Vidya cosplay thread? Post your best

Vidya cosplay thread? Post your best.

me playing dark souls.


>all unopened
The fuck are you doing?

Also you've played her games, right user?

Have we come to a concensus on wether this is a dude or not yet?

The way her fat is distributed is like a girl's

it's whatever you want it to be

Why do cosplayers do that shit with the hair? Why copy shitty polygons? Why not just style spiky hair that looks realistic while still keeping in the style of the character?

Cute :3


Who the fuck knows, it looks pretty bad. Here's a better one.

This bitch's face isn't particularly attractive but the costume is so good and there is something about her that makes me rock hard.
Especially the pictures later on where she is in shimapan



Creepy also

The wink ruins it.

jesus those felt tits

That staff looks like it was made in an easy bake oven.

Don't talk to me or my wife or my daughter or my granddaughter or my great granddaughter ever again.

Is this kuroinu?

Stop posting this ugly, balding whore

she is a disgusting slag.


And you've had your say. That's enough. She doesn't care? You do know all the hating makes her stronger, right? She has a great following of fans that love her for what she does. Modelling, crafting, and voice acting.

/cgl/ landwhales on my Sup Forums?

Post the one with text pls



Most places don't allow wood, plastic or whatever good building material you can think of. Papier maché bullshit is often a thing cosplayers have to resort to.


Really? I think her face is fucking adorable. She's also an asian with a decent ass which is pretty hard to find.

Sorry friendo, I don't have many grills.


From the side she looks like the Mythbusters chick, I can jerk to this.

So, does anyone here have any experience cosplaying as vidya characters?
I went to a comic con last year all alone, was nervous as fuck, but I met some qt's, exchanged phone numbers and fugged a grill months later.
We had to cut contact though, found out later that she has a bf

Pic related, my very first cosplay pls no bully ;_;

>Nathan Drake will never be real and your shitty on and off bf
Why live?



Talentless waste of space.



Plz no bully

You're cute :3

ruh roh

that being said, I'd still hit it

why is /cgl/ full of cunts? If you ask a question, you get bitched on or even banned, and the threads are generally about drama, or how fake a cosplayer is.

Sup Forums has better cosplay threads, you get what you want (big tiddied sloots or shota) while /cgl/ is mostly women.

Nice work, on the Pip-boy especially

You look like you roll a character with high intelligence and science stats.
8/10 good job man.
way better than that time i tried to cosplay demyx from KH2

Thank you!

It's a board full of women, dude.

amazing atheist/10


I'd fuck you.

I'm a guy btw

Here is my S.T.A.L.K.E.R cosplay. Its supposed to be military. Pls no bully

but why are women sush cunts? One would believe people with the same interests would have a healthy camaradery and enjoy things together. But /cgl/ is just another thing

To say they don't get along at all over there is a misnomer, they "get along" the same way us dickheads over on Sup Forums do.
Occasional threads about enjoying things, many more threads complaining about shit.