>go to gamestop
>go to cashier
>ask to preorder pokemon moon
>he sets up my preorder
>"Alright man, you're good to go. Have a nice day!"
>Thanks, you too.
Fucking gamestop.
Go to gamestop
>preordering games that barely just got announced
What's the fucking problem? You're looking for friends or what?
>Go to gamestop
Fucking Gamestop
Are these new pokemon gen 7?
>go to amazon
>add item to cart
>click check out
>close tab
Fucking amazon
>Go to GameStop
>Game that has been $19.99 for months is marked $59.99
>Do you guys pricematch your online prices
>Sorry, we don't
Walked out. I don't even want to imagine what their trade in prices are.
>Go to Amazon
>Order item
>Package arrives
>Open package
>Case is cracked and completely squished
I actually bought games off amazon that were marked as 30 dollars despite gamestop still selling it for 59.99
I ended up getting a better trade in value and made some money doing this but Gamestop actually uses your ID to track returns you've made so it's not like you can buy 20 copies of the same game off amazon and trade them in at different gamestops.
>Go to Gamestop
>Give cashier Call of Duty: Ghosts for PS3 expecting a trade value of $40
>Get $1.20 store credit, 60 cents cash
Fucking Gamestop
Lower than the empty discs.
>it was the last gamestop I went to
>Go to amazon
>Preoder Uncharted 4 with the option to deliver the game on launch day
>The day before launch they still haven't shipped it
Fucking amazon
>go to gamestop
> buy game marked as new
>"hold on a second let me get the disc"
>they open the drawer and pull out the game disc
>"excuse me but I thought this was new?"
>"It is but it's a display copy so we have to open them"
fucking gamestop
>game is five bucks cheaper on amazon than in store at gamestop
>click on checkout
>adding ship & handling...
>your cart total is seven thousand dollars
>go to gamestop
>look for niche 3ds game
>out of stock man, sorry
>its a year later
>look for niche 3ds game again
>every fucking gamestop has it in stock
>there isn't a store without this game now
what was the game
where do you live where you actually have to pay tax?
I have prime so all my shipping is free and I don't pay a dime in taxes for online orders
>preordering the furfag version
All decent folk order Sun.
Cubic Ninja
I don't even plan to sell them these games.
felicia day goes to my local gamestop and the fucking manager there doesn't shut up about it, they have a fucking signed picture of her where they hold the preorder copies that says felicia day is a gamestop customer
>work for small apple repair shop as head technician
>things are good. Job is comfy.
>company starts to expand pretty fast
>gamestop buys us out via offer you can't refuse
>rebrands us, attempts to indoctrinate employees into their "culture"
>within 6 months more than half of people within company have left, morale is shit, and profits way down
>clients I've known for years stop coming because it's gone to hell
>forced to leave to find something better
Fucking gamestop and their shitmidas touch
>implying this has happened to you
>get nvidia shield tv
>it breaks after a week
>send back to amazon without the box or manuals
>they pay the shipping
>they dont ask any questions
> they send a replacement before i even have time to send the broken off.
>not getting games 20% off at amazon
shit pays for itself in less that 6 months
>amazon is actually pretty cheap
>just a small $99 convenience fee for activating all those savings
>Go to gamestop
>They try and give you a used copy
>when you buy a new game.
Fucking gamestop
who the fuck is felicia day
Don't tell me you actually used Ninjhax.
then go to bestbuys gamer club which is only like 35 dollars?
you get a 20% discount either way and rebates.
>paying full price for a game at gamestop and not taking advantage of 20% discounts
some lockjaw elf eceleb gaymer gurl
she was the voice actor for victoria in fallout boy
why would i go to bestbuys gaymer club when i can work for walmart or target extremely part time (literally a day a week, if that, for four-six hours a day) and get a 15% discount off everything + pricematching + inhouse app savings?
lmfao you kids paying for "discounts" are stupid.
This was when the exploit was first found.
I bought CN and OoT+save dongle just in case.
Glad I did. Prior to the OoT reprint, both were outrageously priced.
CN still is as we speak but will die down thanks to fucking gamestop reprints.
so a literal who. nobody gives a shit about some fucking eceleb, good god. tell that gamestop manager to eat a dick.
>Willing to work at walmart for any amount of time for a 15% discount
I'm sorry your time is worth so little, user.
