What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this game?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this game?
Its a damn fun multiplayer shooter.
I wanna fuck the girl squids
Has some good ideas, but also has some terrible ideas. I have about 500 hours in it, but can't stand playing it all that much anymore.
It's really good
and those two posts sum up every possible post and every post that has ever been made about it.
Barneyfag shit.
Spla2oon was going to be shown.
I hope the sequel doesn't have the stupid map rotation and has bigger teams and maps
Fuck the Japs
It's fun tho
I kind want to buy it but I heard it doesn't a lot of content and I don't know how fun will it be playing on the same map for 100+ hours
Very good, still hope for a Splatoon 2 with 4 players split-screen, and a better maps rotation.
>I've played this game for 500 (five hundred!) hours
>it is okay, I guess
Why do people do this?
I expected shovelware that would be forgotten in a week but I really enjoyed the demo and apparently it's selling like hot cakes.
Should I get it? The whole "only 2 maps every few hours" thing kinda turns me off.
>I hope the sequel doesn't have the stupid map rotation and has bigger teams and maps
What I want for a sequel:
>fuck off with the map rotation or at least give me more maps per rotation
>don't force me into Tower Control if I don't want it
>more complex hub
>longer, deeper single-player campaign
>let me switch weapons and gear between games
>more game modes
>better local multi
I'd only be okay with bigger teams and maps if there were another mode to accommodate that sort of thing.
There's plenty of content now. There's like 16 maps or so? And a lot of weapons and clothing.
Overall, it's gotten progressively worse.
better than overwatch
It's fun.
That's all I could really ask for I guess
Just do it already, you won't regret it
I enjoyed the dressup
better waifus too
I love me some memes!
Callie a shit.
In a word: repetitive. I experienced a lot of annoyances with it, in the generous time I gave it. Only two maps at one time is retarded. The stronger weapons are basically the same ones over and over again. All of the Nineties skater clothing is just ugly and doesn't appeal to me. Being unable to exit the online lobby, and having to actually turn off your console and turn it on again to do something else in the game is an insane measure to prevent deserters when you realize there's no handicap for teams who lose a member in the middle of a match, but have to reach an inevitable defeat with one less player. And being forced to listen to those stupid squid sluts EVERY time you turn the game on is classic Nintendo punishment. I guess if I had ADHD, the barrage of bright colors would keep me hooked, but I don't.
Squid sis great fap material
callie is cute
you just aren't in to genki moe
Callie is shit.
You just aren't mentally mature enough to find her personality unattractive.
It's pretty funny seeing people praise Overwatch on launch, despite it having less content than Splatoon.
I'd be salty, but Splatoon was very successful so it worked out fine anyway.Also it's a better game (and I've played the OW beta extensively)
Stop living in bumfuck nowhere.
But I don't live in bumfuck nowhere, my connection just sucks. It's such fucking bullshit. Seems like it always goes out whenever I'm doing well too.
>match starts
>splat zone
>we take one or both zones very quickly
>just as it's looking like we're about to get a good early lead, connection goes out
>Turf War
>connection goes out right in the middle of the game when victory is assured
God fucking damn it. I had my connection go out in three ranked games. I can't have that bullshit when it lowers my rank and all.
Nintendo seems to be really pushing it for summer slam.
Its better than Overwatch.
Are you using a wired connection? Splatoon seems to not want to play along with wireless connections.
Maybe I should try using a wired connection.
I use a wireless connection and its fine. Xenoblade on the other hand hates a wireless connection.
In my experience, the people who disconnect most are the ones using wifi. And almost all of their problems were fixed by using a wired connection.
Callie is fat pig
These. It's good but its online systems need to go (rotation is a dumb idea), and secondary perks shouldn't be determined by fucking RNG.
It only got annoying once I was 50 hours in. The plus side is it guarantees variety. None of the levels are particularly bad either, though I do have preferences. Ranked has different maps, so technically there are four available.
I got the game in December and I still play it a lot.
>None of the levels are particularly bad either
I'm afraid to play ranked because I'm at A+ with 7 points
Museum is the best map in the game though
Used to be shit, but then they added alternate paths. Now it's one of my favorites.
We just had Kelp Zone yesterday but it was Turf War.
Only if you prefer men.
Saltspray I think they've taken out of RM rotation because people got so fucking salty. Kelp Dome comes fairly often though
You know, you can really tell the devs were passionate about the project.
Someone hit every right spot with me when they made that doujin.
As for pic-related....
It's still garbage, especially in zones.
The E-Liter has too much range and breaks that map.
You know there are dozens of weapons to choose from, and yet I still find myself coming back to the N-Zap 89.
>people on your team sitting idle or go 0-11
>other team is the secret service
The dev team said they want to make multiple different genres of games set within the splatoon universe. What would you want to see made?
Squid Sisters rhythm game in the vein of Elite Beat Agents
One time on Saturday my team was coloring the map like it was normal play. Nobody was anywhere near the tower.
ASSFAGGOTS would actually be a fun take on the formula.
Is Marie just as bitterly sarcastic in the Japanese and Euro versions?
A Nintendo MOBA period would be pretty cool.
I mean, she still has to put up with Callie making those retarded head gyrations while she talks.
So which is better, this or Kid Icarus: Uprising?
This. They continue to try to keep the playerbase happy with balancing patches, new weapons and such, even though they said they were done. I'm half hoping they'll make new gear too
Do you even need to ask?
3d Puzzle Platformer seems up their alley.
Singleplayer had some tiny elements and I would love to see them run wild with it, maybe even like exploring more of the locations and societ of the Splatoon Universe
Well yeah. That's why I asked.
This is what I want. The other ideas ITT have been kinda iffy, but this would be the shit.
>next Splatoon is still heavily multi-focused
>action-adventure/puzzle platformer spinoff that delved into the Splatooniverse more
Hell yeah.
Probably the best new IP this generation.
Really the only thing that the wii u is going to be really remembered for.
If there's a port for NX, my WiiU is gone.
Gamepad is tied into it. There likely won't be a port.
I wonder what they'll do for the sequel then. Will they just forget about motion controls altogether or will they release a special controller for it?
>other long range weapons can take out people from most angles on their vantage point
>e-liters can do that and also take out anything across from said opposing vantage point
>the only thing that can reliably hit them besides the occasional inkzooka is another e-liter
>most games boils down to which team has an e-liter and which one has a good/better one
fuck Moray
I like the 89 myself, but it's so fucking weak. I hate shooting people 5 or 6 times and having them 180 to instant kill me with a full charge bamboozler with all damage ups.
Depends on the "default" controller for NX.
Good game, has a lot of potential for growth.
Nintendo loves shit controllers that only serve a purpose for one game, so a motion controller for nx is pretty much assured.
on the plus side, at least run speed ups on the N-Zaps are pretty great
For me, it's either the Splash-o-Matic for turf, or Custom Blaster for Ranked.
I-I actually like Moray Towers in Ranked. Not even a sniper.
I wonder who could be behind this post
I'm splattershot pro. It used to be impossible. Now that there are more paths it's really fun to sneak around and flank the other team.