Post your favorite weapon here and I'll tell you how viable it is for invading.
This is not for dueling. That's retarded.
There are a lot of weapons that are much much better than the Estoc and Dark Sword just so you guys know.
Post your favorite weapon here and I'll tell you how viable it is for invading.
This is not for dueling. That's retarded.
There are a lot of weapons that are much much better than the Estoc and Dark Sword just so you guys know.
Other urls found in this thread:
red hilted halberd
Two Estocs.
RHH is more of an anti-invasion weapon. It has no combo, that can at least do damage that will scare the host and phantoms to do something dumb.
BUT, if you have partners in invading, that's a different story. You can be the one poking the enemy while your partner goes in for the kill.
Raw Claymore +3
Dumb. You only need one Estoc.
Sorry, but Claymore really sucks. Was my favorite weapon in DaS1. Can't believe they gutted it like that.
Spiked mace with carthus rouge for initial damage. After that I switch to glaive.
I already know, they're fucking great.
Heavy Greatsword +10
Black Knight Greatsword
The 1 handed R1 is good for cleaving foolish hosts/phantoms. I feel like they always think they can knock you out of hyperarmor on the weapon swing and wind up getting 2shotted half the time.
Irythrill straight sword +5 right now. Freeze damage all day.
Warden twinblades.
W-washing pole
firelink greatsword
gargoyle flame spear
drang hammers
nobody knows about muh l2r2 combos
Fire ugikatana or fuckin however you spell it. Niggas don't know but my 1000 times folded japanese steel.
Carthus Curved Sword.
Fucker is fast and long and can build bleed pretty fucking quick.
I'm also an asshole and chameleon up to catch hosts unaware
Executioner greatsword
Also refined astora greatsword, that scaling
Mail breaker and parrying dagger combo
Spiked Mace is amazing as an invasion weapon. Wether it you use it as a bleed weapon or a burst one.
The only problem with Spiked Mace is that, if the opponent lives, you cannot hit him when he tries to estus, unless you predict it.
But overall it is amazing.
Yes you are right.
Better use an Exile Greatsword rather than that.
Please. We all know this is great. Dex40/Luk40 Hollow Warden Twinblades. R1 L2 R2 combo. Done.
Great Katana, I really think it's the best out of the bunch.
Drangs, hmm, If only not for it's short range. But if you hit someone, oh well.
This one is a sleeper. I just recently tried it and its horizontal slash catches a WHOLE LOT OF SPACE.
>Executioner greatsword
Meh, definitely. You are better of using Curved Greatswords.
>astora greatsword
Yes, especially if you're a Pyro main. This is what you want to have.
If you are good in parrying, sure. But we are talking about invasions, where you are against gank squads and the unknown.
>Better use an Exile Greatsword rather than that.
When i actually die by invaders using a greatsword i might change weapon
>everyone memeing about these things
>decide to use them
>shit in PvE
>slightly less shit in PvP
Why did they remove poise from the game?
Farron's is cool, the quick dagger swipes stun people because no poise and you can use a skill swap shield to parry with the dagger skill.
I said invasion weapons. I didn't say BEING invaded.
Because it's better this way.
I disagree, Farron's is amazing as a weapon when you are the one being invaded, not you invading. You do not want to be locked on doing anime flips with it.
Just because you can't spam R1 with these things doesn't mean they're shit. Just gotta know how to use em, git gud.
Poison buffed spiked whip.
Post a video of them being used right because I'm pretty sure that shitty weapon cannot be used right.
Useless. The only good whip is the Witch's Lock.
Zweihander /w Gold Pine Resin
Hornets Ring
30+ STR
I like it. It literally ignores shields.
>because its better this way
>mfw using the stomp+uppercut to launch fuckers off of cliffs
>spam one move and over and over
>still not that great
ah yes. meme
ugh man I don't know if there's a video, I just know I'm good with them.
Here's some tips if you're really curious.
>R1 right after rolling is fast as fuck, they don't expect it, has great range
>R2 charge is great for multiples
>Weapon Art is great for close range
>R1 usually stuns them
Astora SS.
I'm trying to do pure faith and ASS is pretty good early thanks to raw infusion so I can forgo STR/DEX and put all my points in faith but I don't really know what weapon to use when it starts getting outclassed later.
Any tips are greatly appreciated.
>I'm just going to stand here and get my ass handed to me
What's a good weapon for dex/int?
I want to play as a dorkmoon using the trap bow as a side weapon, but need something to melee with.
Don't invest into FTH if you won't use it early on. Invest into enough HP then rush for the coal.
What SL will you stop and what is your SL now?
Cleric's Candlestick is pretty unique, it's a short sword that casts spells, so you can darkblade out of nowhere.
How's the reinforced club? That wast go to in dark souls.
Glaive, Gundyr's, and Black Knight Glaive are infinitely better than Lucerne.
