New #FE English footage:
Kiria is literally perfect.
Too bad she's such a dork
She is fucking hot.
>no English dub
not having a dub is literally the only redeeming aspect of this localization.
Except you are playing a literal lie since they changed the fucking dialogue but not the audio
That game looks like garbage. Get some fucking standards. Even Senran games aren't that lame looking.
no they changed the audio too
>Nintendo actually got Inori Minase, Tsubasa’s voice actress, to re-record that line (at 8;44 in the linked video:”織部つばさ、18歳です!” – “I’m Oribe Tsubasa and I’m 18 years old!”), a practice that is not common at all.
>this is the average uninformed #FE shitposter
not that I'm surprised.
>going through all that trouble for literally no reason
What the fuck are they doing?
>that's ok
>but not a swimsuit and tits on another shirt
laughing at weebs and NEETs
Trying to reduce the number of sales. So far, it worked.
Whatever sales they were trying to get from people who weren't already angry about it not being SMTxFE, that is.
PC wins again.
Man those floating portraits sure are great
The main audience of this game?
Nah, weebs don't play SMT or Fire Emblem games
yep, they want it to bomb
every change they make, NOA gets money from NOJ
Why didn't they just dub it if they were going to change lines anyway?
I'm still getting this game because I'm a smt/personafag but everytime I see new footage it makes me want it less.
Maybe it'll hold some scalp value.
>Wii-U is so fucking easy to hack
>You'll be able to play the japanese version with subs
Shitty American VAs are expensive too.
is this the europistan version ?
Jap vs US
Because it's not easy to find VAs who can also sing
>play the japanese version with subs
Yeah, that worked so well with XCX.
What's with Japan and obsessed stalkers who hoard pictures of underage girls?
Sorry but this shit does not belong on a kids show.
as opposed to teenage girls?
Teenage girls are underage
in the US, that's fine
Whole idol culture about idolizing girls or guys that nips refer to as idols.
Its just fans being fanatical. Where the person and how they act is the brand and sell that brand in the form of pureity implying yet slutty images and videos.
At least they aren't the west were they sexualize real minors. :^)
Thats hot
PC is obviously the most practical choice and makes your life easier compared to the others.
Those posters show cleavage! Censor that you pedophile! REEEEEE!
but THIS is allowed???
Idol otaku really exist. Idol culture in general is pretty mainstream, too.
So seductive without being direct or explicit!
>Idol culture in general is pretty mainstream, too.
the idea of idols doesn't exist in the west
>a half-assed and unfinished translation is the translation's redeeming factor
You might be right in this instance given how they're handling everything else, but not in general.
nobody games, this game is absolute garbage
whatever hype there was has been completely eclipsed by persona 5.
They're just not called idols, is all
Do party members outside of combat level with or near you, like in Tales games?
No that's not the point. There simply isn't an idol culture in the west.
No creepy handshake events, no celebrities who have to stay pure and virginal or pathetic otaku will lose their shit at them.
And this is all for the best I say, I have no problem with this kind of shit staying as far from our culture as possible.
>no celebrities who have to stay pure and virginal
Pretty sure everyone freaks out when a popular musician has sex here, so some parts do exist
So, when do they put the english voices in?
Nigga, that is the only good thing about this, at least they don't try to shove a forced dub down our throats.
And if you seriously play JRPGs with English dub...
1. Kill yourself.
2. You are clearly not the target audience of these games so fuck off, and also 1.
Who's everyone? Lonely autists on Sup Forums?
Might just be my bad memory but I don't really recall any huge scandals just because a west celebrity had sex, or had a boyfriend or whatever.
When was the last time any celebrity in the west had to end their career because they found out they had sex?
Why? Don't understand why people get so worked up over this. I get that it's not for everyone, but this expressed hatred some people have for all things idol genuinely baffles me sometime. Who cares if they have some stricter rules? It's in exchange for a lot of fame and money.
Japan's otakus are evil devils
That's.....very disappointing and lazy. No purchase from me, thanks.
