When is the Monster Hunter series going to leave the 3DS/Nintendo?

When is the Monster Hunter series going to leave the 3DS/Nintendo?

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When Sony can beat Nintendo in handheld sales

Next year. MH5 is multiplaform.

>Monster Hunter
>Ever leaving the 3DS
The MH team is lazy as hell. They are going to milk the same engine and assets literally as much as they can before even considering upgrading the backbone of the series.

Probably never

As soon as Nintendo doesn't have the best selling handheld on the market.

Hopefully* never

monster hunter is too slow pace and boring for me.

Unless the Vita somehow sells 60 million more units, I don't see it happening

Not in the foreseeable future. The 3DS is the dominating platform in Japan and is cheap to develop for. Sony isn't developing a new handheld since the Vita was a failure, and the series won't be developed for console since it would be too expensive compared to making them for handhelds. They'll jump over to the 3DS successor whenever that launches.

japs prefer to do gather and play mh with other people unless sony manages to create a better handheld that ain't happening

>the series won't be developed for console since it would be too expensive compared to making them for handhelds
Literally one of the major reasons why I'm hoping the NX is some pseudo-hybrid system.

I still can't get over the 3DS being more popular despite being clearly inferior to the Vita.

Monster Hunter would be fantastic on it, yet it can't happen.

Having better hardware really doesn't matter for games

Just play Toukiden instead.

MH makes its own install base. The 3ds numbers mean nothing, MH would push a million Bandai Wonderswan sales in 2016 if it was exclusive to that platform.

Crapcom and Nintendo have an exclusivity deal.

When they have somewhere else to go. Sony loathes games and Microsoft is filthy gaijin.

Unsubstantiated rumours, and more likely than not to be NX.

I doubt it. Their handhelds are too successful to fully ditch a dedicated line, they would be stupid to ditch them in return for an unproven hybrid. All Iwata has said is that the architecture between the NX and 3DS successor would be similar as to allow easier ports to fill gaps in their lineups through software droughts. Look at Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D or Xenoblade 3D if you want examples.

Not to mention when dedicated handhelds die AA, middleware games die with it. If the NX is a hybrid, developers are always going to develop their games around the console first with the handheld being an afterthought. This significantly increase development costs and kills off most AA/middleware titles, just look at the modern AAA industry. Monster Hunter might survive just because of how successful it is, Capcom might give the series the budget needed to survive. But smaller budgeted games like Ace Attorney and Theatrhythm would go the way of the dodo and die off/be relegated to mobile.

Pretty much.

>Crapcom and Nintendo have an exclusivity deal.
What deal? Capcom released four different MH games on different platforms when since Tri came out.

>Their handhelds are too successful to fully ditch a dedicated line
That's why I think they're actually ditching the home console, not the handheld.

All the mainline games since 3 Ultimate have been Nintendo exclusive.

That would be stupid as well. There's too much profit to be made in the console industry to ditch it. Even though the Wii U has been a complete failure, Nintendo has remained profitable thanks in part to Wii U software and Amiibo sales. Now imagine how much money they'd be raking in with a successful console.

What is MHexplore?
Y'know, besides shit.
Not joking when I say toukiden 2 seems pretty damn cool. Played the jap demo and was quite impressed.
I bought the original and kiwami, and while they were alright at doing their own thing, they didn't quite stir the addiction that MH did for me.

Well, yeah, obviously enough. Nevertheless, if they don't think they can compete on that market anymore, maybe they'll be happy enough to provide a portable + console lite experience. I'm not saying I would like it, I'm saying what I think might happen. It's more of a toss-up for me at this time.

And that implies a deal how?

Crapcom and nintendo has exclusivity deal so whenever that ends.


They don't. You stated all the mainline games since 3U has been nintendo exclusive. That's what, 1?


The 300%-1000% spike in 3ds sales the week a new mainline MH is released should tell you everything you need about Nintendo having a deal with Crapcom it somehow we're supposed to believe it's exclusive because MH team is lazy or some PSN trophy urban legend.

>crapcom is known for porting every shit to everything (remember when resident evil 4 was supposed to be GC exclusive?)
>MH3 was supposed to be PS3 exclusive
>they didn't make shit for PS3 when it was outselling the Wii 20:1 for years
>they decided to make one for 3ds even before it's released, and even when the 3ds failed horrible they had to reduce the price by 40%

Last I checked, aside from NES, SNES and Wii, literally all Nintendo consoles sold like shit.
Meanwhile all their handhelds sold like fucking crazy and continue to do so.

I mean, there's money to be made there for sure, but Nintendo can't seem to nail it right most of the time.

