Pick one

Well Sup Forums?



I want the SJWs to leave my hobby

>Cancer leaves Sup Forums

Sup Forums IS cancer. Removing the cancer would just make the board empty.

Anyway Green sounds like the best deal for me.

Always go with Green

>bu buh muh red pill meme
fuck off delusional cock sucker. Profits>all

Green, that's the only option with the possibility of making money. I'll make continuous triple A games and make sequels from the profits of the last.

This. You come out on top no matter what, if it's a guaranteed success.

Tactics Ogre pls

Green. Blue is only good if video games are a hobby to you (I play them in rest periods after Judo and boxing).

You could have picked Green and made it your self plus all the other games you would want.

>choose green
>create the ultimate souls-esque game
>massive areas, 100+ bosses, quality never dips
>insane amount of gear/weapons


we're all gonna make it user! even you!

Green, put all of the unlimited resources into my own salary and retire early.

>game takes 20 years to develop due to the insane amount of shit put in to it to appease 1 in 10000 people
>possible to make a profit

it is like you dont want to make profit and bring in a new age of vidya

stupid fuckin hewmon

Actually having top-notch artists, programmers and writers is not a guarantee of success if the original idea is shit.

Green is objectively the best option.


>tfw no gf

Make the game Spore was meant to be.

Black. It's time to end this, for good.

Green pill always, but yellow is really tempting too

Would have taked blue a year or so ago, now it's a hard choice between green and yellow. But I'm gonna be selfish and go with green.

>Normiewannabees picking blue


now it narrows it down to you getting green or orange.

you could take black or blue to undue my sacrifice, but would you really do that?

Red of course.

Green is the best choice.

I don't care if my dream game doesn't make any money or isn't liked by anyone, I want to play it and see it made properly.

No more day dreaming about the concepts, I would actually get to see the case of my game in a local store and have a big stupid grin on my face.

>Your game causes black

obviously red pill
i doubt any of you green-pillers have a single clue of how to make a good videogame

>not picking blue

Literal Sup Forumsnigger gamergator

>not wanting amazing games for years and years to come

get fucked buddyboy

It's not guaranteed. Red is clearly superior.

Red pill. I don't really have any video game ideas anyway.

>unlimited funding
who cares about profit you mong

dont need to.
Just need to take the Orson Wells approach.
Surround your self with the truly talented while being a great fake.

enjoy your fag meme pill.

not you poorfag.

naturally red but blue offers hell of a experience, but is it worth it? Then orange maybe, rest don't interest me unless I can use green to take money and don't use it to make actual game and enjoy living like a king.

i guess you could live your entire life rich and comfy as fuck off of the unlimited funding. then before you die release a piece of shit game

I don't play videogames

poor orson
leave him alone

fair enough

The blue pill.

We all know deep down that playing video games is a complete waste of time, and that if we could just stop playing them and stop coming to Sup Forums then we would all be two steps closer to the lives we truly want. There's no real reason not to choose this if the implication is that we don't actually end up missing the games.

Red, obvs

Green and then I'll make an entire game about facesitting.

He loved the fact he rused his way in to hollywood.

>tfw would take green but would be the worst lead designer in history.
Orange i guess.

Orange Pill.

MGSV gets a large update out of nowhere. The main menu now shows a Outer Heaven Logo. Selecting this logo starts a cutscene of Oceleot helping Big Boss out of the wrecked car. Big Boss looks up at him

"Keptchya waitin' huh?"

The game MGSV was supposed to be starts from there. Its GOAT.

>We all know deep down that playing video games is a complete waste of time
Just like reading books or playing sports for fun or watching tv right? What should we be doing with this "wasted" time anyway?

blue pill

games is unsatisfying filler for the things missing in your life


Since I want to be a software dev, I'd have to go with green. I wish I could do red at the same time, but then again, if my game is successful enough it'll lead by example and devs might pander to SJWs less anyway.

I'd take that option if it turned out to be shit.

I would find that hilarious.

Red and Yellow are the best long-term investments, with Red being the better choice overall.

Green and Orange actually make games, though Green has much more potential and could be used for the same purpose as Orange.

The other two are shit. I choose Red.

Going out with your gf

>the place reverts to its glory days

holy shit why wouldn't you pick green?

Black is kinda shit.
Gimme Green one.

doing what society deems socially acceptable

So anything that isn't working is a was of time?

But we can't actually make good games
If only our ideas would be good enough to make masterpieces, we wouldn't be sharing them here

Get the dream game if you know what you want to do and the dosh if it's good.

Sup Forums has no glory days
you'll soon realize that all the stupid shit and memes you used to love were just as retarded as cuckposting

I choose green, make millions, buy Sup Forums, and then ban all the people I don't like

how the fuck would eating a pill make any of that?
in any case it should be a button

blue or go home

vidyagaems were a mitake

Yellow if it gets rid of anybody who chose red; the SJW witchhunt completely destroyed any quality this board this had left


red is ripe for some kind of monkey paw be careful what you wish for shit. and games have always been about profit. plus, with green i could personally usher in a new golden age.

blue is pointless because i already have everything it gives except Sup Forums shutting down and who cares about that

black is tempting but too much collateral

mother 3 already exists so orange is pointless

yellow is pointless because even if we purged all the cancer, something else would just become the new cancer

the only thing holding me back from doing green on my own is i have to keep doing my day job if i want food and a home, and i can't exactly pay other people's salaries to help, so it's the perfect shortcut.

