SGDQ 2016

SGDQ 2016

What games are you looking forward to?

Do you think Cosmo will be back now steel joystick is an actual thing?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What games are you looking forward to?

I just know they're going to pick the Fighter, though.

impeccable taste


>Yfw Cosmo kills himself

Has he always shown signs of mental illness?

Cleric a best, Mage is cool too. But they're going to pick the Fighter because he's faster than Doomguy, jumps the highest, and his weapons are both the strongest and most efficient. It's just boring since everyone and their mother plays the Fighter.

>Has he always shown signs of mental illness?
He's a speedrunner


>Wario World finally got into a marathon after years of being rejected

Yeah. He speedruns.

Is there some event soon or just the one next month?

He's dressing and talking like a girl.

What does steel joysticks affect?


Firmer for putting in your ass

These, vid related

>>What games are you looking forward to?
Demon's Crest
Klonoa (ran by our boi)
Deus Ex is always fun

Oh boy, I can't wait for another week of autism general spammed across the whole board.

Ape Escape 1/2/3 speedruns when?

What games are being ran?

Also when in the summer is it?

i only watch castlevania runs, and i remember the schedule not being too great for that

so will mainly watch the week after for the sleep-deprived view-whores who have already made montages of the cringe. Also they dont usually do WR strats so i kinda of find it pointless as a runner... if you're not a runner though definitely tune in or at least watch runs that you're not familiar with. It's usually the same stuff that gets the donations.

>What games are you looking forward to?
None in particular.
I'm looking forward to having a week of background noise though.

coincidence maybe but i was just watching mecha richter do a sypmphony of the night run as richter and he did a crazy glitch that saves .5 or so of a second

someone in the comments said 'you did a glitch stopped watching'

is this someone from Sup Forums? it seems like that kind of shit

Yes. He's a crossdressing speedrunner.

How about before he started acting like a girl?

mfw just realised RLM commentary tracks are optional to pay

i would even load the movies but with all the directors cuts and shit i would probably end up having the wrong download and be less comfy than just listening to them in the background.

You still have the speedrunning thing going on. That's a big red flag.

Then don't go into that thread during that time.

>Doom Plutonia on UV
This is gonna be good

didnt mention but you can die extremely easy from the glitch too. Still seems like Sup Forums lol/

I really hope TAS bot is gonna be better this time. That was really disappointing at AGDQ. The brain jogging thing was funny for like a minute but then it dragged on for half an hour and was filled with nothing but memes.

i didnt even understand how that was smart, and i understand more than most how debuggers/hex editing/etc works. It was just pre-determined answers with twitch memes and shit how is it funny or smart i dont get it.

He painted his nails. Not too sure many mentally stable dudes do that.


Just read the thread about those sticks. Some guy machined metal internals for N64 joysticks and lined them with teflon for minimum wear. Sounds pricey as fuck, but after seeing the data and how they compare to the stock sticks I want a bunch for my N64.

i think its just the weight of them, they snap back hard to neutral which is especially good for speedrunners in OoT etc.


>lowlifes in this thread deadtwitchnaming poor Narcissa
For shame!

I shamed your mom last night

If I wanted to start speedrunning as a hobby, do I just start with a game that I like and know very well

I don't get why people post this reaction image

It's not very good at all

same i dont get it either, but thanks for the you

Yeah it was just annoying to watch honestly.
There probably won't be anything from them that tops Pokémon plays Twitch anytime soon.

trannies have a very high rate of suicide because they innately hate themselves.

they blame their genitals at first, but then they turn their hatred toward their minds and consciousness inevitably.

speedrunning is so degenerate

-community is garbage
-you're all ugly
-incredibly self righteous about raising money for charity
-zero sense of humour

Ideally yes.
You could also pick up Nintendogamethathasbeenruntooblivion #28923 but those are usually at a point where it becomes really hard to actually get decent times.


why do you value (You)s so much

how autistic can you be

the (You) market has completely crashed ever since moot left

apparently the plinkett ones are shit and the Alien one is comfy even without the movie because they barely talk about

that's all Sup Forums have told me

i watched the nightmare on elm street 1 one and it was good, after that i started the return of jedi one and fell asleep like a baby 20 mins or so in. Maximum friendship simulator.

Sounds like Sup Forums except for the charity part.

were there any real awkward shit in the last agdq?

It feels like they're trying to weed out the awkward people more and more and make it less interesting.


