
Let's talk about bloodborne.

Is there a list anywhere of all the stuff to do prior to killing Rom? Also, is there any missable stuff before vicar amelia?

How effective is a shaman bone blade against the shark giants in the bottom of the well? Should I stab the armed one or the unarmed one? Who allowed this sadistic well area?

Hidetaka Schumacher here. Ask me anything

Best game in years.

Sequel when

Would a Bloodborne MMORPG work?

The blood vial system is garbage, the estus system in dark souls 1 and thankfully dark souls 3 are the only way healing should be handled in any soulsborne game.

Before you kill Gascoigne make sure to talk to Eileen in Central Yharnam, before you kill Rom make sure to help her kill Henryk in Gascoigne's boss room.

Either kill Faux-sefka for the rune before Rom if you want it or wait till after to get a Cord.

Before Amelia make sure to send Arianna to Oedon Chapel if you want her Cord, you won't need it if you get one from Faux-sefka, the Old Abandoned Workshop, and the Wet Nurse.

Things like Alfred's quest line you can do whenever. Adella wont' be in Hypogean Gaol if you go to where she would be after Rom, so get her as early as possible if you want her.

Get the flamesprayer from Gibert in Central Yharnam as soon as you beat Gascoigne so you don't forget, because he turns into a beast post-Rom.


>boss readies attack
>a cacophony of gunshots erupts as everyone fires at the same time to parry
>10-man synchronized visceral attack
Simply ebin

im getting a PS4 next month with bloodborne

whats the weapon thats some kind of very fast dual wield thing?

I saw it once in a webm and it looked really good

plus it was really different(to me) didnt even realize that its BB

>bloodborne is one game mechanic

Get whichever you can but it's better if you get one with higher HP.

Also it doesn't make them lose aggro on you so you need to do it and get the fuck out of there so that they will aggro each other instead of you.

How is he wrong exactly?

I love it but god damn man I wish it had dedicated servers. Usually lag isn't too bad but holy fuck this sucked.

You're probably thinking of the Blade of Mercy. It's best for fighting other Hunters and npcs but not so good for large enemies and bosses due to it's short range, lower damage per hit and lack of being able to be buffed.

It's still a great weapon though, but to get its DPS out you need a big opening to let loose a big flurry, but it's really good elsewise.

The other dual wielding weapon is the Rakuyo from the DLC, both are fun weapons.

Blades of mercy.

It's a joke, you poor sperg.

It's so shit how we're literally in the current year and anybody anywhere still decides to run their games on shitty peer to peer connection any more

Not that user but an estus healing system wouldn't work with Bloodbornes faster combat. It's not fucking rocket science

>Summoning on hotdog

Look at this loser

Is the online for this game active anymore? I'd still like to go back and do the chalice dungeons one of these days

I'm trying an arcane build for the first time. Does the Holy Moonlight Sword scale pretty decently with Arcane? Feels like the Tontrous is the only good thing and it's fragile as fuck

it was the blade of mercy

>killed her using only parries
Wake up, Gwyn 2.0!

It was likely either the Rakuyo or the Blade of Mercy. Both transform into a dual wielding pair of weapons. The Rakuyo transforms into two different sized sabres and the Blade of Mercy becomes dual knives.

One you get near the end of the DLC which can be completed fairly early in the game although it is difficult to do so as you are underleveled for it. The other you'll get at the end of the game unless you want to say fuck it to an NPC questline and kill her for them right away.

Either way you're gonna wanna do a SKL build.

Usually lag isn't bad but when it is bad it's REALLY bad. On that defiled hotdog death I posted, he was warping around for minutes. I knew I was gonna get fucked eventually and had multiple close calls.

Its fallen off with the release of DaS3 but you'll still find people at the tougher bosses and all over the DLC.

Either Rakuyo or Burial Blades, both of which are pretty late game.

Always go cane>saw spear>parasite
Honorable mentions to bolt saif

>Not that user but an estus healing system wouldn't work with Bloodbornes faster combat. It's not fucking rocket science
Not having to farm healing items is affected by the combat speed how?

I understand what you mean in regards to holding 20 vials but why exactly do you need to farm them? What do you think that adds?

Holy Moonlight Sword is really Quality + Arcane, you need a decent investment in all 3 stats to make the most of it at a PvP level, I saw an user post a perfect build for it a few months ago on /bbg/ if you're looking to pvp with it

But really if you go more arcane than anything you'll just want to use it's second form by itself, overall it wants you to have a lot of points in several stats to make full use of it

Arcane guide courtesy of /bbg/ if anybody needs it

HMS is just fine with 50/25/14 on a bl 98 build

There's a few reasons they did it this way. One is that when you summon someone you don't have to connect to a server, you just start hosting making it more seamless.

Twin blades.

If you kill Eileen you can get it very early in the game. Otherwise you have to complete her quest, which will take a couple bosses.

