When he black crystals out i t-take it as a win haha xDD

>when he black crystals out i t-take it as a win haha xDD


>I have to protect my frail ego by disconnecting from pvp

>my 3 (three) phantoms and one blue get killed
>black crystal out

What are you describing here? Invader kills all of the host's phantoms and leaves like "I could have killed you too" or the host trying to black crystal out of his own world after losing, which can't happen?

I meant to say alt+f4 actually

Only acceptable times to black crystal out:

1. You can't find the host, the level is fuck huge, and you're just wasting your time.
2. You invade a fight club when you're looking for random invasions.
3. The host is hacking.

If you black crystal out for any other reason you're a PUSSY.

>You dont lose your souls
>Host doesnt get your souls
>You dont have to backtrack to find your souls as if you died
>You can still kill all of the host's phantoms and waste his estus to force him to repeat the entire level or risk dying again
>Dont give the host the satisfaction of killing you or being killed by you to make it all end faster
>Denying the host closure of any form

I dunno seems almost more cunty in some ways to black crystal out. Almost like you're saying "You're already dead" to the host.

Parry, and just look at him. Parry again, and just look at him. THEN black crystal out.

t. ganker with 4 phantoms and giant seeds

I already killed you once. I'm not going to waste 20 minutes of my life trying to do it again. I'm going to black crystal out and find another group to kill.

WTF i hate Dark Souls now!

Are there numbers on how much you can abuse them?

I can't traverse the fog walls so I'm using it so the host can teleport back home while fighting the boss, but I'm afraid of getting softbanned

I black crystal out in 1v1 if the enemy uses estus. estus in ds3 is just way too cheap in ds1 you could at least punish the enemy for taking a sip but in 3 it's free.

Get Washing Pole

If the enemy runs to drink estus you can pursue and poke him with it forever

>host invades my word with bloodlust blade
>since I'm scrub on PvP I get rekt
>he can finish me off but he runs away
>bows and black crystals out
Either he had mercy on my scrub skills or it was someone from here who took the memes too far

>when a host enters the fog gate and a cutscene plays

Give the bosses proper respect and fight them yourself first

and what if you're in NG+?

Nigga this is my 4th character, calm your tits.

I hope you skip the cutscenes in that case.

Of course. I'm not wasting anyone's time.

I never have this problem in 1v1's. I keep up the pressure and follow close. If they estus, that's 2 free hits with my weapon if I don't go for a backstab or a running attack. Given that I have 700 AR, I usually do more than their Estus healed. They'll try again and it's usually the second or third time they heal that they die for it.

Anyone know if you can transfer saves from the pirated version?

You should get the item your opponent was trying to get if they black crystal out.

>have a save back up before I fight aldrich
>dried finger and wait for three invaders to come
>go to my wedding and make invaders watch my wedding.
>kill self, turn off game and place back up save
>do it again

Why wouldn't someone you invaded use estus?

I'm talking about red soapstone duels. Most people follow the gentleman's agreement and don't sip which is good.

That's nice and all but it's still super annoying to chase sipping faggots. I prefer not having to bother with that.

>summon a guy for Nameless
>he practically soloes him for me, every time i go near him he almost kills me
>BC the phantom out and last hit the boss

Thanks a bunch random stranger, couldn't have beaten him without you

>actually admitting to be a total shitter and even feel proud about it

At least he didn't need to watch the long ass afterfitght cutscene.


Time to go back to facebook, kid

>Not playing with a buddy and playing true jolly coop while taking turns being host for each segment

Seriously the best way to do NG+ since summoning passworded friends is unfucked

I play a game of hide and seek when an invader joins. If he wants his fucking battle he'll have to find it. I don't summon. I don't sick the enemies on him.

It's fun as hell. I feel like a kid again. In fact an hour ago I hid behind one of the pillars at the cathedral bonfire, and the guy walked right past me. Searched for a measly two minutes and crystal'd out.

Another time on NG+ an invader spawned on the opposite side of the gate at the beginning of Undead Settlement, and I waited at the area on the other side, just outside of it where you can jump down if he came out. He was waiting for me on the other side to do the same. We sat there for 20 fucking minutes doing nothing but waiting for each other. He finally black crystal'd out.

If you play invasions like they're not basic PVP, they're a lot more fun.

>tfw summon random reds at pontiff duel area and have spontaneous fight clubs

Satisfying as heck friends



>trying to make a samurai
>have literally no idea what armor/clothing to use

Can someone help me out here?

