>I dig the art direction, a lot. At first it felt a bit too sci-fi and less satanical (even if the sci-fi was surely fascinating with its emphasis on heavy machinery and industrial settings, with some elements that reminded me of both Halo 4 and Warhammer 40k), but once you get to Hell... woah, you will not be disappointed. The character designs is equally great, I personally adore the designs of the various demons: they look menacing and grotesque, and it's super fun to tear them apart. And also, something that is a big plus in my book: the game is not afraid to use colors. Of course the palette will be mainly red and brownish, but the tones are super saturated, and here and there you will see some inspiring and jaw-dropping panoramas of damnation.

>The music is ACE. It's not always there, as when you are exploring it's mostly ambient effects and noises in the background, but when you start fighting and the soundtrack kicks in, it's fucking BADASS. Seriously, it's empowering as fuck, and it's another element that pushes you to be even more aggressive, more brutal and more lethal. Mick Gordon is really a beast (not that I had any doubt after the awesomeness heard in Killer Instinct!), and expect something beyond the crazy good industrial tunes. Gregorian chants in hell anyone?

>There is a lot of exploration: the levels are frankly pretty huge, elaborate and absolutely full of secrets. Lots of collectibles, data and power ups to find, and once per mission even some vey well hidden sections taken straight from the original Doom, with the graphics suddenly changing and becoming like the dream section seen in Wolfenstein TNO, to give you that sweet retro feeling (even if the enemy models will stay the same).

Other urls found in this thread:

>To my surprise, there is quite some plot. Nothing that really gets in the way of the action, but I wasn't even expecting so many dialogues, little cutscenes and that amount of info regarding the lore. It's no The Last of Us of course (the main character is really just a dull shell, pretty much), but it's still entertaining... and it reminded me of Dead Space a couple of times (the tone is similar, and also some of the events, with basically hell unleashed on the surface of Mars)

>The RPG like progression of the main character is another element that took me by surprise: you are expected to explore the levels and fight with style (I'll get to that...) in order to become more powerful. By doing so, you will improve your personal abilities - i.e. more grenades, quicker weapon swap, better defense but also your weapons (each of them has two secondary fire modes activated with LT, plus some other abilities like quicker cooldowns, more shells etc etc). It's nothing mindblowing, but it's a nice touch that adds depth to the experience (also because to fully max out a weapon you need to complete final special task like "kill 5 Mancubi with a Charged Rifle Shots" or stuff like that).

>The pacing and the way combat happens is honestly a bit weird, and I think that not everyone will enjoy this: you basically explore areas that are/feel more or less empty, then you get to certain points and... BAM! you fight like hell. Basically, enemies start spawning around you almost in waves, and you have to survive and kill them all to move on. Mind that you are not constrained in a small area (like a single room), yet the fight happens in a particular (and usually not so small) place, so you will definitely experience a bit of an arena-like feel. In that sense, the E3 demo with the Hell setting is really representative of the whole experience: the level is there at your disposal, and you have to be smart to use it at your advantage: some of the creatures will chase you, other will wait for you, others will keep jumping here and there... And you will have to simply bring mayhem all around, traversing the level at full speed, double jumping all over, hiding for just a couple of seconds inside a grotto, finding power ups and shells that are there to assist you in your massacre. The soundtrack will pump straight through your veins, adrenaline will rush, you will have to act smart and sometimes even improvise, judging what to do in a split second (which will result in either a beautiful victory or a shameful game over!) and there will definitely be blood. Like A LOT of it.

>Once you've killed everyone, the enemies will stop spawning, so you will be completely safe and you won't encounter any more monsters in that area (which kinds of removes the tension IMO, but that's clearly the way they designed the game).

