Recommend some games that deal with Existentialism

Recommend some games that deal with Existentialism.
Bonuss point if it's also good

Ghost Trick

EYE : Divine Cybermancy

Existentialism is fucking stupid

Talos Principle


OP's pic looks exactly this guy that keeps messaging me on youtube with weird shit about his "organization" of eco-fighters for non-terra planets.

"I don't care how, and I don't care why, but I want you to recruit more [redacted]".

I'd post a link but you guys would bully him, he's crazy.

The Sims

Why do you think so, baby girl?

Not even kidding. Think about it.

Nice blog.

Wouldn't most sandbox games apply?


This does count, doesn't it?

Salutations, fellow eco-fighter.
Wich element were you assigned? I'm semen.

what why
Is it because you can magically summon and remove stuffs at will?

Meaning and value of something is inherent, not defined by the individuals personal opinion.

maybe it isn't

I guess you determine the worth of your activities

Can someone explain this concept to me in a nutshell?

Is it just like being self aware of your own existence or something?



Neptune rebirth 3

Shadow the Hedgehog
I am (All of me)

In one quick sentance:

There is no inherent meaning to anything, but it's up to us to define and give meaning to things.

It's not the same thing as nihilism, saying there's no point. I view it as liberating, that I have a certain freedom, and the burden is on me to find meaning.

Maybe you suck dick

Nice argument


? I'm not that guy, but he argued. You just resorted to profanity. Therefore, you lose.

I'm going to assume you are serious and know things I do not. Enlighten me, how is waifu existential?

I hope this turns out to be eye-opening instead of just randomly naming meme games.

Mario Cart

>not defined by the individuals personal opinion

But personal sense is the only way to measure something, so there isn't anything not defined by individual opinion.

>You will never shitpost with Dotoievski
Why live?

"What is this will to truth in us, and why not rather untruth?"

Read beyond good and evil by Nietzche for an introduction. If you are still interested after that, read The Gay Science, Thus Spake Zarathustra and On the Genealogy of Morals.

How has no one mentioned MGS2 yet?

It is full of meme like all nep games but the plot is surprisingly ambitious. So you will get both.


It's creation. You aren't looking, you are making.

This is correct, and you will not find a better answer in the thread.

>Maybe it isn't
Is not an argument

Does oxygen have value because we have decided it has value, or because it is inherently valued?

The former. For some creatures Oxygen is poisonous.

Pure oxigen is poisonous for humans as well

First too
Just because we need it doesn't mean it's inherently valued. We recently gave it values after realizing our body need that shit.

I think some of increpare's games fit the bill

Yes, but ANY oxygen is toxic for them user, please keep up.

You don't have to be inhaling PURE anthrax for it to show harmful effects.

It's not poisonous, it's toxic.

Oxygen has value because we need it to survive, not because we have defined it as such

We define survival as something valuable, therefore oxygen has value because it helps us achieve that goal.

You should join the rest of your kind in the famous japanese forest.

that's the exact opposite of reality, there are a lot of things that are universally valued by humans despite having no intrinsic value

But what value does survival; life have? What says we need to go on?

we have an instinctual fear of death

here's a nice question to think about: if survival and life have no value, why haven't you ended your own life yet?

I'm not literally finding. I think it's just semantics at some point.

>we have an instinctual fear of death

Oh? That's why people crash planes and shit, kill themselves, sacrifice themselves for the better good, etc. ?

Because there is nothing more valuable to them than their own continued existance?

Get a clue, loser.

That's because societal pressure overcomes their natural fear of death. You can override certain instincts because they aren't that strong.

How come so few people crash planes and kill themselves? We have over 6 billion human beans and yet maybe 0.001% of them kill themselves, why isn't everyone doing it if it's that easy?

Survival is an instinct, that's what gives it value. It required no conscious input or label to determine its value.

But Uni is my waifu. Her self esteem isn't THAT low.

We value our own lives out of instinct, but that does not mean that our lives have real value other than their instrumental ends. I fear death, but only because of the limits of my own body and mind.

>because something other than survival was on their minds

Thank you for agreeing with my original point.

And yet we can still consciously give it a value of less than other options.

Once again, we create our own set of values.

That's right, our lives have no intrinsic value but we continue living because they have value to US. I don't think I was arguing any other way.

An evaluation being instinctual doesn't make it "objective." It just means it's part of an nonconscious trend--i.e., it's merely intersubjective.

What you're saying agrees with existentialism, then.

Eternal Sonata?

Soma, but it felt kind of rushed for me.

I self-identify as a nihilist.

Xenoblade Chronicles

But that doesn't make its actual value less. Life is very important, saying it's meaningless doesn't change that

>it's actual value

There is no "actual" value dumbass. That's the whole point. Everybody gives it exactly the value they feel it is worth.

So what if someone didn't consciously attribute value to his life, does it make it not valuable?

If he consciously thought his life was trash and actively sought its end, then it is not valuable for him at all. Clearly DEATH is more valuable to him.

This isn't rocket science. How is it hard to understand?

can you prove that?

if so then gg, nobody has been able to so far