Competitive Overwatch player Surelock has been accused of hacking in a tournament with prize money involved:
The game isn't even fucking out and this shit is already happening?
Competitive Overwatch player Surelock has been accused of hacking in a tournament with prize money involved:
The game isn't even fucking out and this shit is already happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
don't get it, what's the problem here?
this game's competitive future looks bright
His fan the hammer (right click where you shoot all your bullets out) snapped to Reinhardts head when he was behind a wall
To be fair, they had a Widowmaker ult for the wallhacks but it still looked incredibly sketchy how fast it snapped to it.
And without overshoot too. I'm no pro player but I find it hard to believe someone can pinpoint the head without needing to correct at all.
there's cheaters in CS:GO as well as TF2 who play in a professional capacity.
>Competitive Overwatch
>using an aimbot for a character whos ult is already an aimbot
I don't even think Sup Forums would sink that low, thats saying something.
Weren't a part of the players who were in that waveban in tf2 well known comp players?
>muh master race
>muh optimal experience
>muh more mature player base
it didnt really snap, he looks legit tbqh
Of course, its a casual as fuck game marketed to the lowest common denominator.
Casuals cry hacker the moment someone who has even decent aim plays it well.
in tf2, the majority of comp players that were banned were sniper "players" in a free no-stakes league
>it didnt really snap,
>Cursor does a bee-line to the top left corner of his screen in 3 frames.
it just looks like he flicked his mouse , if it snapped it would have looked different
The top Snipers in the top three divisions all were banned for cheating, yes.
>And without overshoot too
Just move the mouse down while shooting nigguh
Yeah my bad your right he isn't, in fact here are some more legit aiming skills from this pro
pastebin because it thinks it's spam here
>Competitive Overwatch
looks legit to me
Just like hearthstone, if there's money (and there is, it's blizzard), there's competition.
You might feel that for something to be competitive it needs to meet certain standards. It doesn't. If people are competing, it's competitive.
>just looks like he flicked his mouse
I wasn't talking about recoil. I meant the mouse movement from one target to the next.
>Competitive Overwatch
>Cash money prizes
He aimed at a target he could see. What's the issue?
Mostly HL Snipers, which comes off as a surprise to absolutely nobody. Now maybe people will callout fishy people instead of being pussies who don't want to be accused of being salty
Very few ESEA 6s players were caught and none of them were notable in the community. Maybe that's because they have to pay for league participation and a lot of them also play CS:GO and would rather not burn $70 USD a season over hacks for a game with a pitifully meager prize pool even in Invite.
Competitive Overwatch will last about as long as competitive EVOLVE.
>ITT: scrubs
Try counterstrike sometime
>Competitive Overwatch player
>>Competitive Overwatch player
>competitive Overwatch tournament with prize money involved
>Competitive Overwatch
I don't really mind casual FPS games with relatively low skill ceilings, but Overwatch doesn't even have a skill basement.
But he was marked somehow, wasn't he? Or is this some form of a replay? I don't even play Overwatch.
>but Overwatch doesn't even have a skill basement.
Based Viper Telling it like it is
>competitive overwatch
Even lol takes more skill
>someone has good aim
Shooting at a wall is considered good aim now?
>Competitive Overwatch
That's even dumber than comp tf2.
>literally every shot missed
>good aim
If he was good we hould have seen how he was seeing Reyn through the wall and waited to turn the corner before fan hammering.
Instead he instantly aims and unloads a whole clip into a wall.
its going to be a big hit and theres nothing anyone can do about it.
You can't stop fan the hammer midway through, you know. That was just a great spray transfer.
If he's behind the wall or not, might as well shoot and hope you get lucky.
Or would you "pros" just dump the bullets into the ground?
>Game literally been out for less than a week
>Competitions with real money already happening
>Tourneyfags are already using hacks
Jesus fucking chirst.
But that's wrong, user
the game isn't even out yet
It'll unfortunately last forever thanks to The Blizzard Brand.
Any publicity is good publicity.
Seriously, will this game even break even after marketing costs?