>Let's get real: as it was evident since the E3 presentation, there is a ton of emphasis on finishers. It's not just a matter of being spectacular per se (also because they kinda become the norm at the 27th Glory Kill agains an Imp), but it's also something that's deeply rooted in the game design itself. And, of course, that won't please everyone. Let me explain a bit how it works: when a demon is hurt enough, he will glow blue - with a very distinctive and honestly kinda annoying visual signal. That means you can perform a Glory Kill on him: if you are close enough by pressing R3 you will fuck him up for good with a quick and super gory finisher à la Mortal Kombat (the animation depends on the enemy type and on your position, and they are of course nasty and gruesome). A Glory Kill not only means that your opponent will instantly go down: it will also mean more rewards for you, like more health, other bullets and... more style points. Yes, because the game features - surprisingly, at least for me - a system that rewards you for killing your foes with style. Imagine something not too different from the one seen in Bulletstorm, even if a bit simpler: you can get up to 5 UAC shields per mission, and each one of them is used to improve your weapons as discussed before. So, willing or not, if you want to play well and become more powerful, you need to (ab)use the Glory Kills as much as possible. How much will you enjoy this, will depend solely on you: it's certainly a particular mechanic that pretty much defines this new chapter of Doom. Consider this: at times I found myself attacking purposely from a distance, in order not to hurt a demon too much, just to get the change to trigger the Glory Kill... Which is kind of a paradox, but still.

>The AI could be better. I'm playing at Ultra Violence and I think it's a bit on the easy side: opponents could be a lot more aggressive, more cunning, more vicious. At times they do feel like simple meat there to be slaughtered, frankly. Which is of course nice in a way, as you feel powerful as fuck... yet I wouldn't mind more challenge.

>Weapons are really good. Some are better than others (i.e. the standard gun and the heavy machine gun are not that useful, at least for my playstyle), but overall you get an absolutely rewarding sense of inflicted pain when shooting some evilish creature in the face. It's brutal, it's squishy, it's cruel, it's Doom.






add split screen, then I'll slightly consider it more.

otherwise it can wait until it's half price or less, if I'm even still interested.

>>The pacing and the way combat happens is honestly a bit weird, and I think that not everyone will enjoy this: you basically explore areas that are/feel more or less empty, then you get to certain points and... BAM! you fight like hell. Basically, enemies start spawning around you almost in waves

>Wave based arena combat


looks like TNO 2.0

I'll pick it up when its 10 bucks on sale

I don't care about the multi-player at all.
Is it still worth the price tag for single player??

>$60 for a single player shooter

I had a dream last night that this game was good

Snapmap seems cool too>

>I don't care about the multi-player at all.

Did you even read the impressions? It's all about SP.

I just hope the singleplayer is good

Pls be good

I'll pirate it as the MP is garbage.

SP looks FAST as fuck.

All of the complaints about the speed have been utterly BTFO

I'm less concerned about how fast it is and more about the level design

Still not worth money though.

>>There is a lot of exploration: the levels are frankly pretty huge, elaborate and absolutely full of secrets. Lots of collectibles, data and power ups to find

This looks incredible. Im not trying to sound like a shill, this is simply the most metal looking game I have ever seen.

fuck the muh speed meme there hasn't been a single good sp shooter with decent level design yet recently.


fuck your porcelain feelings, if you can't give objective reviews, fuck off.

>objective reviews

>wave based lockdown

Not like this.

shut the fuck up

The way it should be. Fuck multiplayer. I like playing alone.


not sure how i feel about the progression and its reliance on finishers or the levels being empty outside of arena moments. hopefully some more early impressions come out, I'm considering getting this for the weekend but I'm sure if I wanna do it yet.


it's like 30 bucks on key sites

>I dig the art direction, a lot
stopped reading there.

Like I said, not worth money.

what's a safe and reliable one to use? i really wanna play this on friday night but I'd prefer to not spend $60.

i'm willing to try it out, give it a chance
is there a demo ?

The weapon designs are forgettable shit.

>there will never be new epusides of sgc2c

did you have to greentext all that

So this is pretty much the final nail in the coffin of "b-but glory kills are optional!" apologists.


Who the hell is gonna buy this game?

Why is the gun texture so awful?

