ITT: Games that were a chore to complete but you completed them anyway

ITT: Games that were a chore to complete but you completed them anyway.

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it was only a chore because of that horrendously bad framerate.

It had some good parts, but those were few and far between if I'm being honest.

I think I only ever hated doing some of the barrel challenges, like Beaver Bother or the Minecart thing with the TNT barrel

and the huge, empty levels + slow movement + 100's of collectables + backtracking

>posting deviantart shit instead of the actual cover.

That was normal back then and we loved it

>That was normal back then and we loved it

Speak for yourself, you fucking faggot. Games like Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie were fine because they had tight level design, good pacing, and plenty of navigation methods that didn't feel limiting because of an arbitrary character-switching mechanic. DK64 was the complete opposite.

Seriously, I'm an enormous DKfag and I hated that game even when I was playing it as a kid.

>Plays Donkey Kong
>Says Faggot

aaay lmao

>couldn't reach the final boss for the longest time as a kid because I sucked at Jetpac and Donkey Kong arcade

I beat it but didn't 101% it
Also, If I remember correctly I got it in 1999
I didn't beat it until 2003.

>he doesn't like to play dong games

kys pleb

At least he knows Witchy World is the best world

You're the same kind of user that liked padding back in the day because "it makes the game longer and worth the money". It was shit back in the day and it's shit nowadays.

literal retards

Got this game on release as a child.
Never fully completed it and got the complete waste of time secret ending until I was a teenager.
For comparison I also got SM64 on launch and 100% completed it in a month.

im working though it now.
just beat the imprisoned for the first time(i assume ill fight it again)
it is the only Zelda game i have played where i dont feel like i need/want to marathon it til the end.

waggle really was a mistake.

the only game I've ever 100%'ed (101%.) I almost had fun

>stuck for the longest ass time after getting the Jetpac coin
>finally wander into the room with the arcade machine
>barely remember finding this before I got the incredible power to pull levers
>that homicidal spring at 75m

at least I finally reached K. Rool and his 40 minute boss fight

You didn't need to complete this game to get to the end i think

You only needed all the keys, i think, i didn't even know there was anything above 100% just stopped playing after beating KKR

You fight the imprisoned a few times

After completing all the areas they change/unlock a new deeper part of it, which vary between absolute shit and pretty cool

SS was okay I guess, but I have no interest in playing it again

You needed all the keys (which requires sufficient bananas in each level to get to the boss), 100 Golden Bananas, 4 Battle Crowns, the Nintendo and Rareware coins, and enough blueprints to give yourself enough time to clear Hideout Helm.

>tfw DK64 was my first N64 game and I've 100% it 3 times without getting bored

I really liked it for some reason.

>tfw you got a 64 with a flashcard and will be playing the best collectathons for hours on end
Gonna need my ultra comfy blanket

I think the only conceptually decent part of DK64 is the first half of Hideout Helm. Where you're using all the Kong's abilities to get further and further in a level.
Then the game kinda gives up for the second half and goes back to minigame nonsense. Though at least the ones in HH are related to the Kong's abilities instead of "Stop the slots lol"

Never occurred to me the 64 had a flashcart/card made for it.


Is there a single bad song in DK64?

2 is one of my favourite games of all time

I would actually say that DK64 took collectathons to a whole new batshit retarded extreme. I found it incredibly obnoxious even as a kid. I didn't like having to go back to the first few worlds three to four times (at minimum) to complete them.

Also, some of the minigames were really obnoxious or flat out broken.

Dark souls 2
Dark Souls 2 scholar of the first sin
Zone of Enders 1
Final fantasy xiii-2
final fantasy xiii-3
final fantasy x-2
Fallout 4
Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Devil May Cry 2
Resident Evil 0
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time
Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda Wind waker

To prove that I don't just hate all video games, heres games that I actually love:

Devil May Cry 3
Dark Souls
Persona 3,4
Donkey Kong Country 2
Silent hill 1, 2, 3
Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, 3
Yoshis island
Final Fantasy 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 4, 13
The Last Remnant

I like it, 101% on two files. I like going through and collecting stuff and seeing what you're going to have to do with the next character. I can see why people hate it though, and Beaver Bother is legitimately a painful experience to get through

Took me 6 or 7 years to finally beat it though. Could never beat the Donkey Kong arcade game as a wee lad

That OST tho

I really felt like i wasn't going to make it, i had lots of blueprints, i remember getting to the end with 15 seconds left

Awful generic RPG grindfest. The Sepikmon mask was the worst quest ever.

It's a very simple strategy game that follows the Takeda clan during the sengoku period. It trys to be historically accurate, but I believe it branches off when you encounter the Oda clan.

It starts off easy, and you basically micromanage troops on the field. A rapid spike in difficulty occurs when you face Kenshin Uesugi for the first time. I'd say it spikes again during the Battle of Nagashino...