Space Hulk Deathwing hype thread

Hyped as fuck, how about you annons?

>made by Streum Studio

Forgot my pic

Why so much Warhammer vidya this year? Just curious.

mariachi skins when

>made by Streum Studio
no fucking way

The question is:
What will happen if both my legs get damaged to the point where I can't use them?
Will I just fall to the ground and be able to crawl or I will be rooted to my position?

better believe it
if the game sells well they might make more E.Y.E

Tabletop has been blunde after blunder for GW, but at least they're smart enough to notice that their videogames usually do fairly good, so they're trying to survive through them.

Partly a coincidence, due to devs developing with the IP simultaneously. GW has always given the IP out to anyone with a decent idea. They never made a secret out of it, so it's just that we got a good amount of quality this time, instead of shitty games.

Because it's the year of the Emperor.


You're duty then is to slow the genestealers down for as long as you can while the rest of the team advances.


What the fuck brain


Not true. Tabletop sales aside, GW has always given their IPs out like candy. There's literally no chance in policy on their part. They've been asked questions about this on pretty much every gameday, and the answer has always been "come with a good idea, and you leave with a contract".

They always knew that videogames are free advertising.The recent increase of Warhammer/40K games is on the actual developers and not GW.

But what will I able to do?
Will I slow walk? Will I crawl? Won't be able to move at all?

>year of a pile of bones

How does that work?

What do i play/read/watch to get started into the Warhammer universe?

I love me some fantasy with rich lore.

>TFW never played E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

I'm buying this for my buddy and myself just so he can host and I don't have to be a shitty librarian.

I ran a Deathwatch campaign a few years back and he was the party's librarian.

spotted the pleb

>Pile of Bone
Are you a Heretic?

Shut up chaplain, where were you through all of DoWII?

I imagine at most you'll be able to turn around, you know the usual sit agains the wall and wait for death deal.

Guess I will pirate it and give a try.

Explain to me the plot of E.Y.E then, tough guy.

>sit agains the wall and wait for death deal
That's really what I want. Hope it becomes a reality though.

Do you worship a corpse?

I can see you're not into the W40K lore and doesn't know what you're talking about.

>Im going to pirate a 99 cents game

It just works.

20 dollars actually.

>getting butthurt and defensive about a well known joke

You must be the life of the party.

why would you deprive yourself of the experience when it only takes one burger


mirror please

Reminds me of EYE Divine Cybermancy and Republic Commando

EYE is always on sale and goes by 99 cents nigga.

Hell you can even buy a triple pack by j8ust 1.20

Oh that explains it

have they put out a release date yet?

Because they think this is an acceptable price for literally 10 cents worth of plastic.
By continuously jacking up their price tags they have both pissed off their veterans and alienated the kids that would have taken their place.
In addition, as this user said the tabletop has been blunder after blunder.
However, Warhammer's lore is what Blizzard ripped off to create both the Starcraft and Warcraft series. Naturally in translates well to the medium of video games. It's basically what Starcraft would be if it wasn't shit.

>"it's just a prank bro!"

Fuck forgot my image.

Your duty is to relinquish the armor you are wearing back to the chapter on working condition since its worth far more than your life.

looks awful and nothing like the board game
definetly worse than any other space hulk game made

Here's your fucking reply.

>le divine cybermancy was good meme
>my le ebin developer
>OP's footage looking good meme

The only thing worth more than a Space Marine's life is his geneseed. The capital ships are worth more financially, but ships can be repaired and replaced, geneseed can't.

If you want the board game then play Space Hulk: Ascension you terribly boring person.

You replay missions until you finally get the dialogues right, so you can get more missions. In the meantime, you grind. In a FPS. The plot is a badly put together mild sci-fi fanfiction that doesn't get anywhere and doesn't explain why you should do stuff.

This game looks awful to play.

And thanks I'll play every other space hulk game including the board game that all look better than this, this extremely distant cod garbage from the source material its supposedly portraying

This game is just a rethreading of their old, shitty mod they did in GoldSrc, just like EYE was. At least get your facts straight.

Shut the fuck up fanboy and stop replying to me with your trash

So two mediocre to terrible games in one overpriced pack. I cannot wait.

So its just another Left 4 Dead clone?

I'm not really interested in playing as librarian so just gonna leave that to a friend since co-op game, i just wanna shoot some xenos.

for 40k the Horus Heresy series is great if you want to start from the ground up when everything starts going to hell. The Eisenhorn and Gaunts Ghost's series are also some must reads. Otherwise, the 40k wiki and 1d4 chan are great for filling in the blanks or at least giving a primer for shit you don't know yet.

this is why i stopped playing. and what's with those stupid poses?