>it's also something that's deeply rooted in the game design itself


>only the gun texture

I guess it's more eye-catching when people scroll through pages.

Yeah, fucking rip.

You're not very good looking at the whole picture, huh?

cdkeys is there for a reason


Get fucked Bethe$da shill cock sucker!
It's still a game designed around the controller and with consoles in mind and all the limitations it comes with. The levels are straightforward go A to B for the nu-gamers to not confuse them. The enemies are slow as snails and him jumping around like a retard in this demonstration can't even hide it. Also "press X to movie chainsaw"

Well it's pretty much what I expected then: Painkiller style arena battles with an emphasis on the glory kills.

At best it's gonna be a 7/10, but people will praise the shit out of it, claiming it's oldschool and it will get a sequel/expansion.

I'm actually excited for that aspect of it.

I've never really seen a shooter incorporate "style" in that way before. With that and the "explore map > find fight > clear all waves > keep exploring" does sort of sound like an FPS version of DMC

2bh the enemies are much faster than they are in Doom 1-2, which manages to be much worse because it means imps and shit are spread all over the map instead of clumped together like before so you won't have those moments of taking out a huge group with a single shotgun blast that made the gunplay so damn satisfying.

Suddenly. Even though everyone was bitching about how slow it looked two months ago now claim they don't care about speed.

OP, what's your source for this?
I mean it sounds pretty believable, but still

EVERYTHING I've seen of it so far and the beta I played feels sterile and has no soul.
It was clearly made by a legion of faceless code and artist wage cuck monkeys instead of being a labour of love by a dozen guys who locked themselves up in a basement.

Do you honestly believe he's going to give out the source? The guy clearly got his hand on it and wants to give his personal non-critic review anonymously. Take it with a grain of salt and wait for Doom to come out.

Yeah everyone on Sup Forums is one person.

I thought the greentext meant he was quoting someone

Literally who are you quoting, nice thread anyways Bethesda.

The beta ran like ass for me 'till I downloaded drivers, I'm not sure if I want to do that again when the game releases and you know it's going to have problems again

>Lockdown arena shit
Why can't it just have maps like Doom?


How much do you get paid? You obvious, shilling shit.

Hey OP, I have a few questions:
How useful is the heavy assault rifle compared to the chaingun?

What are the alt-fire modes for the weapons like? Are they equally balanced?

Are there arachnotrons?

How many hours did it take you to beat the game?


Same shit was posted over at doomworld and they claim it came from neogaf. Wasn't about to click on the link, but who gives a fuck what some faggot on neogaf who played the game on xbone had to say? Didn't even know you could turn enemy hilights off.

The guy actually described your average DMC game in a nutshell though. They're not entirely wrong with the perspective that this new Doom is running along the same guideline of an DMC title. Will people like it? Honestly, I get the feeling it's going to be a love it or hate it sort of thing.


Here's the Neogaf impressions if anyone's interested

exactly. the enemies are too sparse to ever be a dangerous threat because the game IS DESIGNED with consoles and controllers in mind. being able to move at 65mph@200fps in a smallish room won't fix this deliberate design choice.
also like you said no gangbangs of dozens of different enemies at the same time because console kids would just throw their controllers at the wall/tv.
at its core it is a 100% console shooter.

>he paid $60

>>Once you've killed everyone, the enemies will stop spawning, so you will be completely safe and you won't encounter any more monsters in that area (which kinds of removes the tension IMO, but that's clearly the way they designed the game).

Only thing that gives me a little pause. Everything else sounds promising. But then again, I was only expecting fun. Not really gonna be disappointed if this isn't my game of the year.

cdkey and g2a, g2a even sells insurance.

what's wrong with paying $60?

i'd rather pay less

>objectivity in reviews is now bad
The fuck is going on here

Does insurance cover a refund if the game is shit?

no its if the key doesn't work

Does anyone have the edit of OP's pic with gondola in the background?

RPG elements. In doom. Oh joy. I cannot wait to not play this game.