>go to gamestop to pick up my preorder
>hand girl at the register my reciept
>girl at the register hands me a little sign with a number on it and a cup
>turn around and see tables and chairs everywhere, no games in sight
>sit down at a table and wait for my game
>girls walks up to my table and sets down a burger and a tray full of fries
fucking gamestop.
>go to gamestop to get an event Pokémon
>doesn't find anything
>ask cashier
>'Oh yeah, you have to pre-order the next Pokémon game to receive the event'
>website clearly says you don't have to buy anything
>just say alright and leave
>set up a wifi hotspot with a certain SSID and DNS that makes the device think you're in a Gamestop right now
>download every event from home
>it's a walmart employee looking down on others episode
How many dairy queens do this?
We're always having a good giggle at those 20-something fatties coming to order Pokemon.
>got Gengar and Diancie event poke cards
>got like 10 of each
>never claimed one
>still have the cards
I remember they tried to bullshit me on pre-ordering to get the event pokes and called them out on their bullshit. I threatened to e-mail and call corporate about the pre-order only bullshit so they instantly scrambled and didnt want that heat on their location from corporate so they just gave me 10 of each and told me no trabble next time.
considering i get $12/hr for six hours once a week, plus 15% discount on shitty video games + price matching...my time is worth quite a bit apparently.
$72 roughly a week and since i don't buy vidya frequently (games just aren't worth buying at $60 these days, since games are shit tier. fuck cock of dooty and the other AAA shit, and indies are all the same copypast ebullshit)
>$72 a week
That's fucking nothing.
How do you even survive with that little income?
meanwhile I'm on unemployment for being fired without reason making $200 weekly.
>he only works one day a week
>less than 100 a week
>lol you're all shitters I get to clean up literal shit in isle 10 with a smile on my face for 12 dollars lmaoing at your life
>want senran kagura estival versus
>go to gamestop
>3 girls over at the counter
>look for it
>check availability through phone
>says it there
>mfw I have to ask for it
>look over at the counter again
>they all look the type to get butthurt over these games
>waste time hoping that the one that's a costumer leaves
>5 mins later
>they sound like they will never shut up
>muster the power of every weeaboo virgin around me and go to the counter
>hi, was trying to find (insert shitty Japanese accent here) is it in the back?
>ugly girl #1: oh yeah let me get for you
>costumer black dyke: wait you mean...
>oh shit here we go
>you mean Vita or ps4?
>4, I want the ps4 version
>oh cool, yeah I could never get into those games I mean the combat is fun but the perv and boobs
>ugly #3: yeah my boyfriend wanted me to get into it... but haha no
>ugly#1: yeah I know guys I tried but I couldn't get past the fetish stuff that and akiba'strip... the sistercon stuff.... anyways that's 65
>mfw all of these is being said
>costumer black dyke: oh sorry, didn't mean to get too close. Not trying to steal your information or anything
>pay and walk out of there in a heart beat
Fucking gamestop
Groceries for the month costs almost half than what that guy gets in a month
>inb4 fag who only eat ramens and pastas
Enjoy your lack of nutriments
What's wrong with Ninjhax?
i don't JUST work at walmart dude. it's impossible to have internet, food, and a place to stay on $72/week. I was saying that instead of paying money to get a 20% discount, I ultimately get anywhere from 15 to 30% discount AND GET PAID FOR IT for little work that is hardly time consuming (walmart).
I am a teacher and also work at walmart. total income is $40k/year. play vidya in my spare time.
unemployment, just like employment, is a cycle. you're making roughyl minimum wage, it's alright. soon you'll break out of minwage and land a good job that pays at least $15/hr or ~40k salary. good luck brother.
Do your students throw shit at you every time they see you?
not him but I live off of 38 bucks a week. I'm not dead broke or desperate, I have a bunch of savings but I just make that money back anyways with drawing commissions.
but only because i live in a tinyhouse, if you have to pay rent you need at least $600 a month minimum
>instant ramen
fuck that shit. get store brand canned raviolis.
>b-but the 23.3333333% medium discount
He was just being nice because he probably thought you were autistic.
clean up? hahaha I never do the cleaning. always get coworkers to do my job for me. I am solely a backroom/electronisc employee. I do not cleaning, i rarely check people out, and I almost never smile. fuck that "store culture" BS haha, I work one day a week fuck outta here.
if you're polite to me, I'm polite to you. I don't have a stick up my ass for none reason.
groceries for a month for a single person are really cheap honestly. buy a salad, cereal, milk, pasta, rice, beans, and spaghetti sauce. maybe even frozen vegetables + el monterrey burritos. all together less than $50USD.