No problem, good bye retard
>Who's everyone? Lonely autists on Sup Forums?
No, teenage girls. Did you forget boy bands and male musicians still exist?
Because it's treating people like they're not human. AKB is essentially just real life Pokémon.
As a matter of fact yes, I did.
And teenage fangirls as nowhere near as disgusting as grown otaku, mind you.
Not too long ago
are* even.
I don't recall saying they were. They're just as rabid and obsessive though.
>lot of money
I find nothing wrong with people signing up for a job and doing what they're expected, but I doubt they make much.
That guy is such a tmblrette its hurting me reading his comments.
Whats with the fucking belt on her collar?
she wants to feel pretty
make her feel good, like a woman
Don't some of those idols start as early as 14 or 16 in some cases, though?
You can't seriously expect them to understand what they're getting into at that age, even having it explained to them beforehand.
For example, I stumbled upon this video the other day, the girl sounds fucking retarded.
He says this ironically but there are really people out there who won't be buying this simply because there is no English dub, not because of muh censorship, but because there is no dub.
Dual audio really IS the best of both worlds and I'd sure as hell like to see someone prove me wrong.
assuming yakuza 5 is accurate
its all an act, otakus eat that shit up
censoring was bad, no dub was the finishing blow
sorry user
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be enterprising early on or working hard. The whole thing about teenagers being too dumb to do anything is a meme, people have worked as teenagers back before college became the standard for everyone, with far less glamor although possibly less stress, who knows.
>wanting to hear Troy Baker and Laura Bailey singing FAIA EMBUREM
I actually do want this
>for no reason at all kill Touma too
Fucking lancers, I swear...
I want vic mignogna to sing instead
he's decent enough
They sign up for something that they know has certain rules, and in exchange they get to sing and dance and perform, have tons of fans, and get paid to do so. It's entertainment, and an entertainment product. That's all, nothing wrong with it.
They may not be multi-millionaires, but the certainly get a pretty decent sum in royalties, etc. Keep in mind they are getting this for singing, dancing, etc. They wouldn't have been some sort of mega-artist otherwise, so I think they make a pretty good amount for what they do.
It's not like they can't understand what they're signing up for. And it's not like they have a gun pointed at their head to continue. If they want to quit and do whatever, they're free to do so, barring any contract. Then they just wait that out.
>dual audio is the best of both world
I've never heard anyone say dual audio is bad. Sub-only is still better than dub-only though.
Went full SMT, I see...
*meant to say that it's not like they would have been some sort of mega artist in any case if they weren't doing this gig
Looks awful desu.
she just wants a hug
>what is American Idol
a show that has nothing to do with idols?
>dropping because of no English VA for a niche game with a lot of songs that would be way too expensive and troublesome to dub
>Not dropping because the localization literally turns down the game into Disney/Nickelodeon teenybopper shit, only the songs are in Japanese.
Fuck NoA for actually defaming Atlus for this by placing the blame on them for the localization and then basically putting them on gag order so they can't say shit.
Scummy as fuck.
Atlus is localizing it though, whether you like it or not
>defaming Atlus
>implying Atlus doesn't censor shit by themselves
atlus totally covers up characters wearing bathing suits
I just want more fucking Elly.
Nintendo is telling them how to censor it tho
Wouldn't be the first time they've done it
Is there a list of all that has changed with the localization?
nigga the game was literally in danger of getting an Ao rating
out of what? 200 porn like images, 4 was changed by the original artist
I'm sure someone that's still mad about the game has a list in their head
Yes. Under Nintendo of America's thumb, making them do shit that they would never do. Play an actual localized Atlus game if you haven't already, they'd never pull this stuff.
Name an example other than Dungeon Travelers 2. And for that, they issued a press release and even a damn apology.
Because they totally censored SMT IV, Devil Survivor and Devil Survivor 2. Please end yourselves.
please tell me there is a way to change her retarded battle outfit to her casual one
You can. Although you must be a faggot to do so.
In other words, you're fine with censorship as long as Nintendo isn't involved. I mean, it is okay, right?