Oh wow, how convincing

>>they didn't make shit for PS3 when it was outselling the Wii 20:1 for years
>>they decided to make one for 3ds even before it's released, and even when the 3ds failed horrible they had to reduce the price by 40%

Do you think they count only on MH? Did you forget that they also have fucking pokemon and Dragon Quest? Holy shit stop being retarded

Yeah, PC is great proof of that. You can have great HW but without worthwhile games, your platform is just shit.

>>they didn't make shit for PS3 when it was outselling the Wii 20:1 for years
are you from a parallel universe or something

So, why didn't they port dragon dogma, REvelations 2 and some other shit to the wiiu?

>Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
>Monster Hunter 4
>Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
>Monster Hunter Generations

It's pretty much confirmed. Nintendo locked up the rights to Monster Hunter for the 3DS back in 2011, killing any momentum the Vita ever had. The 3DS was selling like shit when they announced 3G and 4 in 2011 and both games saved the system and ever mainline game since has been Nintendo exclusive.

no exclusivity deal can stop that

same reason why they didnt port dragon dogma to the ps4

When it's stops being the dominant handheld.

The PS3 was outselling the Wii YOY after 2010 when the Wii fad was over and sales dropped meteorically.

I like how you have to specify mainline, otherwise you'd sound dumb

>counting 4 and 4U as something different
>generations is mainline

But Dragon Quest Minecraft is coming to the Vita. That will sureely save the handheld, no?

You literally did not understand my point and just typed random bullshit, didn't you ?

Generations is mainline, scrublord

>The iPhone got 3 exclusive MH games
>The Vita got 0 (zero)

I so need to know whose daughter Kaz defiled to bring such an unforgiving vengeance from the MH team.

I hope you people are trolling

>generation isn't mainline
That's like saying Strange Journey or Peace Walker aren't mainline just because they're not numbered.

MH team have zero rights to decide on which platform to release for.
Nothing to do with feelings.

The only reason vita isn't getting any MH asides from old ports is the exclusivity deal.

It didn't stop the DS or 3DS from outselling their competition

Strange Journey isn't mainline. Are you going to tell me that Soul Hackers is mainline as well?

Wouldn't an exclusivity deal mean all new MH games would be on Nintendo consoles?

Or the PS1, PS2 and even NES.

But Dragon Quest Minecraft will surely save the handheld, no?

Strange Journey was literally going to be IV

they're all on nintendo portables though?

or if you're talking about ios games, those doesn't count, literally.
i doubt exclusivity deals forbids you to do ios games.
see: street fighter 5

Obviously not. Nintendo didn't purchase rights to the entire MH IP.

Nintendo just wants the games that are historically the system sellers.

They aren't wrong. Limitation breeds creativity. The 3DS isn't powerful, but its games have a distinct style and design that you won't find on most other platforms.

Soul Hackers is a spinoff, Strange Journey plays exactly like a mainline game and was developed as SMT IV.

delete this

>Limitation breeds creativity
fair point, and one I wont't disagree with

what I think they were being retarded about was
>the same games but at higher resolutions and better framerates aren't objectively superior
>pc is a shit platform for games because all it has for it is power; ignoring the fact that far and away the best PC games are old/run on low end hardware

You can have the best hardware in the world, but it really won't matter if it isn't selling because the game library only really appeals to a very small, niche audience of weebs.

The 3DS is more popular because it have a much more diverse library of good games that appeal to a broader amount of people, as well as having all of those beloved Nintendo IPs that just print money like Pokemon to help move systems.

Also, memory cards.

And DMC was going to be resident evil.

vita has weeb games and minimum amount of western games
3ds has weeb games and kids games

dont kid urself user.

>Limitation breeds creativity.

This is no longer true. The only things limited hardware gets you these days are poor framerate and games looking like dogshit.

And as such? Sony abandoned the Vita at the first sign of trouble leaving it with nothing but weeb shovelware and a small handful of 1st party titles, and Nintendo continued to support the 3DS even through it's rough launch pumping out games still to this day.

Weebshit + "kiddie Nintendo games" is still more diverse than just weebshit.

name some of those "diverse" games user

None of that matters when it comes to Capcom's decision. MH is part of the small club of third party games that are actually system sellers. MH creates its own install base.

MH does not need to be an exclusive. God Eater 2 still managed to push half a million units on the Vita, Capcom could just make MH a multiplat, except that Nintendo is the one with the most skin in the game since they would lose most of the new hardware sales should it be a multiplat.

>This is no longer true. The only things limited hardware gets you these days are poor framerate and games looking like dogshit.
This is bull. 90% of the 3DS library wouldn't exist without a platform like it. The majority of its library are smaller budgeted/middleware titles that wouldn't exist without a platform where they could be profitable. Something like Ace Attorney wouldn't exist, and be a major success, on a console or PC. The expectation that handheld games are lower budgeted/bit sized affairs compared to their console counterparts allows middleware to thrive. The homogenization of games to exclusively powerful platforms would kill these games completely.