>go to EB games
>"oh can I help you with anything"
>Oh I'm preordering-
>"lemme guess m8, Pokemon Sun and Moon?
>preorder Kirby Planet Robobot
Waiting for the info on the 10th before I preorder Pokemon because while I'm leaning towards moon, I want to know the cover mons before I bother since it could be a turd.
fuck ravioli, nigger. Also 4x the price.
You should take a signed photo of yourself and put it next to hers.
no my students are well-behaved for the most part. they get rowdy, but what do you expect from teenagers? lol. it's not a big deal. the pay isn't the greatest, but i don't care about great pay. enough to pay bills + have an emergency fund is all I need.
canned ravioli is fucking disgusting, but you do you. if you can, I suggest you make your own ravioli, its cheaper and longer lasting. plus you can do your own tricks for flavor.
I'm not an eceleb, but I do have a picture of myself holding a cat.
>since it could be a turd.
its a fucking pokemon game.
be honest with me: you, as a person who buys pokemon games...how are any of them any different from each other?
>expecting that much for horsehshit
Put your helmet back on and ask mommy for more money pleb
Even 600 bucks is not enough for most people if you have to pay rent. At least in Yurop.
Seriously, the price for rent and housing in general has gotten absurdly expensive over the last ten years. I know so many people over the age of 20 that still live with their parents because they simply can't afford anything else.
It's ridiculous.
Ay, newfag.
I feel you. I really hope they learned from the shitshow that was gen VI.
>Go to Gamestop
>Ask for xbone elite controller
>Employee points at it on the wall
>Say that's it
>Asks if I want it
>Say that's why I'm here
>Rings me up
>Start to leave
>Employee tells me not to PWN the NEWBS too hard
Fucking Gamestop
buying video games is killing the industry
>A year of notNetflix
>20% discount on new vydia
>2 day shipping
>No tax if you don't live in a state with their warehouses
>Free e-book a month
It's probably the best deal out there.
>go to Gamestop
>see attractive girl working there
>nervously tell her you don't mean to impose but you were wondering if you could have her number
>she calmly smiles and actually gives it to you
>you find out she actually DIDN'T give you a fake number
4 years and going strong.
My rent is 435/months and I have to pay in summer since I'm studying in another city
Where I live it's more like
>Ask for controller
>Cashier want you to buy another brand of the same controller
>Say I want the original manufacturer one
>Still insist, telling why this one is better
>After a while he gives up
>$0.88 a can
>ravioli, spaghettios, beefaroni, etc.
>actual nutritional value, not just empty calories and salt
>tastes good
>requires no prep, just eat that shit straight out of the can
>actually filling
>metal cans are recyclable unlike styrofoam cups
get fucked ramenfags.
They aren't different by much. I don't consider them my favorite games, but I like bringing along my original party throughout the series. In all likelyhood, yes it will be a turd. But I'll still buy it like the shitter I am, and I'd rather have the prettier one.
The kitty is cute.
ramen sucks
If you guys have access to a pot and a strainer, get some generic mac n cheese, a can of peas and some tuna, you can make a pretty delicious platter that has a good amount of nutrients. they're big servings so you can spread out the leftovers over a few days. mix in hotdogs slices, carrots, or corn sometimes to keep things fresh so you don't get sick of it
Eh I hope so too. I liked the models but the game needed some challenge and reason other than the shiny charm to collect shit.
>live in city where over 60% of us are asian
>sense something as soon as i walk in
>girl who dresses/pretends to be miku is there
>no wig today; looks best in twintails with her natural dark-brown hair
>browsing vita games, moves onto PS3 little later
>really pretty but very strange, and a lot of people think she's batshit insane
>doesn't talk to people, noticeably moves away from them from aisles in stores
>never heard her voice; assume she's mute
>most in town know of her so they just let her be (very lucky to live in a gook and chink-dominated town or else she would have hard time)
>see her around town at least twice a week in local stores
>seems to acknowledge my presence and doesn't move away
>have quietly spent time in same aisles few times
>doing the same in PS3 section
>little chinese kids walk into store -- likely siblings
>"uwaa it's miku! can you dance for us??"
