Get in here and discuss your favorite console port[/soiler]
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I only have two versions right now, the SNES version and the PSX Greatest Hits version.
The PSX version is obviously the superior in this case.
Playing Doom with a gamepad is an okay thing to do.
I have ultimate doom on PC and I sold my port on GBA
I don't remember anything as identifiable as a swamp in Doom.
>Daily reminder that Doom is saved
>over friends apartment
>has shit loads of 3th gen games
>play Doom on 32X
My God it's fucking terrible.
>play Doom on SNES
Holy shit... it's even fucking worse!
Yeah I guess it's nice it doesn't sound like farther noises like on Sega, but look at this shit. I can't even see what's happening unless I'm right in front of something.
>tfw I really like DOOM 3 but nobody else does
Looks better than doom3 alright
It sucks to play but it is pretty fucking technically impressive for a SNES
I like Doom 3 for what it is.
I actually perfer the console version for all the exclusive content like co-op, system link multi, and what may be the best console port of the original games.
It doesn't get to be compared to Doom 3. DMC3 wasn't good by virtue of being compared to DMC2.
>tfw DOOM 3 was kinda alright but not that great.
Gives me Quake 2 vibes more than anything
Which is good I guess, means the FPS train is finally on its way back to its true home
Why the actual FUCK didn't they show this at E3, or shortly after?
I loved it too when it came out but nothing beats modded doom 3.
Also I'm pretty sure you can get co-op on the PC version somehow.
>it is pretty fucking technically impressive for a SNES
The fact that they were able to get the game running on a 16 bit console is really quite the feat.
I'd be interested to look into how the development went down.
Because normie casuals don't care about fast gameplay.
Also am I the only one who feels like the game was designed slow as fucking shit then they just artificially increased the animations on everything?
Fucking looks like a hot mess.
>health is hacked to not go below 10
What a pleb player
Doom 1 and 2 were never ever fast unless you speedrunned
I do not understand this meme
It looks the same as ever, just feels faster because the FOV is jacked up
Also the Haste poweru he gets makes weapons animate faster too, and there's a perk that makes finishers faster that he probably has
You can mod Co op in, but I'm guessing he meant co-op split screen, which is exclusive to the xbox version.
...actually, it willing to bet there's a mod for that too, but what's the point?
Yet another reason DOOM 4 will be shit.
The game was destined to fail.
At least it's not COD with demons like the original version, honestly would have made me physically sick to see.
They were fucking fast, man, the default movement speed was nuts. Most 2.5D shooters were.
Speedrunning went mach fucking speed, nobody expects that out of Doom 4.
Doomguy's running speed is clocked at like 50mph, and that's not even with any speed running movement tech
Don't bullshit at me
doom 3 isn't considered one of the "original games" though
Actually that doesnt look that bad
If anyone can make a mod to make the guns look smaller and add doomguys face to the bottom, consider me sold
You guys should try Complex Doom, it's pretty neat.
Stupidly fucking hard compared to ye olde DOOM, though.
>If anyone can make a mod to make the guns look smaller and add doomguys face to the bottom, consider me sold
oh yeah, I bet that's the first mode to come out. sweet
>add doomguys face to the bottom
That's really a superficial aspect, man.
kek you clearly didn't play the xbox version of doom 3.
He meant the ports of DOOM 1 and 2 included were the best console ports of the games ever made.
Snes doom has the best music.
i really didnt think D44M looked good a few months ago, but that gtx1080 demo footage really makes me want to buy this week now.
when does the review embargo lift?
Brutal Doom is how Doom was originally envisioned brought to life with modern technology.
so...did anybody read the doom novels :)
ps1 version on classic doom is the best because the music in the pc version is fucking awful, an aubrey hodges soundscapes on the playstation fit the settings so well.
He can outrun a fucking missile
Is he a nigger?
The 360 ports are fun if I'm just trying to get comfy on my couch to rip and tear.
I read the tvtropes pages. They go pretty stupid fast.
But 3DO Doom exists.
I don't hate brutal doom but this is some weak ass bait.
He means the Xbox port of Doom and Doom II, which really is one of the best versions.
It's basically the same as the arcade port on 360/PS3 but with added extra levels.
