post battlestations
did anyone buy the new sony X-19 implant ?
from what i've heard it runs sims pretty well
Meatbags, get out!
Those walls are way too thin. The building would crumble.
Why haven't you hacked your neural implant yet?
You can pirate the games AND emulate
You have LITERALLY no excuse
>mfw street samurais exist
>mfw these autists use actually katanas
>even though we have guns and drones
enjoy trying to get me chummer you'll be dead before you can even take out your cute little knife
no because in the future gravity is less
Late 90s/Early 00s futurism is where it's at.
*hacks you in real life*
I finally started watching GitS: SAC. I thought the show was about the Major, not the Chief and his subservient sex doll.
It's raining again.
ayy lmao
Guys, I got this email from some company called Uplink.
Says they want me to join them. They're even offering me a computer to work with.
Should I?
Picture file related, it's their company logo.
So MOTHER just woke us all up. But apparently we're still FAR away from Earth. Sorry, you'll have to wait a bit longer for your minerals. But that's life aboard a commercial Spacecraft.
Anyway, what game should i play? Looks like i have a bit of freetime while our engineers are trying to repair the damage to our landing shuttle...
I miss weather that isn't night time and raining.
I got sponsored by Ultra Corp and all I had to do was promise to name my child after their products. Easy $10,000.
Don't you just hate it when you're shitposting on Sup Forums down at the cyberbar when the cops come in looking for some spaz "revolutionary" and they crack your face against the screen and yell at you for like 20 minutes?
Now that the dust has settled what does Sup Forums think of what Konami did to MGS 8?
I honestly was suprised when they said that the game would be based around Chico, but hey cyber implanted sewer ninjas were alright. I never expected Armstrong to come back as an corporeal after image due to nanomachines.
>you will never be software.
85 TB Update for HalfLife2!
Do you think it has anything to do with episode 3?
I'm freaking hyped!!
[techno music intensifies]
You bunch of dumbfuck cyborg cunts jacking into the cybernet all day, doing nothing but look at robo-titties and playing Nature Simulator 2000. Pathetic. I wish I could go back to 2010's where everything is better.
>no one calls out
>Sup Forums
I hate this board
>installing non-free hardware into your body
Its like you want to be mode. I only use GPLv4 implants made from massdrop kits.
Get derezzed, shills.
If it wasn't going to happen in 2023 when Valve bought Sony it ain't going to fucking happen now.
>doesn't realize we switched to Sup Forums back in 2056.
Stay human, loser.
cruise control is the usual exception to that rule.
Typical junkrat poster.
Cyberpunk thread?
>Meanwhile, on medieval Sup Forums
My garters are in twain! fetch the dunnikin henceforth and make a pretty farce of my nethers!
Man, this party sucks. I fucking hate these people.
>not living in F-states
>not being an anarchist
>he still hasn't hacked his 8DS
*tips datajack*
Why the fuck would you even bother with that antiquated piece of shit
hey i just got my first brain implant today and i was wonder is my vision supposed to be this fuzzy ?
*teleports behind you*
>log into cyberspot
>ask for cyberpunk 2077
>service interface bot says it's not out yet
>holochips burst from pocket
>go out looking though some stuff at my uncle's house
>find a box full of stuff called CDs
>find one that says half life one it
>it's so old that i have to get out a computer that takes discs
has any oldfag here ever played any of these ancient games ? are they any good ?
G-guys, I just broke up with my VR waifu, all because she doesn't want to be uploaded to a physical body ;_;
Is there any way to copy her personality without she knowing it, so I can put it in this new real-doll [XJ-8500y] I just bought?
>tfw squishy shitters complain about arthritis/carpal tunnel
Who cyborg here
>cyborgfags think they're hot shit
come back when you're just some bits of brain in a server rack kiddo
That's a cool fucking picture. I never imagined this perspective before.
>not being full digital
>there's people who are getting cybernetic augmentations
>not bio augmentations
>no both
>Scrapheads actually believe they deserve human rights
>not keeping both physical and digital backups of your consciousness
>implying i spend any time in the meat realm
>he doesn't know
the flesh is weak, hacker
Hello, fellow cyborgs, s-sure is good to be augmented! What a wonderful day for not being human
Who /purehuman/ here?
