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Go play your baby sim!!!

>Sup Forums suddenly wants world war games again

holy fucking shit, there are no shills in this board, only extremely impressionable autists that fall for the slightest marketing stunts, kill yourselves, all of you

How much does EA pay to shill when the last few battlefields weren't even worth a fuck?

Trump 2016

I would say that cod is american stupid and bf is european stupid. I prefer european style.

The storyline is actually about an African-American having a bad day.

He Is from 2205, where there is no cracka left on earth. He went on a time machine to go back in time to help humanity figure out the problems in for their global democratic socialism. Their production and economy is on a all time low, and they can't blame whitey for being poor this time, so they get Tryrone to go back in time and get a cracka. When Tyrone arrives, he gets btfo at the place the time machine put him in. As soon as he arrives in the past, not only does he see an abundant of crackas, he is engulfed in the middle of the war. Since his time machine runs on watermelon, fried chicken, grape soda, and shoe laces, he goes through many war shenanigans to get them.

you're racist in unfunny way

Fighting in a war was never funny.


can't wait when COD outsells Battlefail again

Why, are you a shareholder or something?

its funny how they only lost like 27 subs between Blops3 to IW but 1 mil dislikes for the reveal trailer
this really smells like ea bots

Niggers are inferior deal with it cùck

actually many people did since BF4

It's just a prank, bro.

>protag is a nigger in a World War I game

What good WWI FPS games are out there?


Considering it's first because you have to pay $80 for the nostalgia fest that is MW remastered that won't even come with all the maps that started the dislike train, Few days later BF1 trailer comes out and it's a clear big fuck you to CoD as it came out for straying away to "future warfare" which made the BF fanboys laugh their asses off is the reason why it has the most dislikes out of all the call of duty games



Does Call of Duty even have vehicles in MP yet?

I don't think so.

>this is probably the theme song of Battlefield 1

World at War yes there's maps with tanks that spawn and are driveable
Everything else they're killstreaks


Honestly, hell yeah there is always room for more WWI games.


this is the most disappointing thing about this new battlefield game.

I gave 3 and 4 a pass, hoping that they would go back to the classic theme if they did an old game again. It seems this is not the case.