Honestly, Eileen is a better npc than her weapons are.

if you need to farm for vials you're probably wasting too many echoes by leveling up more than necessary

Couldn't they still be seamless with dedicated servers? If you're playing online then you already connected when you started the game up in the first place right?

Lets talk about roll roll attack

>still making threads about this

That's a pretty shitty argument. If it's early in the game and you are stuck on an area/area boss with no/few enemies who drop them you will have to leave and come back a lot which is just annoying. There is no reason for the dying to not just replenish the ones you lost. If you bought a shit load and put them in storage that's what happens anyway just making them another money sink early on in a game that already has tons to spend money on in the beginning of the game and almost nothing to buy by the end.

It's just bad design.

I might be wrong but I believe they did this with DaS1 and it's why in DaS1 you might have trouble playing with a friend, because the game automatically groups people into servers.

I'll stop pretending to understand the complexities of programming an online games though. I just know I've seen people talk about how their unique multiplayer system plays a part in why they decided to do things this way.

Every enemy in the first area drops them and there laying all over the place. A late game blood vial run though Central Yarnham takes 5 minutes.

You have ten (10) seconds to defend Chalice dungeons.

Do you guys think it will run better on the next PS4? I tried the game at a friends house, but it almost made me puke with the low framerate.

They have good bosses, unique enemies, and provide a good challenge for someone who has already conquered the story mode.

5 minutes that serve no purpose. You aren't making any arguments for what it adds which is what I am asking for. You are only making arguments for why you don't think it takes that much time.

It's bad design dude. You aren't convincing me it's good design this way, if you want to try to tell me what it adds.

They're fun, I just did a cursed Pthumer Ihyll yesterday, if you want to farm them you'll get burnt out but they're a good change of pace and have a chance of getting you rare shit

The one I went through yesterday gave me a decent Arc gem to use and a good Radial, and I found the higher tier Lake rune while I was in there

They're nothing but optional and randomized content, I've had shit CRF dungeons and I've had awesome CRF dungeons

That would require From to patch the game, don't count on it as they won't even fix the frame pacing issues on DS3, a brand new game.

90 percent of the people who hate on them are uneducated dunces who think they are all randomly generated.

RNG blood gems were a mistake.

It's literally just a stable 30 now, the only time it's gotten bad for me in recent playthroughs offline is in the Lecture Hall where there are 30 slime guys at once in one room

It almost never drops frames in offline except in very specific areas.

I get the sneaking suspicion that you are trying to ruse me.

It doesn't add anything. I'm not defending Froms design I also just don't see it as a big deal. If you don't like it fine.

Can I play online without ps+? I need help with bosses but don't think I can summon

>I'm not defending Froms design
That's exactly what you're doing. What else would you call what you are doing if not defending? Lightly encouraging that it's correct? Arguing it's not a big deal is a defense. Not only that it's usually a bad defense.

Enemies shit blood vials at you though, are you just shit?

The problem is there are too many areas where enemies on the route to the boss don't drop vials. If every boss had enemies that guaranteed 2-3 vials somewhere on the most efficient route, the system would be perfect.

How do i beat the fucking hunter in the grand cathedral. I can't git gud anyway too cheese him?

Poison Knives and take him to the stairs at the entrance to the Cathedral where he leashes, it'll give you a lot of breathing room if you can't fight him fair

you're seriously exaggerating the issue. If you have to farm for vials a lot you should start paying attention to a boss's move sets so you don't need to heal 20x.

>not exploiting amy's jump AI move for free headshots all day

>orphan's shitty lightning attack
Why would you do this to me.
I was enjoying the hectic melee combat but then he becomes a ball-slinging magic-using fuck in his final stage. Also what are you supposed to do when he flies all the way up in the air?

>what it adds
The vial system encourages players to kill enemies on the route to a boss. This is important because it breaks up the pacing and gives players who are struggling with a boss a chance to catch their breath and not be on tilt. This also gives the designers the opportunity to ensure players are skilled enough at killing certain enemies (like the fatties early on) that they can design harder and more interesting enemies later on.

>hitting the head consistently with the beast claw
yeah right

Again, none of you are saying what it adds compared to an estus like system where they are replenished. If you're only argument is "what are you, bad" then you don't have an argument.

The lightning comes from Kos' corpse, and it aligns itself in a way that a blast always comes to where you're at, so if you know that you can just move 20 feet in one direction and it'll miss, it also leaves him wide open when he uses it.

His jumps up into the air are fairly easy to time dodges for, in fact I bet if you sprint he'll miss you on the way back down.

I would call it not giving a shit but you clearly do and that's fine. No one is gonna convince you otherwise so what do you want?