Ok, stock joysticks for the N64 are weak as fuck. The internals grind themselves to dust and make it impossible to play anything after long enough. The sticks can also snap. There's multiple solutions to fix this, usually with replacement sticks of a different design, like the GC ones. But those sticks weren't designed for the N64, so their inputs don't line up with the stock sticks. This leads to problems in games like Smash Bros where your constantly tapping the sticks, it becomes differcult to differentiate between running and walking, or a regular directional attack or a smash. What this guy has done is machine new internals out of metal and lined them with teflon, and from reading the development thread the sticks match up pretty closely to the stock sticks inputs and will probably never degraded because of the materials used. It's a high cost solution that probably a fee diehards will get. I have a bunch of translucent controllers so if they're not too pricey i might get some after he's finished testing them.

because bracket end bracket You complained how shit an image was when its one of the most attention grabbing images on the site.
You were asking for it, hashtag.


Maybe they hate themselves because society treats trans as fucking shit?


explain yourself

I was just telling you your image was cancer, I didn't even read the content of your post

you lost this time since

Is YSG still gonna be there?

The community in any speedgame is likely to be more than any community anyone ever has ever had. Period. It's tight as fuck in the castlevania community. You have never experienced any speedrunning community you retard so stop making them sound bad and possibly kill yourself for being such a vermin.

Link to thread? Or link to any info at all. I've been looking for internal replacements for years since a lot of the other mods don't allow full analog control and kinda snaps to 8 angles.

Is the Pope Catholic, does a bear shit in the woods?

Did the tinman have a tin boner?


>What games are you looking forward to?

literally none. I don't even know why I'm here.

I listened to them all recently and the Phantom Menace one had crying from laughter while I was doing a last run of Dark Souls before III dropped.

He never leaves the hotel after a GDQ is over.

my sppedrunning celebrities like cosmo! zfg! cirno!!!!

He was one of those people which I enjoyed listening to despite knowing they are fucked in the head. Kinda like Uli. Didnt expect him to off the deep end like that, though.

reminder that the REAL speedrunning "marathon" starts in ten days

nasa is holding a speedrunning marathon?

>Streams of people playing
>Not having a full cringe anarchy all in the same room

Maybe people only know a person is trans if they're not passing and passing trans don't have this problem with 'society' because they only share their transsexualism with people they are intimate with. People get really upset when they find out they're not passing, especially after going through so much on faith that they'll magically become another gender if they do enough body modding.

>What games are you looking forward to?
Pokemon Red glitchless
ocarina of time glitchless
Jak and daxter 100%
silent hill 3 again

>Do you think Cosmo will be back now steel joystick is an actual thing?

I don't really care

NASA's gotta keep themselves occupied seeing as the American Government cuts their funding every year. this is all they could manage to scrape up.

switch "raising money for charity" with "nothing" and that sounds exactly like Sup Forums

have the rules been posted yet?
are you allowed to speak if you're not on the couch?

Just google 'steelsticks n64' and it's the first result. It's about 7 pages long.

>Do you think Cosmo will be back now

Cosmo is dead

mfw can't put on my resume that i helped donated over a million to cancer patients

gg to a boss trying to give you shit about playing games again, i bet my cunt of a boss would still try though, fucking selfish loser


Who's looking forward to hearing Edobean's soft cuddly voice?

>tfw its my birthday during SGDQ
>will be playing star ocean 5 with SGDQ in the background


That man is a living meme

What literally happens here. Is there a funeral. Or am i just supposed to forget donating and subbing to 'cosmo' as if he never existed and his parents are just meant to forget he existed as well, even though that's his literal name?

Have the LBGT established a protocol or are they too busy with their patreons.

says speedrunnig is for degens and a joke. questiosn his life. Still speedruns while bitching

>will be playing star ocean 5 with SGDQ in the background
Is that game gonna be nintendoed?

Maybe they have actual mental illness, and instead of getting the help they need, they get enabled into mutilating themselves?



Is that the game everhate played :(

>will be playing star ocean 5
ahahaha what? enjoy mashing buttons over and over again with absolutely no thought behind them.

gameplay wise, SO3 was the last good SO, SO2 last BEST SO.

fuck SO4 and 5.

lets play a game

how much of this video can you watch?

record is 6:14

in a GDQ? maybe next year.

LGBT think that gender is like water that you can dye with any food coloring color.

You can claim that you are a table and must be treated as such or else muh triggered.


I was just about to sperg on him for posting this disgusting mockery of my chidhood waifu. thanks for already sticking your neck out user

What the fuck am I looking at?

lets get this out of the way:

will there be any siglemic?

who is it anyway

I don't see why they deserve to be treated the way they want. The deserve to be treated like someone with a mental illness.
I'm cautious of trans people in my area. I live in Tennessee and you'd have to be an idiot to try to live as a tranny in the heart of the bible belt.

>No AdamAK


As a homosexual fag I'd appreciate not being lumped in with trannies and tumblrtards

>im so much smarter than everyone
>im so much more educated than everyone

ok almost 4 minutes