I think his face reacting to shit makes up some of the charm of doom.
They're obviously going the "doomguy is badass" route, whats more badass than grinning finding a shotgun?
that being said, is there mod support?
Its a good port. Pretty much 1:1 with PC version outside of Doom 2's wolfenstein removal, but No Rest For The Living more than makes up for that
As a kid who was fucking raised on Doom this makes me sick.
>Low health indicators
>Damage location indicators
>Healthpacks draw themselves towards you for some reason
Fuck I'm booty flustered.
>kek you clearly didn't play the xbox version of doom 3
youre right, i did not play the xbox version of any game in fact, except phantom dust
The extra added levels are shit and one I believe isn't even finishable
They're an easter egg, not a feature
Doom 2 on the other hand has actual good (god tier even) extra levels on XBLA
I played Wolfenstein the other day, and I'm pretty sure it still has swastikas and Hitler. I'm certain that it had the SS guards.
I liked it. I was spooked by the cherubs so I had to skip levels.
I should really give it an actual run through now that I'm older and gudder.
Anyone here remember the LMS mod for D3? Had co-op and invasion style maps with even some Doom 1 levels modeled in.
kids who were raised on doom dont shitpost about how mad they are about games and use greentext bullet points
im 33 and you arent me kid...youre like 18. please stop pretending.
no reason to pretend to be old anyway. trust me id rather be young than have doom clout
>>Low health indicators
>>Damage location indicators
There's literally nothing wrong with these
The original status bar face did both
>scared and can't finish
I'm actually surprised people are still scared of DOOM 3.
Or at all for that matter, but I've never been able to get scared from vidya.
lets just hope the mods fix all that
as for the lack of enemies, the first levels of the original doom lacked amount and variety too. maybe when the game moves to hell it gets better...?
yeah im not gonna pay for the game
I couldnt play doom when I was a kid due to low health doom guy
shit is terrifying
PS3 version is pretty good. it's basically the PC version played with a controller.
The only one I played was called Sewers and it was... meh, ok I guess? Nothing too memerable.
I didn't know there's a second one.
Doom 1 and 2 are more akin to First-Person Bullet Hells than anything else.
>Realizing my first two games (Raiden and Doom) were the same just different perspectives.
Has anyone ever thought that Doom 64 was merely a test to see if Quake could be ported to the N64?
I say this because I remember watching one of elbryan42's videos from several years back about how Wolfenstein 3D was basically a test to see if Doom could be ported to the Jaguar.
They did this by modifying some of the game mechanics in Wolfenstein, like infinite lives, treasures now act like the health potions in Doom and lives act like soul spheres.
The pistol, chaingun and rocket launcher are also modelled after the ones in Doom.
After thinking about it, I kinda wondered if the same thing is true for Doom 64, since there's definitely a lot more nitty-gritty to it than the other classic Doom games, like Quake. The game mechanics are also more complex than the original, and the weapons like shotguns, plasma guns, rocket launcher, etc definitely look similar to the ones in Quake.
What are your thoughts?
Would you prefer being swarmed by samey enemies?
underage faggot dunked:
My bad, I confused it with the Doom 3 port in BFG edition, which is like literally the 360 version but with Wolfenstein references removed
>lets just hope the mods fix all that
why do you think doom is going to have mods? its basically already guaranteed not to have mods.
rage and wolfenstein didnt have mods
Not enough enemy aggression (and when there are more than 5 they're way too fucking tanky) to get really comparable.
>tfw I've grown to love the DOOM 3 monster designs as well
Honestly thing most disappointing thing about DOOM 4 for me is the art design.
Everything looks so fucking generic and boring. Especially hell.
DOOM 1 - 3 had personality and identity. 3 may have been very different but it feels completely unique and its own beast. 4 just feels like an assembly line game.
One for Doom 1, one for Doom 2
>Doom 1 and 2 are more akin to First-Person Bullet Hells than anything else.
no they're not. they in fact don't play anything like that whatsoever.
Serious Sam really does play like a lazy Doom/Quake mod where they just throw you in an empty room with 50 enemies, goddamn.
What about madara Uchiha?
From what I understand, the game was developed by Sculptured Software instead of id, like the other console ports.
