Tfw poorfag

>tfw poorfag
>tfw can't join the overwatch hype

Get a job you stupid frogposter.

>get a job
>no time for vidya

>tfw don't give a fuck about you.

Straight to page 10.

Shit thread.

You can still play the open beta for today and tomorrow

Get a good job.
You NEETs complain about jobs being shit because you're shitty sacks of meat that can't apply for any job that isn't wageslavery. Not my fault you failed so hard at life.

>tfw when user rejects me and doesn't acknowledge my existence

Is there a worse feel than this?

At least you own a PS4, right?

>tfw too poor to keep up with master race
>tfw too much pride to join console peasants
H-handhelds rule


At least you have decent selection of weebshit on handhelds

No need, the game is shallow and utter trash.

dumb frogposter

No. It's completely your fault.


This isn't your blog, fuck off

dumb facebook poster
Hop (get it?) on back to your social medias you normalfag scum.

>tfw high-end pc but couldn't care less about the next console tier reddit the fps

But isn't it the next TF2?

is it degenerate to spend 40 of my NEET dollars?

>open beta


It's nothing like TF2, that's just fanboys memeing

It's a first person MOBA


it's not a fucking MOBA you damn cuck memers, stop saying things that aren't TRUE