How can people complain about bastion when this broken fuck exists?

How can people complain about bastion when this broken fuck exists?
>can teleport
>turn invincible
>2 shot kills
>no skill instant kill ultimate
Nerf this peice of shit already

>can teleport
Which takes forever and leaves him open as hell

>turn invincible
Used mostly for getting away after attacking, he has to be right in your face to even do any damage so it's the only thing keeping him alive

>2 shot kills
At point blank range aimed at your head maybe

>no skill instant kill ultimate
You do know you can just shoot him right? Unless your entire team is a bunch of idiots a second of focused fire will wipe him off the map before he can even kill anyone.

How can you be so bad OP? At least complain about soldier.

Play mccree and flashbang him

>can't go invincible when coming out of or going into a teleport
If he could do that, he would be good. But if he EVER teleports into sight of an enemy they can headshot him while he must stand still for about half a second coming out of the TP. This is enough for about half of the heroes in the game to kill him.

>being killable and stunnable while in his ultimate, which does something like 300 DPS

He's slow and he needs to be right next to you to do any damage.

>>no skill instant kill ultimate
lmao his ult is awful, get gud

It can take down a tank in 2 seconds tell me how you are supposed to counter that

Ganji's 2nd skill will reflect the bullets back to him.

Found the guy who either plays sniper or tank and has no situational awareness

If you know there is a reaper on the other team, you watch your back and communicate. Even then, most reaper players are shit. I mostly play Reinhardt, block their shotgun, and melee them to dead up close. They can't aim for shit.

He can be stunned out of it, or killed, which is likely if he's not over 200 health when he starts it.

>Le gengi block meme
If he's the counter to everything it just means he needs reworking


Reinhardt can negate the ult, the damage done to the shield is not significant. Also, teammates can kill him while you cover them.


pssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh nothin personell kid

Genji is extremely high risk/reward. You need better aim than your opponents to actually reflect for shit. Not to mention he gets killed easily and relies on mobility and teams being shit to survive.

Genji is a good counter for any high damage dealing projectile. He doesn't need reworking.

Maybe instead complaining that "his reflect is too OP" you should complain about the power of the damage he is reflecting.

Cowboy dude is better than reaper in literally everything.

Not everything, Mei's ice gun is not counter-able.

wrong, mobility counters meis ice gun

He gets wrecked by pretty much all the other close range classes.

Thats because close range classes are hilariously OP



Bastion only gets op on Map's last points, which have tons of places for him to hide and are notoriously hard to flank.

Roadhog's hook immediately stops his ultimate. Reinhart's shield makes it useless. McCree's stun grenade. There's probably other stuff too.

>At least complain about soldier.
this fucking bad


Reaper is balanced. He's got obvious visual and audio cues on his SHIFT and E while struggling at range if he can't get in.

A lot of people take his greatest asset for granted though. For someone who has great damage and mobility, Reaper is extremely durable. 250 health is insane for an assassin like character. Unless you are someone who can shit out damage(Junkrat, Genji, 76 with helix ready, or Zenyatta if you have the reaction time and headshots) do not try to 1v1 him.

Why do the Overshill bait threads get so many replays and threads that actually talk about a pc game get like 3?

It's the new hot shit in town

It will be dead after beta ends

>playing Roadhog
>see a Pharah rocket boosting above the payload
>hook her and blast her in the face

What specs do you need to run it that smoothly?

Literally any dedicated graphics card manufactured in the last five years.

Oh I'm using an integrated one, I can barely get consistent 30fps even on low setting

Jesus, I'm surprised you even get 30fps.