That's most likely the reason the levels on the SNES are closer to the PC version than the others.
They basically called up id and asked if they could release it, and id of course gave them the go-ahead.
Doubt it.
The game mechanics are literally the same as PC Doom outside of the Unmaker, which has no parallel with Quake
It has no other Quakeisms like room over room or 3D models
tl;dr you think too much and are probably autistic, also the changes for Jaguar Wolfenstein were just graphical as in merely replacing sprites, they had nothing to do with potentially porting Doom or not
Is there any way to mod Doom on SNES? I'm gonna be honest I just don't want to play anything on PC, I know its a shooter from the mid 90s but setting anything up in a PC is fucking impossible, and I first played it on my SNES so I consider it a console shooter first and foremost. Not to mention associating with retarded r/pcmasterrace kids, but I have seen tons of people playing hacked games on consoles so there obviously must be a way.
>bullet hells
Go play a bullet hell again and then say that. Or is your idea of a regular Doom map full of missiles something like nuts.wad?
>Claims to be a Doom fan
>Can't even pistol start e4m2 on Ultra-Violent
>he never played plutonia
If PC is too hard for you don't even think about messing with console hacks
>setting anything up in a PC is fucking impossible
If you genuinely feel this way then you're gonna get nowhere with console mods either
>Pistol starting E4M2
Shit's easy man and probably the only level in the game that's harder to non pistol start, due to there being no health packs on E4M1.
Yes. Though SS did it kinda shitty with most enemies being 'run towards you to attack' causing it to be 'back-peddling: the game'.
I love Sam and it's a good co-op game but honestly pretty mediocre now that I think about it.
Doom's enemies are all mostly significant and different in how they attack and how you dodge their attacks.
>Face shows what direction you're getting attacked from.
No it didn't you faggot.
>Mancubus fireballs
>Imp fireballs
>Baron fireballs
>Arachnotron plasma balls
>Revenent fuckyou missles
>Archville's flame attack
>Cyberdemon rockets
>Cacodemon plasmaballs
>Pain Elemental making lost souls that charge you.
This isn't even including the hitscan enemies. Are you fucking retarded user?
It's a bullet-hell.
Most maps contain pretty significant hordes of enemies separated by rooms. The map with all those Mancubi comes to mind too. Yea it's not toe-hoo but it's more shit flying at you then any other FPS I've seen.
21 years old makes me Underageb& how?
M00t made this place when he was 15
And do what?
There's literally no reason anybody would mod the SNES version when the PC version exists
Mods for console games beyond Super Metroid aren't really a thing
I'm actually impressed with how good this port looks compared to the SNES port, especially considering the SNES was usually graphically superior to the Genesis in most multiplats.
I don't know how much of a boost the genesis gets from the 32X or how substantial of an impact it is
Doom 3 was neat, especially towards the end of the game.
>No it didn't you faggot.
Oh boy, guess how I know you're full of shit?
Have you played on UV user? I was surprised at how fast they toss out new enemies on the higher difficulties which they won't do in D44M :^) And the inclusion of more demons than zombiemen in the later levels of Doom 1 is thematic.
>but setting anything up in a PC is fucking impossible
You can literally just drag and drop whatever mod you want to use onto whatever source port you're using.
Serious Sam
Duke Nukem
All 3 are first-person 3D shooters.
All three feature alien invasion.
All three feature charismatic(?) bad-ass male hero with tons of guns [and crudeish (?) humor in 2 cases]
All three are un as fuck and well received.
Despite being a copy of each.
What went right?
Having projectiles does not a bullet hell make. In Doom you usually don't dodge any more than say 5 projectiles at once. Bullet hell is like, hundreds of projectiles.
Favorite doom song?
Mine is intermission
You chew through most of your ammo in E4M1 anyway, so it's not like the spare ammo gives you much of an edge.
Doom is quite literally the easiest game to set up. you just need a source port executable and the resource doom.wad file.
>In Doom you usually don't dodge any more than say 5 projectiles at once
Base game, yes.
The 23+ years of fan made content, no.
>Face shows what direction you're getting attacked from.
>No you didn't you faggot.
But that's wr-
>Born in '95