You don't need magic for that user, you just have to put in a shitton of effort
or just give up and embrace your life and inevitable shotgun blowjob

Red easily

I couldn't play a game that was based on my ideas, would just feel weird

>plus, with green i could personally usher in a new golden age
Sure thing brah
>make fucking awesome game
>cue 5 years of clones

I take Green and purple

For overdosing and dieing, thanks doc

I don't want videogames to become exclusively about enjoyment because 6th gen was the height of videogames and provided us with so many masterpieces that were more than just fun. They had a deep understanding of the human complex and were able to manipulate emotions to their liking using game, art, and sound direction. Many games gave us more complex emotions. Games being exclusively "enjoyable" is literally what they are today. Devs not pandering to SJW's anymore changes practically nothing, and no profit for corporations means that no games with high budgets are made. Overall a bad pick realistically. It sends us back to the 4th generation which admittedly was the second best, but it's far from the 6th gen.

This doesn't give me passion towards any other hobby and removes the only passion I have (videogames). I don't need a cunt in my life and I've already moved out of the basement. It'd end in suicide. Shit choice.

I'm not creative enough to create a masterpiece, I'm not a genius. Direction is key to videogames and I lack it.

This is as retarded as nuking the middle east.

It's already getting one (La-mulana)

Nobody would browse if Sup Forums was restricted to my mindset.

Overall I'd pick green because it's the least shit.


At least Sup Forums used to come up with it's own memes instead of getting them secondhand from other boards.

Yeah, nah, retarded or not the difference is that people used to know how to have a laugh and not everything had to be PLEASE REPLY TO ME or Sup Forums lite boogeyman shitposting.

Ill take Japan Time Sup Forums over quite a few things on that list.

Orange. Jet Set Radio 3 fuckers.

Aside from the SJW shit the red pill is fine. I agree though, SJW pandering isn't nearly as big of a problem as Sup Forums thinks it is.

It's like people look at AAA games that have such huge budgets that they need to move giant amounts of copies and then complain about them trying to pander to everyone



Except every god damn thread and post on this board is MUH SJWS MUH FEMINISM KEK NUMALE and if you just want to talk about video games instead of circlejerking about this nonsense then apparently you're a SJW

GG and Sup Forums do the exact same thing, if it isn't generic fanservice then it's pandering to SJWs

If I had cancer and knew I'd be dying in a few years, I'd pick the orange one.
For now, I'd pick the Green pill. I will make them understand the purity of joy.

feels good to be tired of AAA games so you don't actually look at any of those threads
even Baldur's Gate EE had a whole lot of legitimate discussion between all the shitposting about trannies

>Except every god damn thread and post on this board is MUH SJWS MUH FEMINISM KEK NUMALE
That was more common when GG was a thing around here except for kuck and numale which are you can always just filter.

My dream game would be deemed 'problematic'.
Cant have green without red and can pick only one pill

>6th gen was the height of videogames
holy shit stop existing please

As terrible as most of them are, even just allowing it enables the shitposters and even AAA games deserve to have Sup Forums-free discussion
Still pretty common, remember the 2,000 FE muh censorship and 500 threads about Tracer's ass a day? I also never really believed in filtering, it's just sweeping shit under the rug in my opinion

>My dream game would be deemed 'problematic'.
So? I'd like to follow the logical steps your thinking took from "I can produce my dream game, which would be triggering for SJWs" to "I somehow can't produce it"

Many of these pills leave huge and dangerous question marks in their place. For instance, *how* will the SJWs be removed from game journalism and production? For instance, the red pill.

- If you simply remove all those currently involved, SJWs from elsewhere will inevitably migrate towards that point.
- If you get rid of all current SJWs, more will eventually come about - SJWs are ultimately a natural phenomena as much as racists and racism.
- If you get rid of the underlying qualities of the human species that causes SJWism to arise as a culture, what on earth will remain?

In other words, the Red Pill has colossal consequences many orders greater than, say, the green pill. How exactly its advertised effect is implemented raises so many question marks, there's doubt that even your own DNA/personality or those of your friends and family will remain unmolested.

Stemming from this, the Green and Orange pills are the msot attractive, as they have no potential to instigate catastrophic chain reactions to the human condition and actually satisfy the desire we all share to enjoy a well-made game. Green strokes my ambition but I'd probably lean towards Orange, unless I could just jam-pack Green with so much content that it's effectively several games in one.

Not going to bother reading the posts but I guarantee people picked blue when green does its job much better. It's called embezzling you fucks.

>all cancer leaves Sup Forums forever, the place reverts back to its glory days (whenever that is in your opinion)
>(whenever that is in your opinion)
What if I think the glory days are now? Are you admitting that the cancer is subjective?

And how is that wrong?

6 > 4 > 5 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 8

Yellow in a heartbeat
>people knew how to avoid trolls
>Sup Forums wasn't flooded by reddit/tumblr before it became "THE PLACE WHERE MEMES ORIGINATE" and "WHO IS THIS Sup Forums"

>remember the 2,000 FE muh censorship and 500 threads about Tracer's ass a day?
I'm not interested in #FE or Overwatch so I just ignore those. Those also aren't nearly as bad common as GG shitposting used to be too.

The anti-tumblr/reddit circlejerk such as yourself would also be expelled with yellow

This tbhqh fampai

Even if you don't care about the games, the behavior is extremely fucking problematic for the board itself and anybody who actually is interested in them

How's that? Not that guy, but I'm fine just ignoring everything I'm not interested in
Kids will be kids. Just let them shitpost in peace, I'll be over in one of the million cRPG threads that aren't hindered at all by that

an idea doesn't mean a game becomes good but you'd probably make a good game eventually if you tried

plus you can just hire a bunch of experienced devs with your unlimited funding, they'd just not be guaranteed to pour their heart and soul into it

Fuck off reddit