There's a bald guy coming to rape your cheap new cybernetic body, user. We told you that all that model was good for was selling selling yourself. Defending yourself is going to be impossible. Say goodbye to prostitution, say hello to slavery. Should've gone to that corpostate medical school.
>be android
>chilling out with my liquid cooling and cyborg bro
>suddenly some mammal comes in yelling about how humans are the purest lifeform in the world
>spouted some more uneducated babble about how humans are the best
androids are gonna replace all of you guys soon just you wait
To the cocksucker trying to jack into my firmware: Fuck off
>Cyberpunk city scene
fucking why?
Because of strong stylistic ties to film noir, you ignorant cunt.
There were two reasons Achilles Desjardins didn't indulge in sex with real partners. The second was, simulations gave him much more latitude.
His system was more than enough to handle the range. His skin came equipped with the latest Lorenz-levitation haptics, their formless magnetic fingers both sensing his movements and responding to them. The ad specs boasted you could feel a virtual ant crawling up your back. They weren't lying. The only way you'd get a better ride was to go with a direct neural interface.
Take the present scenario. It was a pretty sweet set-up, all told. He had two girls strapped face-down on the table in front of him. One of them was hooked up to a DC power supply by alligator clips on her nipples and clit. The other had to be content with lower-tech forms of punishment, which Desjardins was currently administering with an unfinished broom handle. Three others hung inverted against the far wall, passing time until their own numbers came up.
It was exactly this sort of environment that certain disagreeable types took pleasure in messing with. Desjardins knew of more than one occasion in which the victims of similar scenarios had miraculously freed themselves from their restraints, coming after the user with steak knives and hedge-clippers. Incompetent but enthusiastic neutering generally followed; in at least one case the emergency interrupt had been overridden, keeping the player on the board right up to the final curtain call. Such things were more than enough of a damper in a feedback skin. If you got nailed through a neural link, you could end up impotent for life.
Which was, of course, the whole idea.
Hey Cyberpunk Sup Forums am I faggot for loving RetroWave?
How does it feel being a programmed slave faggot?
oh fuck thanks for reminding me that album dropped
Its a cyberwall
Maybe we wouldn't if you stopped tearing the last of our surviving children apart. I know for a fact that you do all the time because they explain that on FoxVR all the time.
>Who /Furman/ here?
got my fur implant a week ago cheetah patterned
Yeah, I was expecting something interesting, but it's just pop. It's always either pop, wailing guitars or dubstep with you people. Bleh.
Oh fuck enjoy man, its fucking amazing.
How long do you think its been since the war? There is no radiation, not after the Japanese miracle was spread.
Its actually Vangelis and John Carpenter mushed together and brought up to date. So its about as pop as that is?
What did you think it was going to be Modem noises?
I don't remember what I did to get to this point, I remember infiltrating a group, a lot of monsters and talknig a guy into suicide, Any ideas?
Jammit, what the scratch is your major malfunction people? Cyborgs are just as good at holo-experiences as regular humans! They're not trying to get attention from non-auggies or anything as shallow as that. Sure some show a bit more of that flashy chrome, but...
Who here /seductivepain/
It's pop. Just pop.
Just execute orders!!
to whoever hacked my arm to make me jerk off fuck off
>returning to EYE after a long break
Is this a cyberpunk cafe or something? Is it real?
Read thread pleb.
ok grandpa you need to catch up with the times
Disgusting degenerate. You're even worse than all the clankers here.
Fug, I thought you linked the full album and not the music video itself
Ken Lubin is the best cyberpunk operator
Yeah, I'm not too far into it I can just do a heavy build and rush through guns blazing to where I currently am
>He hasn't done VR sex while hooked up to a woman shell
What the hell are you doing with your life?
You may call it however you want, but it still is what it is. It's a subgenre of pop music at best.
man, this film was crazy
I played the demo, three times doing everything in it, even killed off the entire Secreta Secretorium HQ for fun
And then I watched gameplay videos and tons of spoilers, seen all the endings.
And yet stll I feel drawn to the game if only for its incredibly fun gameplay, gunplay, swordplay and abilities.
I'll end up buying it soon and just having fun with the gameplay I think. No game has hooked me on the fun of its mechanics and combat like EYE has in a long while.