Okay mr. Debate Club, how about the "argument" for this epic debate is that you get tons of blood vials shit at you to where unless you're DSP you won't need to farm for them ever, and if you get to a hard boss later on that makes you use them all up from so many attempts you shouldn't need to go kill more than a couple enemies for close to 100k blood echoes to buy ten shit tons of them. It's a non issue, or are you just pissed that you aren't guaranteed free heals every spawn :(

Or are you just pissed that isn't dark souls 1 you fuckin hipster

>he doesn't have ~600 vials in his item box
seriously, at this point I'm just going to have to suggest that you git gud because it's not that fucking hard to never run out of vials. Stop leveling up so much and use your echoes on vials after killing shit.

Let me just say that in like 10 replies you have offered the only real argument. Seriously, thank you.

The issue with your theory is that there are plenty of bosses with almost no enemies on the way and many more with a small number of enemies who don't drop vials.

Also I disagree with the second part. When you are frustrated with a boss, the last thing you want is to have to run a huge distance back and dodge/kill tons of enemies. It makes attempting the one thing you are having trouble with a chore as there can be a solid 5 min between attempts depending on the boss.

I concede that may have been a reason why they did it though given they did other things to try and force you to fight enemies like putting your bloodstain inside enemies you died near.

Someone just made a real argument and I responded to it. Get fucked son. He didn't even need to spout memes, use ironic smileys or claim he didn't care despite responding three times. Sorry none of you are smart enough to think of what he did.

beware of blood-addled hunter
therefore long weapon is effective

I used tricked axe and cane to rekt him one strike at a time when he's walking slowly towards me like an edgelord.

don't ever let him get close to you and take care with his pistol

>Let me just say that in like 10 replies you have offered the only real argument. Seriously, thank you
You don't know what an argument is because you just want to be difficult. Faggot.

>I suck at the game and refuse to learn boss movesets, I shouldn't be punished for laziness.
This is yoiu

I asked what it added to the game. I asked people to argue how it made the game better.

All people could say was "Their so easy to farm" "You're bad". Those are not arguments for how farming blood vials makes the game better. Those are arguments for why it's not a big deal. I don't care why you think it's not a big deal, I care why you think it makes the game better.

You both continue to prove you are incapable of offering real arguments by just continuing to insult me. Keep it up, I'm sure it will win you bonus points with From.

You all seem like I am unaware that you can store 600 vials, that they auto restock and farm them with relative ease late in the game which I don't really understand because I addressed that fact in an earlier post. In fact those three things are the crux of my argument, if it's such a non issue what is the point? You both were unable to answer this.

It makes the game better because it teaches you "wow I'm gonna have to waste a lot of time If I don't pay attention to what's happening. I can't just keep running back in without a plan and taking every hit possible."

I kind of agree about the healing items being limited. ONLY flaw I've got. But even then it's fine. BB is great. I'm at the point where I can either proceed through nightmare frontier, or go after the boss in the forbidden forest, which should I do? Nightmare frontier is fucking terrifying, literally the Plateau of Leng.

Go outside you beta faggot, your "arguments" are flawed at the base but you just want to argue so you're never going to listen.

Just consider this a win and go on, I don't think anybody here will be at a loss if you consider this an epic win and leave.

You hold fewer estus, but it heals more and does so with a slower action.
You hold more blood vials, but they heal less and with a faster animation.

One is designed for the slow, methodical, combat of Dark Souls.
The other is designed for the fast-paced, aggressive, approach of Bloodborne.

Stop being dense.

Nightmare frontier allows you grt some chunks to upgrade your weapons a little eariler. It used to be invasion city but the online has kinda died off so it's not to bad.

Killed him thanks senpai

Yeah, I was invaded twice and stomped because I don't know pvp meta. Where is the bell ringing woman? Also that message she sends is stressful as all fuck. This game is great.

Still not an argument as to what farming blood vials adds to the game.

Wow dude you are on a ROLL, keep killin em!

What's the coolest area in the game and why is it the fishing hamlet?

So you're just a shit poster then

but I'm like on your side dude :o

i wish it had one more DLC pack

chalices are not a good substitute for a longer main game

Why the fuck do the dogs damage me so much?

They're fun and I wish they were in DS3. Bloody palace was a great addition to DMC for the same reason these are great.

When you make a fun combat system I want as many places to try that system out as possible.

>we could've had more great DLC
>instead from focuses on trash-ass Dark Souls 3
At least that series is finally dead now.

They do that in every game

>actually wanting unpunishable sippies instead of delicious visceral-bait vials

Estusfags are shitters

Seriously what is up with it it's even worse in DaS3

It always looks so fun but when I go back to it, it isn't

This town's finished

What did he mean by this?

So I'm working through chalices, I kinda dig it, there's a kind of Diablo sequel quality to them.
I've got to lower pthumeru and the first hintertomb chalice, are there any must do glyphs/dungeons this early? I've seen you guys say there's some great runes and gems and shit in some of these.