or something stupid. maybe some randomware crap.

Well I can only tell you honestly, from the bottom of my heart that Fire Emblems on the 3DS are fucking terrible in every regard, including gameplay. Any semblance of 'strategy' is non-existant, just varying cases of rng, mixed with a waifu sim, poor visual design, mediocre OST, and probably the worst writing since Robot Alchemic Drive.

This extends to Fates.

I live in Japan user, I don't need translated games

Nintendo kept releasing games for Wii U so, yes. I expect a company to support its own system more than the average indie dev.

Was so-so from what I gathered. Not good but not bad either.

>Be honest with me Sup Forums I don't want to get a meme handheld with 10 good games
That's what you're getting either way.

>probably the worst writing since Robot Alchemic Drive.

7th Dragon and SMT Apocalypse. There's also that Kunio-kun remake.

>Nintendo kept releasing games for Wii U

The Wii U barely gets anything that isn't another rehash. And this e3 they only have zelda to show off.

> I expect a company to support its own system more than the average indie dev.

Next year... they abandoning Wii U for NX. Wii U had a very very short life... I feel sorry for anyone who brought a Wii U thinking it would last long.

I have one question

Is chaika's anime worth watching?

the first season yeah

then it gets weird

it's a 7/10. People watched it because Chaika was moeshit.

Even if it wasn't it's not like Vita is hurting for those kinds. DRPGs, was it?

It's dead, jim. Let her rest in peace.

t. Vita TV owner

Yes. It's pretty good. I watched expecting some shit anime but it was actually pretty nice.

>The Wii U barely gets anything that isn't another rehash. And this e3 they only have zelda to show off.
The point is the Wii U still gets 1st party games. The amount of notable 1st party games on the Vita can be counted on 1 hand.

>The amount of notable 1st party games

iirc doesn't the wii u only have bayonetta and smash?

>Wii U had a very very short life...

Not really. 4-5 is your typical generation lifespan. People simply keep measuring it to last gen which last way beyond double length of your average generation. Shit, PS3 is still getting games. WiiU simply came out before XBone and PS4 so it's out the door sooner. And no one in third party jumped on the system, that was what ultimately killed the WiiU.

Makes the game quite harder, generally adds more stuff, new classes guns, all that jazz