No such thing as an objective review. Even if they're purely stating facts, you're only getting the information they want to present to you.

Maybe it's because it's not a review?

Trying to be more objective is good, isn't it? Impossible does not mean unimportant to make the attempt.

The mutiplayer feels like Halo.
I can not get over how the only think i could think of playing was that i would rather play Halo 3 or reach
Singleplayer looks slow and the epic cinematic kills will get old fast.
one of said perks is going faster for like 3 sec after you kill something instead of just making the game faster

Gun's look cool though

heres a followup to that
>Just to be clear, I never, ever said it's like that.
>On the contrary, I explicitly praised the level design and the exploration.
>And also, even when you fight a big amount of enemies till you've killed them all, as I wrote you are basically never inside a simple square room, but you do have lots of freedom of movement, verticality, hallways, corridors and hideouts.
>You always move around, enemies move too, you need to search for powerups, shields, energy and bullets in order to survive, never standing still.
>So does it feel at times quite a bit like an arena, considering that enemies keep spawning until you are the sole survivor? Yes, indeed it does, in my experience.
>Is the game just a series of rooms full of enemies connected by hallways? No, it's not.

Of course, this is why unedited gameplay videos are the best bet.

A stranger's opinion of what they like is meaningless to me because what they like and what I like are not necessarily going to coincide and with only opinions (no attempt at objectivity) I have no context to their opinion. Like telling me you love the taste of a particular dish and telling me more about what you like or dislike. What does that tell me other than you liked it?

Its nothing like fucking Halo. I have been playing Halo consistently since it first came out. Fuck off.

Eh, not even getting paid for this. But I was pretty much always gonna get Doom. Was trying to decide whether I wanted PC or PS4 (don't trust Bethesda to do PC optimization... but my PC is def more powerful) but after the green text write up and seeing that steam was giving wolfenstein old blood away with Doom preorders, I went ahead and preordered. Hope it is at least fun. Not claiming it is gonna be GOTY. Warzone was decent multiplayer but the balance of rockets and revenenants bothers me. Fan made maps could be fresh though and damage can be fixed with a patch, and it wasn't like I was planning on Doom being a game I spent 100+ hours playing multi in.

Sometimes these can lead out important elements. I've seen a 15 minute gameplay video of doom and that omitted the "RPG" elements. Something I am not excited about in a game such as this one.

Yeah, I'm worried it's too arena based. That works for Serious Sam, but Doom mostly felt like you were fighting in regular rooms and hallways.You had downtime, but the fights could happen anywhere, not just every time you enter a huge room. I'll still play it, but Doom 4 looks like you go through empty hallways, then get dropped into a DM map to fight.

>Didn't even know you could turn enemy hilights off.
it's literally there on the gamespot dev stream exclusive, nigger.

sure shill

how is it halo if half the guns arent hitscan?

>describing buttindustrial wubwub shit as "empowering" "BADASS" music

actually throwing up in my mouth right now


I'd say more call of duty really, and it isn't because it has loadouts.

I guess its hard to design levels especially if the game is built around exploring and stuff. I mean, Doom 3 was very predictable-- "oh great, there's a health pack, I guess 4 enemies will spawn right behind me (horror game lol)" and when enemies randomly respawn it can be a little cheap as well since sometimes it can be punishment for exploring. I'm not saying it will be bad, but I guess I'll have to see how they balance it.

The hell gameplay and the most recent nvidia gameplay looked great. The first level gameplay they showed at TGS or w/e had me really worried and disappointed.

>Is the game just a series of rooms full of enemies connected by hallways? No, it's not.

But that's exactly what he's describing. He does say the arenas themselves have some nice details which add depth to the combat, but that's it.

I paid $45 with a giftcard, nothing out of my pocket

Based on the gameplay videos I've seen that seems accurate. But I'm a glutton for punishment. I'll likely play this game.

>looks like TNO 2.0

Preordering now

multiplayer isnt made by id software. has nothing to do with the sp