>she gives them a stare, kids get a little nervous
>all of a sudden, takes out phone, fiddles with it, sets it up on the floor
>first time i hear her voice when she says "NO PICTURES" as she crosses her arms like miku in the "DO NOT SEXUALIZE THE MIKU" image
>sounded pretty adamant about it
>phone starts blasting miku song and she immediately starts dancing along with it
>she's actually really good
>chinese kids join in, employees and other customers hyped
>party at fucking gamestop
>pats little girl on head, just continues browsing after performance as if nothing happened
>i give her little nod of acknowledgement
>chinese kids' parents go up to her to thank her because kids were so happy to see her dance
>lets out a small gasp and literally runs out the store
fucking gamestop it looked like she wanted to buy eternal sonata because she left it on the floor when she ran off
>go to gamestop
>walk over to used PS3 game section
>someone who works there asks if I need any help
>I respectfully decline
>I pick up Kingdom Hearts 1.5
>go to cashier
>go to buy the game
>"do you have a power rewards member card?"
>want to pre order x game?
>okay have a good day
>thanks you too
You can even get chicken instead of tuna, since it's almost always cheap + you have leftover for sure and it gives you shitton of proteins
>open up the Steam front page
>look at the popular games and see what people are playing
>look around and see what's on sale, see if there's anything from my wish list
>remember that I don't have any money
>close Steam
>open up tpb
>look for that vidya that I've been wanting to play for a long time
>sort by seeders
>click on the first result, read the comments cause I'm not gonna be fooled by ransomware
>download the torrent using uTorrent 2.2.1
>sit idly at computer while the torrent finishes, I'm staring at the progress bar, fapping
>Downloading: 99.9%
>Downloading: 100%
>mount ISO
>copy crack
>Thanks based Razor
>play until my heart's content
Fucking Scene.
that reminds me, make a fucking omelette if you aren't a lactose intolerant dude. you literally cannot fuck up an omelette.
egg + black pepper + salt + other peppers + hotdog or hotlink slices + potatoes = holy shit this is delicious
what the fuck did I just read
>go to Gamestop
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walks the dinosaur
>go to gamestop
>ask if they have any Pokken Tournament game pads
>tells me they do not, but he will check other stores if I'd like
>proceeds to check the inventory of other stores and calls several of them to confirm their inventory
>finds a store an hour away that has it and asks them to hold it for me
FUCKING GA-oh wait...
>go to other gamestop store
>employee grabs the game pad for me and starts the purchase
>notices it now shows they have 1 less than it did at the time we called
>knows she will get in trouble but sells me the controller anyway
Sounds like shit mate
Why didn't you bring your falcon to defend yourself you moron
Did you fugg?
>closing right as your computer spits out data for anyone else
I am so guilty of this. Ratio means jack shit on TPB
And here I was waiting to walk to dinosaur
Hey amazonshill
Oh, and tuna is crazy cheap almost all the time. It's easy to get sick of em but tuna sandwiches are filling and great for protein.
chicken is the best with mac n cheese, but where I live tuna is almost always cheaper. I always check if any chicken is on sale though.
I haven't actually cooked with potatoes at all, I've just mixed eggs and weenies sometimes.
It's good man, try it sometime.
Sup Forums - Budget Food & Cooking
I sometimes seed on nyaa but yeah, I really don't care about ratios on public trackers.
does /ck/ have budget/poorfag/home made MRE threads?
thats what you get for being a pedo weeb faggot
Tfw when i work for amazon
Tfw when i wipe my boogers and buttjuice on weebshit all day long
report it to manager and get free game with threat to sue because emotional distress?
>Go to buy Dragon Quest Heroes Special Edition
>Didn't pre order because lolpreorders
>Enter the EB games
>Ask for it
>Did you pre-order?
>Well, we might have one lying around
>He comes back with my sick ass treasure chest
>There was only one left, you should pre order if you want to secure a copy
>That'll be 180 canadian
>Look over counter after I've paid
>4 stacks of DQH special editions
>Play game
>Fap to Alena
>go to gamestop to buy pic related
>stand in line for 10 minutes
>overhear little kid being upset that his mom refused to buy him gta v
>kid, in sheer anger, shits his pants
>whole place starts reeking of poop
>line starts moving slower thanks to some guy arguing with the cashier
>endure all of this for what felt like an eternity
>give cashier my money and run away with game
It was okay.