Not to mention the limited hardware of the 3DS means developers have to make up for the limitation with unique art styles and different design philosophies. In 20 years time if you showed me a picture of a 3DS game and asked me to identify which system the game was for, I could probably say 3DS right off the bat because of those factors.

Yeah, chibi models never get old

dont even mention how vita is only lagging behind 3ds for like 5k in japanese weekly sales

> The majority of its library are smaller budgeted/middleware titles that wouldn't exist without a platform where they could be profitable
same could be said for the vita

Too bad it got completely trounced by the developing iOS market.

> The majority of its library are smaller budgeted/middleware titles that wouldn't exist without a platform where they could be profitable
same could be said for the vita

That's what you posted when you posted the rumor, if there was such a thing as an exclusivity deal then it would have ended ages ago. Vitacucks keep saying it's 3 years and keep pushing the date to when that started to prove there nonexistent point. That's as credible as that newspaper that said MH4 was delayed initially so it was multiplat on the Vita.

Hell someone on here once linked an article that they would have had the series on the original DS if the hardware was better.

ps4 is slowly reviving the japanese market

>Vitacucks keep saying it's 3 years
deals can be extended, dumbfuck.

the sole single reason it's still not on vita is the exclusive deal, cold, hard facts.

I can't thing of a single 3ds game that actually needs 2 screens or 3d. Games look like dogshit without a significant trade-off.

Now if we have to dive deeper into game development, limited hardware breeded creativity during a time when creators had to build their tools from scratch. Now, with how complex game making has become, highest earning professionals in a dev team are the coders/engineers, so you want to make the work of these guys as easy as you can by not having them work around limited RAM, weird architectures or poor tool chain mplementation. The idea that limitation breeds creativity is no longer true, hasn't been so for a while now.

>There will never be a Monster Hunter on PC

you can play the portables on emu

There is

Etrian Odyssey needs two screens because part of the charm of the series is making your own maps. You can't really do that on a Vita unless your a fuccboi who likes automapping or trying to smudge your screen with your finger.

>Emulating Monster Hunter
>Playing solo

>exclusive deal, cold, hard facts.
I have a Vita, N3DS, Wii U, and a PS4 so I don't care what platform MH is on, but I keep hearing about this deal. You say it's a cold hard fact, so show me the source to back that claim up. I'm actually curious as to where people are pulling this from. Show me a source that says Capcom has a deal with Ninendo to keep releasing MH games on their platforms. I have never seen a source.

Show me the proof cuck, the only cold hard proof we have is the Vita is dead in the water and has no MH game of it's own.

you could just disable the minimap and draw ur own map on a fucking paper

vita is not dead, in fact, it beats the 3ds in weekly sales from time to time.
and the weeks it doesn't it lags behind 3ds by about 5k on average

As long as there is an alternative way to do it, it's not really required. I say this because the games that actually used two screens in a unique way like Trace Memory, Love Plus and such are pretty much gone from the market.

next you're gonna tell me to find a source that says sony have exclusivity deal on street fighter 5


>emulation means solo
Not if you have friends. Rev up that ad hoc.

I'm not because we are talking about MH.

The only time this entire year it's beaten the 3DS in Japan is the DQ Builders metal slime bundle. You have to remember this is only Japan, so even in the country where Vita sells most it's still leagues behind 3DS, especially in lifetime sales. We can't even bring up it's western performance because Sony likes to hide those numbers.

Well they blatantly put the shit on there site as a *Console Exclusive* or whatever.

>cheap to develop for
This is a flat out lie

Literal who indie games like Doorkickers can get physical Vita releases while only the biggest names can afford the 3DS eshop

If the 3ds development was cheaper, tge 3ds would get all those weeb and indie shovelware ports

companies don't usually say in the open that they bought exclusivity for a game

sony never said anything about they paying crapcom for exclusivity.
and MH is nintendo exclusive.

Yeah I'll make sure to bring a pen and paper everywhere I go thanks my man.

The problem with not believing that Crapcom has a deal with Nintendo is that you have to picture Crapcom executives looking at Media Create reports, looking at the huge spike in 3DS hardware sales the week a new MH is released, and fiddling with their thumbs while thinking " good for Nintendo!".

I know you guys sometimes have trouble grasping basic concepts around this business, that's why you believe in bullshit like leltrophies or MH team is lazy.

>Literal who indie games like Doorkickers can get physical Vita releases while only the biggest names can afford the 3DS eshop

That's just because Nintendo has standards, and a library which can afford not to accept every pile of doo-doo available.