>Buddy and I NG+'ing together
>We get invaded while down at the water/giants
>We decide to wait for him as painfully obvious chairs chilling in the middle of the pool
>Invader runs right by us as we're spinning like crazy
>Wait it out a little more, dancing around as chairs
>See invader at the top of the chapel overlooking the water
>Surely he sees us spinning, yes?
>We begin to crawl towards him
>He black crystals out

Goddamn some people are lazy. Our progress through the level led right to where we were too

maybe but it's nice inconveniencing invaders by forcing them to watch my wedding to anri

>I have autism and im proud!

Eastern minus the helm. Get the ashes just before the turning tower that leads to Anor Londo.

>Invade some fag
>he's got three phantoms and a blue sentinel
>he uses a fucking giant tree seed
>watch him wave and do the "my thanks" emote over and over from afar as I fight the Silver Knights
>run away from the knights and Black Crystal out


>go invading in cathedral of the deep
>lay down in the shit water
>if hosts find me I give them titanite scales and black crystal

good day to be good guy

>not pulling the knights towards him
literally why

Because it's fun as fuck to waste peoples time and troll them?

You got me. ;-)

When I tried the three phantoms gangbanged me. I managed to escape with rolls and estus, but by then I gave up.

There is no reason to use the black crystal because it counts towards a ban.

You can use the White Circle you get to restore your online connection. A new one spawns where you started the game every twelve hours if you used the one you had.

when will this meme end

what? please elaborate.

>Invade at /reddit/ fight club
>Spend solid 8 minutes from Aldrich fog wall back to other fog wall looking for him
>Find host eventually hiding in a bush (he had the obscuring ring on)
>Get estoc'd to death

It's counted as a dishonourable connection. Even if you lose your internet accidentally, it counts to your penalty. Black crystal penalty points add up extremely slowly, but you can just use the Way of the White Circle if you miraculously used the black crystal enough to get soft-banned.

This always bothers me
If you want to watch the cutscene then go play alone because its probably your first run, there are a lot of NPC phantoms who are happy to watch the cutscene with you

I just do it to annoy people like you.

>fighting 3v1
>take out hosts phantoms
>he summons then again
>do this until I run out of juice
>run back and crystal out

Sorry but if you're gonna fight with 3v1 the whole time you don't deserve a kill.

That's nice honey I usually BC out if they force me to watch the cutscene
Enjoy your buffed boss

>it's an "invaded (by) an Estoc user" episode

Thanks, the game is too easy anyway. Glad to know you wasted your own time to make the game more fun for me :^)

Herald class a best.

>Spawn into world
>Get staggered and almost die from nothing
>Walk around for a good 10 minutes
>Host is using estoc
I was starting to worry there was a hacker or something.

>its a "get spawned onto 3 phantoms + host as an invader and you can't even roll out" episode

Fresh off the presses.
>Invade a faggot and his buddy at low level
>Poke-poke-poke them with a rapier
>They run after me
>There's this red eye knight
>Wrecks the phantom
>Host is all alone
>Spam M1 as he block with a shield
>Guard break
>As the animation plays... "Connection error."
Faggot cost me my last cracked red eye orb. Still funny though.

>see host 100 meters from me
>he's swinging in my general direction
>he runs to me, wielding his estoc
I thought there was something wrong with my game at fist.

>people who try to BC out of a fair 1 on 1 duel when they start losing
literal babbies

Isn't there an item for infinite invading now?

How did you get 700 AR?



This. It's obvious when someone is going to Estus really. Just make sure you follow properly.


The only reason you got caught after chugging there was because you R1'd right after instead of rolling.

Yep. Made 3 mistakes there.

First the one that you mentioned.

Second, I really didn't expect my R1 to hit him, so I rolled back, he was supposed to die there.

Third, again I I didn't expect my R1 to hit.

That's the reason why when he blocked my R1 after that, I just did the combo. And it hit. After that, it was over.

There always has been you fucking idiot.

There is, I'm low level so I haven't gotten it yet. Invasions are both funny and fun.

I've found that big weapons with sweeping wide attacks work better when you are invading, while straightswords, rapiers and spears work when you are invaded.

>run away like I am goinf to estus
>use rope black fire bombs while running injuring or killing my attacker

It's hard to do when you went giantguy build
Yhorm's axe swings take like half an hour and by the time I sprint over to the guy he's sipped twice.

also stamina can get pretty low
gotta love that shitty negative stamina mechanic they added.

Or when you invade a world where all enemies are dead and the host is running around with 3 phantoms plus one allied red phantom, looking for you.

When I deduce that the faggot host is hiding, I just black crystal out and invade again to save time.

I'd rather fight against a 3v1 than search for an autistic host for 15 minutes.

Ah yes that is the problem with invading using a big weapon. You have to make sure your hit obliterates them at once so that they can't sip anymore. Because they sure can if they live.