I didn't really write that right now that I think about it and you're right HP is vital in the beginning and I always put a lot of points into it before I start going on ham on other stats.
By coal I assume you mean Sage's for Blessed infusion? Is it any good?
I'm around 41 I think, I'll probably stop at 80 if I can but otherwise 100. Admittedly I haven't actually gotten around to make a complete build since you can respec whenever and I'm lazy as fug.
+10 Refined Drakeblood Greatsword
I also buff with Great Magic Weapon and Deep Protection (buffing in pvp isn't a dick move is it?)
Immolation Tinder
Nah, if people don't want buffs they better have duel talismans.
FTH is very good if only for the damage buff it gives. But it needs a whole lot of points.
>I also buff with Great Magic Weapon and Deep Protection
Nigga I buff myself with Tears of Denial and Lightning Blade in invasions. Why the fuck would it be a dick move from an invader. Kill the host. That's the goal.
BKGS with offhand refined longsword, left hand simple-infused caestus and occasional dragonslayer greatbow equip. I would say it's incredibly viable for invasions as I win consistently. Bkgs has IMO the best moveset for invading out of any UGS. Used the profaned for a while but it doesn't get the job done as well against ganks. Fume is way too much of a VIT investment for my build. Yesterday I respecced my lvl 97 quality build from 35vig/25end/40str/40dex to 35/40/40/25, lost 30 points of AR but going from 134 to 176 stamina w/RoF+1 has been a huge improvement for invasions. Ring of Favor is a necessity for any strength build as stamina management is super important.
The sunlight straight sword seems like the perfect weapon for me, did use a rapier previously and that was pretty good. Never tried the dark sword.
They don't get that sweet sweet Leo ring counter damage though.
Pickaxe + Leo Ring is quietly one of the most OP things in this game. Proper timing on a trade can two shot people, plus it's weapon art is a really good stamina regen.
What's the name of the weapon? Not the one arguing just curious.
I'd rather burst them to death that doing hit and run against gank squads.
Also if Leo's ring is what's important, Gotthards Twinswords are the better take. Those weapons are top tier for invading.
>pickaxe is categorized as a greathammer
Alrighty then
>no one takes the time to farm for Old Wolf Great sword
Yeah I don't think Lucerne is as good against a gank but situationally it has some positives in the hands of a skilled player.
>Those weapons are top tier for parrying
Ftfy, I love people using any of the paired swords as they are so easy to set up a parry
astora is god tier all around
Not really. I've been using paired swords and I've never been parried in the hundreds of invasions I did. Once people see I use them they parry spam like retards. While I just walk side by side with them.
People really should be intelligent in checking if its obvious someone is going to parry you or what. I dunno why they get baited into it.
It also only does thrust damage for some reason
Blesed is quite bad, too little damage, healing and no buffs allowed, I suggest you add it to your shield though. Go to Anor Londo and get giant's for that sweet lightning. Sadly this means getting past Sully.
Winged Spear?
The rolling/running attacks and L1 attacks are fairly easy to predict. Not many parry Kings in random invasions though, you are right.
>mfw someone parries a UGS 2 handed running attack
I deserved to get rekt, it takes balls of steel for that which is one of two moves 2handed that can be parried
Winged Axes though. That's great. Just don't use the WA.
Morne's Great Hammer, Denial miracle. Seems great for gankspanking.
At sl 20 while invading newcomers it's unstoppable, I can take on 3 at a time
Dragonslayer Greataxe
The reach and hit box are just too good. Not to mention the 700 AR with the minimum requirements.
Dragonslayer Swordspear
Yes. It's good.
Nope, sorry. Only if you are part of the ganksquad. Then that thing is great.
What would you recommend instead?
You might want to lower the volume first
What is your style?
Black knight Glaive and Longsword
I use a morning star
I just wanna poke some niggas like a straight up chinese spearman
Then this is what you want.
>tfw want to play this game
>but it looks too scawy fo' me
help T.T
Thanks senpai
I rape with the washing pole. Strength fags parried, dex fags punished for r1 spam.
Dont even talk shit, I record everything EPIC I do on my PlayStation 4™ made by Sony™ and upload it straight to Googles Youtube.
Forreal tho, washing pole master race
Lorian's greatsword
So good in pvp or not ?
>mfw seeing shitters get mad at the Farron Greatsword
This weapon is the tits against muh gank squad shield frontline idiots
Fuck this things seriously.
I just want my platin trophy.
1 hour farming silver knights and I got 1 of these.
And it's still more than I ever got with PvP because a blue sentinal invasion never happened once to me.
Also I started as a deprived and the first weapon I found was a longsword.
Played through the whole game with the normal longsword and I do PvP with the longsword.
This baby right here
>Aldrich Faithful can't defend Cathedral of Deep as well as Ruined Cathedral
But why though